New villains! 21st Century Fox owned the rights to the product, which saw two separate takes within the last two decades — one starring a young Chris Evans and the other Michael B. Jordan, who both went on to star in the MCU as Captain America and Killmonger, respectively. The "new, major, permanent status quo change" would seem to be in reference to the upcoming events of Fantastic Four #23, which promised that "two lives that that [sic] will be forever changed!". Inside the Magic is your ultimate source for themed entertainment coverage. To dobra, realistyczna robota typowa dla komiksów z lat 70. i 80., niestety zepsuta przez współczesny kolor. Perhaps that’s the reason for all the secrecy. Receive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? This DeepFake Makes It Happen. ‘The Office’ star reportedly wants to star in a rebooted film. Jak wykorzystujemy informacje z cookies? Miles Teller as Reed Richards/Mr.Fantastic the upcoming events of Fantastic Four #23, The Falconeer review: “Taking flight above an empty world”, Spider-Man: Miles Morales review: "A great but short demonstration of what PS5 can do", Mank review: "David Fincher has directed an all-timer", Borat Subsequent Moviefilm review: "A very niiice surprise from Sacha Baron Cohen", The Witches review: "Anne Hathaway aims for hammy, funny villainy, and has a whale of a time", The Trial of the Chicago 7 review: "An emotionally tough and exhilarating watch", Rebecca review: "Handsome, risk-taking Netflix remake sacrifices suspense for sweeping sadness", The Mandalorian season 2, episode 2 review: "40 minutes of blissful escapism", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 4 review: "A throwback to the Star Trek of the 1990s", The Mandalorian season 2, episode 1 review: "Another wonderful adventure in that galaxy far, far away", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 3 review: "So political, it could easily be retitled 'Make Earth Great Again'", Star Trek: Discovery season 3, episode 2 review: "Potentially the closest thing to a Trek/Wars crossover we’ll ever see". GamesRadar+ is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Cast. All Rights Reserved. Penciler: Neal Adams. To pomaga nam zrozumieć, w jaki sposób użytkownicy korzystają ze strony internetowej i pozwala ulepszać jej strukturę i zawartość. An action film set in the near future, where mercenaries waging campaigns across the world have their missions broadcast in real time to not only their central command, but to audiences ... See full summary ». Jedną z nich jest Fantastic Four: Antithesis, reklamowana jako pierwsza długa opowieść z Fantastyczną czwórką narysowana przez legendarnego Neala Adamsa. The Best TV Shows About Being in Your 30s. Best microphones for streaming and gaming, Best PS5 headset: get a head start on next-gen audio. Readers know that Norrin Radd lived on - as seen in the Silver Surfer: Black limited series - but was left changed, sporting an all-black look after a confrontation with Knull - who happens to be the antagonist in Marvel's next major event, King in Black. Related: Hugh Jackman Would Be MCU’s Wolverine If Disney Merged with Fox Sooner. Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offer, Newsarama is your source for comic book news, (Image credit: Mark Brooks (Marvel Comics)), (Image credit: Nick Bradshaw (Marvel Comics)). Jennifer Walters acquires Hulk-like qualities. We have no idea what the story or cast of the Fantastic Four reboot will be, though that hasn’t stopped many a Marvel fan from speculating. © An archaeologist is suddenly sent from Earth to another planet where he must protect it from outside dangers. Ustawienia te mogą więc zostać zmienione w taki sposób, aby blokować automatyczną obsługę plików cookies w ustawieniach przeglądarki internetowej bądź informować o ich każdorazowym przesłaniu na urządzenie użytkownika. Wycisnął z niego co prawda małe co nieco, ale nie jest tego wiele. This allows us to bring you the most interesting, entertaining, and unique entertainment experiences, covering theme parks, movies, TV, video games, special events and so much more. Check out our editors' picks for our favorite Prime Video original movies and TV series, including "The Boys," "Fleabag," and more. Kopiowanie tekstów bez zgody autorów jest zabronione. Silva, who drew the recent Empyre: Fantastic Four #1. “Oh man, directing one of those things? newsletter, Miley Cyrus and Stevie Nicks combine talents in their new mashup: Listen, Why Anne Hathaway has apologized over her ‘The Witches’ role, Johnny Depp will leave the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ series. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Owens retakes lead from McAdams in 4th Congressional District, Republican challenger up 688 over Democratic incumbent. Marvel zatrudnił dobrych twórców, ale nie potrafił w tym przypadku wykorzystać ich potencjału i tak zrodził się kolejny zeszyt, który równie dobrze można przeczytać, co pominąć. Użytkownik może jednak ustawić swoją przeglądarkę w taki sposób, aby pliki cookies nie zapisywały się na jego dysku albo automatycznie usuwały w określonym czasie. PRIVACY POLICY. New York, Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Parametry ciasteczek pozwalają na odczytanie informacji w nich zawartych jedynie serwerowi, który je utworzył. Rumors Suggests Purchase is Imminent, Hugh Jackman Would Be MCU’s Wolverine If Disney Merged with Fox Sooner, ‘Fantastic Four’ Reboot Reportedly Starting Production, Artist Imagines Disney Characters in Anime Style. Great entry point for readers!". Właściwie to schemat, jakiego chyba w komiksach powinno się już unikać, a nie w niego brnąć. Published: August 26, 2020. Ahead of their full October 2020 solicitations coming later this month, Marvel has revealed the solicit for Fantastic Four #25 - and it promises big changes. Fantastic Four: Antithesis (2020) #1. After the events of Avengers: Infinity War, The Fantastic Four must live with organic powers to fight an unlikely villian. Fabuła, która wyszła spod ręki Marka Waida, człowieka potrafiącego zarówno zaserwować nam kiczowate historyjki, jak i rewelacyjne komiksy, nie jest szczególnie odkrywcza.