The interviewer listed a bunch a skills that I have, but had not come up during our talk. 1. This subreddit has been a treasure trove of advice but I couldn't find anything on this topic in particular. All judges, whether they are initially appointed by the governor or elected, must periodically run for re-election. 3. Ha`>�H� �"8ͅ2�3�Hs�tMpajL�Q�=�ҒuC�A�E��M5�i����&J7�%�1���a[��$q��aK��S��U����
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Not infrequently, people actually act on advice given here, and not just original posters but people who come by later and read older posts. clerkship may help you land an A3 clerkship. Detailed information and advice about the second magistrate interview. 5. The point of putting a username behind the post is to allow people to evaluate the credibility of the poster. I have a phone interview with a federal judge/clerk in a different city (hence the phone interview) and I'm trying to figure out if there are any questions I should ask during my interview. (1) A mag. Dream Whisper Designs, How to Write a Law Review Note Worthy of Publication, Judicial Clerkship Interviews: The Basics, What You Need to Know About Scheduling Judicial Clerkship Interviews, Juggling Kids in Remote School and Law School Life, Courage is Rehearsed: Managing Fear During Public Performances, Navigating Law School and a Long-Distance Relationship, How to Conduct Great Informational Interviews, Law School Myth #1: Lawyers Make a Lot of Money, Law School Myth #4: Life as a Lawyer is Exciting and Intellectually Challenging, Law School Myth #5: Getting a Law Degree Opens Lots of Doors, Craft a Law School Application That Gets You In: Sample Résumé Teardown, bring copies of your résumé, transcript, and writing sample, you may be able to extract information about the judge’s interviewing style, intelligent, without being a smarty pants, which areas of law you find most interesting, how you like law school (“I hate it” is not a good answer), which classes you’ve found most appealing. Does the judge provide you guidance and feedback? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Develop (at Least Some) Uniform Interview Questions 2. by Anonymous User » Thu Sep 06, 2018 5:29 am, Post Fetching coffee? It is our MISSION to support the vital role of all Magistrate Judges as an integral part of our United States Judicial System. endstream
relaxed in an interview where the questions have been in their hands for some ... To illustrate appropriate and inappropriate questions for its district magistrate nominating commissioners, Idaho has developed a table of various sensitive top- ... should they become sitting judges. by Anonymous User » Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:41 pm, Post Do y'all have any suggestions? Will I typically be expected to work long days or to come in on weekends? From Alex Kozinski, Confessions of a Bad Apple, 100 Yale L.J. Post Like other federal judges, all full-time magistrate judges are paid the same salary, regardless of where they serve or their years of service. Questions You Might Ask the Judge's Clerks. �21���1fs�,���g�����r:���Ǿ{'��Q7�K�X,X�X�Y�X\��Y|eQ�����³�(Y�,:K��E��o�G}1j�I�_V>6lޖu�${ M?Tx��|(���3!����p���t���|�ۮ��]y1��5+���]_6�h�é>|�i�l�� An interview … %%EOF
by Anonymous User » Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:34 pm, Post Describe you current projects. 6. Sample magistrate first interview questions with tips on how to respond. Quick $0.02: Generally, mag. Biggest accomplishments? People are abusing the anon feature like crazy right now, and it is making it more difficult to determine which posts are credible and which are not. In general, the less rock star your credentials, the more you want litigation, and the closer that magistrate judge is to where you want to live, the more useful it will be to you. (2) Certain magistrates can be held in very high esteem in their districts (on par with, or more esteemed, than some A3 judges). An interview … I had one interview, in chambers with the judge, in which he asked me a number of questions. by TFALAWL » Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:01 am, Post * For more on the clerkship interview, including lists of sample questions a judge may ask you and questions to ask the judge and staff, see Behind the Bench: The Guide to … (Seek and share information about clerkship applications, clerkship hiring timelines, and post-clerkship employment opportunities). clerkships aren't considered as prestigious as A3 clerkships. Is a Federal Clerkship w/ Magistrate worth it? by Anonymous User » Tue Sep 04, 2018 8:46 pm, Post So fuck your comfort in posting anonymously rather than pseudonymously, this isn't about you. While most civil cases are tried by district judges, magistrate judges may also preside over civil trials if all parties consent. One thing I've noticed is that every judge uses clerks differently, and every judge uses interns differently. I was not willing to consider Mag because my firm flat out told me that they wouldn't take me back -- so I would not recommend for folks in my shoes. �K`�?7�����[��Fm1������U_��rܴ�N�JP��iF%}�OTќjjhA����0���W��K�F#�^э˲/��~0��;��
����p�P�G�ɨ�j�K�-�ړ�'�B?�����ǃ�qpҸY\��l�:���[|����Toq����5�\�7iF^�7�)of>$L��w\���iT�7{a��`f;�3d���`D\���%"M4��x���f�@y��"K@���n,�r�I�v����c�! What are your duties and responsibilities? Thanks - helpful answers. In 2002, in addition to the 486 full-time magistrate judge positions authorized there were 51 part-time judges and 3 combination clerk of court/magistrate judges who serve four year terms.
by Anonymous User » Thu Aug 30, 2018 1:59 pm, Post Do NOT post in the thread itself about whether or not something violates the anon abuse policy; this is considered thread derailment and may get you banned as well. I'm a current D. Ct. clerk who worked two years at a v-15. Personal and character questions may include "How do you handle stress?" What are your career goals? by BlackAndOrange84 » Fri Aug 31, 2018 6:50 pm, Post Federal judges are appointed because the Framers wanted them independent of popular and political pressures, so they could better interpret law. Join Now Sample magistrate ranking exercises. ↳ Law School Acceptances, Denials, and Waitlists, ↳ Talk About Law School Visits, Open Houses, Admit Days, ↳ Free Help and Advice from Professionals, ↳ Other forums not on the main forum index page, Law School Acceptances, Denials, and Waitlists, Talk About Law School Visits, Open Houses, Admit Days, Legal Career Advice Podcast with Harrison Barnes. If you're at the interview stage, chambers is probably mainly checking for personality, and that's the type of conversation that gets to highlight who you are. Detailed information and advice about the second magistrate interview. During an interview once, I thought I was doing horrible and not a fit for the position at all until I asked this question. How would you evaluate your judge's mentoring abilities? �J'd�4*����\�,qB�ΜDE�ԅ�i�L*4j�����jl��짟h��DL�����^4����`O�G ���q�5�8��y�n��zkG��/�g�p&��Yў��������i����zJ��~��N�Wz�#=�q��ZJ:���f�2�t����~s��!���aH��m�B�a1/��N��cQ��鏱��| by Anonymous User » Fri Aug 31, 2018 11:06 am, Post Thx! It lasted approximately an hour. Interview Questions. How would you describe your relationship with your judge? Every judge seeks responsiveness and enthusiasm in a prospective clerk. Can you say a bit more about the kind of law school you went to, how you performed (percentile), what year in law school you are, what things you've done during your summers (did you SA at a firm? by Anonymous User » Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:19 pm, Post by BlackAndOrange84 » Thu Sep 06, 2018 11:13 am, Post (This also permits other posters to call out a lack of knowledge or experience, strengthening the collective advice provided.) The Magistrate Judge who initially established the conditions of release, or detained the defendant, will remain responsible for any review or modification, even if a different Magistrate Judge is assigned to process pretrial matters.