Law enforcement officials of all kinds necessarily put themselves in dangerous situations regularly. Steven Seagal, Warren Brown, The Sunshine State sting operation began in February 2004 and ended last week. 48 min Two cops allegedly delivered $400,000 in "stolen" bearer bonds to an undercover agent in New York who was posing as an underling of "Big Jack" in 2005. You might very well argue that this operation was exactly a kind of undercover operation, yet, it features on the list because of the two important reasons. Mr. Garcia surfaced last year when he took the stand in a closed courtroom to describe how he had played the role of a Gambino associate for 27 months. Claudia Harrison, Rayner’s assignment, which he carried out for five years between 1991 and 1996, was to pose as an animal rights activist to investigate the activities of a radical group; when one of its members, Geoff Shephard, was released from prison, Rayner struck up a friendship. A man called Colonel von Stauffenberg went undercover and became a close associate of Hitler. The limos are actually packed to the roof with soldiers ready to strike with machine guns and silencers. He enjoys loud rock music, cooking and making lists. Patti D'Arbanville, In a political corruption probe that resulted last fall in guilty pleas by three city council members — two from Atlantic City and one from Camden — he posed as a Wall Street financier. The crisis happened in Iran when some people seized the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and took almost 20 people as hostages. The ... See full summary », Stars: Eli cohen was actually a Mossad agent who not only got into Syria but also into the Syrian defense establishment. Tensions were so high between America and Iran during the crisis that Americans in the country faced serious potential danger. Tiffani Thiessen, Stars: Use of this site signifies your agreement to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. According to an eyewitness reporter she was not bound and refused a blindfold and, just before the soldiers fired their shots, she blew a kiss to them as a final act of defiance. Joe Pantoliano, An undercover mission was launched and even Canada provided assistance. Even more troubling, Halgat had repeatedly refused to take part in trafficking drugs, only agreeing to go along on the deal after being repeatedly pressured by Agostino Brancato, an undercover agent who had infiltrated his gang. | Two hotshot undercover cops and their equally tough female handler take down the highest and lowest criminals in L.A. in this pop-culture-heavy, dark, flashy, over-the-top action crime dramedy inspired by Bad Boys and Miami Vice. | | | James Bond (1962-) Shaken but not stirred, often imitated but never bettered. He had just been involved with an accident in which he had run over a motorcyclist but had been too terrified to stop, as this particular cyclist had been part of a vicious gang—about a dozen members of which were now pursuing him down the freeway at breakneck speed. The movies have always had a fascination with undercover agents. I guess, there is barely anyone of you, who has not heard about Mossad. In May of 2011, U.S. Special Forces infiltrated a heavily guarded compound in Pakistan and assassinated Osama Bin Laden. In June 2012, a woman who goes by the name “Jacqui” was stunned to see a familiar face—one she had not seen in 25 years—looking at her from the cover of a British tabloid. Dwight Koss, TV-14 Polifrone recorded every conversation, and Kuklinski was arrested not long after their exchange and charged with 5 counts of murder. Here are ten of the most dubious, famous spies in history: The GuardianThough Mata Hari wasn’t afraid of showing skin, she was almost never photographed without a bra. Her body was recovered two days later. Possibly one of the most famous spies of all time, Mata Hari was an exotic dancer and high-class prostitute in Paris who spied for Germany during World War I. After having a gun in his mouth, and a series of other near-fatal close calls, Thomas couldn't bear much more. It was then that she met and fell in love with a Russian captain and began an intense affair. Tell us what you think about this feature. Some say she was insecure about her small chest. In a year-long undercover operation run by various law enforcement agencies, he was taken down by agent Dominick Polifrone. Law enforcement officials of all kinds necessarily put themselves in dangerous situations regularly. Two days later, she was found dead in a ravine, after being shot 6 times. Saundra Santiago, receive the latest by email:subscribe to the new york sun's free mailing list. Agents in our New York office decided to try out a longer-term undercover operation—one of the first of its kind. In one involving Asian organized crime, he played the role of a wiseguy. Some UC operations involve drugs and money in city crime, while others are so covert they reach the highest levels of government. A passenger plane full of Israelis is hijacked and landed in Entebbe, Uganda. Possibly one of the most famous spies of all time, Mata Hari was an exotic dancer and high-class prostitute in Paris who spied for Germany during World War I. When the bomb exploded, Hitler escaped with an injured hand and damaged eardrums. Despite Warnings, New Orleans Gets Faulty Flood-Control Pumps, In the Middle East, Process Again Trumps Solutions. | Henri Lubatti, Gina McKee, 60 min The Rosenbergs’ recruits were everywhere, and the USSR received an astonishing volume of information from them, including the plans for the first ever jet fighter and processes for manufacturing weapons-grade uranium. Stars: Crime, Drama, Mystery. When 23-year old Rachel Hoffman was arrested in her apartment in Tallahassee, Florida, she had 5 ounces of marijuana and more than a hundred pills of ecstasy. His claims of fear for his safety and his job did not fly with prosecutors, who say he acted “like an outlaw” that day. The most LOL-worthy things the Internet has to offer. Margaret Sasso, a UC based in New York City, faced the same kind of emotional anguish in her work with drug cartels and traffickers. Undercover police (UCs) face other psychological trauma - not just through the crimes they often commit, but through the double live they must lead. Bum’s Rush for Trump Is Biden’s First Mistake,, At 6-foot 4-inches and more than 300 pounds, veteran FBI agent Joaquin "Jack" Garcia is a small mountain of a man who is hard to miss. But Mata Hari, it seems, had other plans. She was sexy, outrageous, and never media shy. She was a young girl in her 20s, who was arrested with marijuana and ecstasy pills. Johnny Depp, Quiz: Can You Guess The Bollywood Movies With These Badass Female Action Sequences.