Does "following day" mean next day? Post the Definition of the following to Facebook, Share the Definition of the following on Twitter. Anonymous. We went to dinner the following Monday evening. Anonymous. Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. following definition: 1. after: 2. follow by. When you mix buprenorphine with opioids, there is an increased risk of respiratory depression. n. 3 a group of supporters or enthusiasts. . will the following please raise their hands? Modified following is a facet of date rolling that occurs when a contractual transaction day falls on a holiday. See more. ', [rare] Ex. "If you send me a whatsapp message at 10pm, I'm not going to check it until the next day". The following day, morning, etc. The following day the picture appeared on the front pages of every newspaper in the world. You can complete the definition of on the following day given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Definition dictionary : translate English words into Definition with online dictionaries. Answer Save. The following definition is - the following one or ones —used to introduce a list, a quotation, etc.. How to use the following in a sentence. Synonyms: next, subsequent, … In most cases there isn't a difference of meaning that I can see between the next day and the following day, though there may be one of register. … prep. In summer the days … I would be grateful for your help. Here Are Our Top English Tips, The Best Articles To Improve Your English Language Usage, The Most Common English Language Questions. 0 0. I mean when we talk about the days coming in future in general? following - immediately following in time or order; "the following day"; "next in line"; "the next president"; "the next item on the list" The following day, week, or year is the day, week, or year after the one you have just mentioned. JavaScript is disabled. That does not mean that next Tuesday and the following Tuesday mean the same. Thanks a lot. All rights reserved. But the effect has also led to information from the calls being obscured even to those inside the administration. 3. a wind that is blowing in the…. The following is a recommendation letter from the president. "The following Tuesday" implies that it is after something, so you would need to preface it with a different statement about when something else is going to be. Is it correct to change, in this case, "in the few days". Of or relating to the following day; especially designating a service, etc., to be provided by the following day. We can't go there today. Without context, one has the word "following" and the other has the word "next.". 9 years ago. In most cases there isn't a difference of meaning that I can see between. , as a result of, as a consequence of, owing to, by reason of, on grounds of, by dint of, due to, , ensuing, succeeding, subsequent, successive, , about to be mentioned, about to be specified, further on, below, underneath, at the end. You must log in or register to reply here. yes. The presentation will be followed by high tea and snacks for all the employees present. The following day, week, or year is the day, week, or year after the one you have just mentioned. English - South-East England Dec 17, 2010 #2 In these examples, there is no rule. Thanks for your vote! . Following definition, a body of followers, attendants, adherents, etc. Yes. Trump's call occurred on a Sunday in the middle of a quiet holiday week, which could have added to the time it took for the required officials to sign off.Even in previous administrations, the clearance process for writing and releasing a statement from the White House following a presidential phone call has sometimes led foreign governments to release their version first.In the past, officials have described Trump's conversations with foreign leaders sometimes veering off into unguarded or undiplomatic territory. STANDS4 LLC, 2020. Thanks wyandotte97 for such a good explanation. It really means next day. 2. adjective. What made you want to look up the following? What is Modified Following? 8 Nov. 2020. “The following.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Anhängerschaft, Fangemeinde, folgend, Anhänger, anschließend, nachstehend, Gefolge, Gefolgschaft, nach, Folgendes, seuraava, jälkeen, kannattajakunta, myötäinen, seurata, postérieurement à, mouvance, suivant, à la suite de, après, ci-après, favorable. Following the meeting, we all had a chat. (Longman Dictionary). The Following Day. White House has made efforts in the past to limit access to calls President Donald Trump has had with Putin.Even before the Ukraine scandal and ensuing impeachment, administration officials took steps to limit access to Trump's phone conversations with Putin, along with certain other foreign leaders like the Saudi crown prince, according to administration officials.