Before glaciation, rivers in the region flowed north to Lake Erie and the St. Lawrence. The uncontrolled waters often caused the flatboats to crash into each other or bridge abutments, jamming the creek. The lake began to drain to the south, and erosion gradually reversed the slope of the river, so that it continued to flow south after the ice melted. Several archeology studies have taken place here.

Colonel Daniel Brodhead  lead the 8th Pennsylvania regiment north from Fort Pitt (modern-day Pittsburgh) destroying everything in their path. Report your discoveries to Forest Service personnel. Originally rising near the mouth of today’s Clarion River, French Creek flowed northward on a course that took it near presentday Franklin and Meadville, and on into Lake Erie.╩

The other Indian nations in Ohio Country were the Delaware and the Shawnee.

topographic maps of the U.S. called US Topo that are separated into As a result, the region’s waterways became the primary mode of transporting oil to market. primary cause of the French and Indian War in the 1750s. This location's average precipitation levels are Voted 2017 Pennsylvania River of the Year. After the war, the entire river valley became part of the United States of America. There were noble trees, measuring from three feet to five feet in diameter. temperature measurements is MCKEESP which is approximately 11 miles away and has an elevation of 740 feet (28 feet higher than Allegheny River). When the freshet waters arrived, boatmen would cut loose their lines and be swept away on a wild and dangerous ride. may be different as well.

During the Pleistocene Epoch, conmmonly known as the “Ice Age”, great continental-scale masses of ice spread southward into Pennsylvania from Canada (average ice thickness estimate is 2300 feet).

All residents of both villages were forced to move. This location's average winter low temps are The nearest weather station for both precipitation and Nevertheless, the British, after gaining control of the area in the 1763 Treaty of Paris kept the area closed to white settlement, in part to repair and maintain relations with the Native Americans. Archaeological and historic sites such as Buckaloons hold clues to America’s past. Allegheny River is covered by

Free printable topographic map of Allegheny River (aka Alleghany River and O-hee-yo) in Allegheny County, PA including photos, elevation & GPS coordinates. This location's average summer high temps are Sometimes referred to as “the Irvine Flats area” on the north side of the Allegheny River; it is managed for preservation and protection and contains some of the most significant archaeological resources in northwestern Pennsylvania. © 2018 by Oil Region Alliance of Business, Industry & Tourism A lesser known aspect of the war was that it included raids on Colonial frontier settlements by British forces, along with Tory forces loyal to the British Crown and their Native American allies, including members of the Iroquois Confederation. Use arrows to navigate pages. In the 16th century, control of the Allegheny river valley passed back-and-forth between Algonquian-speaking Shawnee and the Iroquois. The Allegheny River is a 325-mile (523 km) long headwater stream of the Ohio River in western Pennsylvania and New York, United States. (average ice thickness estimate is 2300 feet). The sale opened up the rest of Western New York for settlement by European Americans. The lake eventually became deep enough to overtop higher areas to the south. It was recorded in 1832 there  were trees in the area rivaling the great trees in existance in Yosemite Park. Mohawks,  the Oneidas, the Onondagas,  the Cayugas, and the Senecas. The majority of oil produced in Pennsylvania’s Oil Region was transported via water until 1867 when sufficient railroad capacity was built to service the area.

The USGS (U.S. Geological Survey) publishes a set of the most commonly used topographic maps of the U.S. called US Topo that are separated into rectangular quadrants that are printed at 22.75"x29" or larger. Der Allegheny entspringt am Cobb Hill in der Nähe des Dorfes Gold (Allegany Township), im Potter County im US-Bundesstaat Pennsylvania.Von dort aus fließt er in nordwestlicher Richtung durch den Staat New York und wieder zurück nach Pennsylvania. This designation comprises three segments of the river located in Warren, Forest, and Venango counties. Around August 18, an advance guard of Brodhead’s men came upon 30 to 40 Allegany Seneca (members of the Iroquois Confederation) and a battle ensued, resulting in 3 American wounded and 5 Seneca killed; the rest retreated. The battle was the only Revolutionary War battle in northwestern Pennsylvania and is popularly referred to as the Battle of Thompson’s Island. Data sources include the United States Board on Geographic Names, National Weather Service, U.S. Census Bureau, NASA, and Google. What is now the Allegheny River formerly flowed  north into the Lake Erie basin. The pressure to open the river valley and the surrounding area to settlement is considered by historians to be one of the root causes of the American Revolutionary War in the following decade. which means ‘best flowing river of the hills’ or ‘beautiful stream’, he Six Nations called the river the Ohio.”. The pressure to open the river valley and the surrounding area to settlement is considered by historians to be one of the root causes of the American Revolutionary Wa, Native American Heritage in the Allegheny Valley Towns & Villages. Probably the best known of these raids in Pennsylvania was the Battle of Wyoming, also known as the “Wyoming Massacre,” which took place on July 3, 1778. A great deal of oil  and lives were lost to accidents. Check out the map The village was recorded again in 1767 when David Zeisberger, a Moravian missionary, visited its inhabitants. Sites and artifacts, such as those found at the Buckaloons Heritage Area, are protected by Federal law. Allegheny River- … The map now contains brown squares outlining nearby US Topo Map quadrants. Allegheny River is a river in Allegheny National Recreation Area, Allegheny National Forest, Allegany Reservation. It is the location of the most populous freshwater mussel habitat in the world, and one tributary, French Creek, is one of the most biologically diverse watersheds in Pennsylvania. Indians, including the Lenni Lenape and Iroquois, considered the Allegheny and Ohio rivers as the same. official weather station. The Allegheny River likely gets its name from the Lenape word “oolikhanna,” which means “best flowing river of the hills” or “beautiful stream.” Fast forward hundreds of years, and the description is still accurate. The whites have made Alleghene out of this, the Six Nations called the river the Ohio.”. These raids reached a fever pitch in 1778. Among the most dramatic results of glaciation was reversing of the flow of river drainage systems in northwestern Pennsylvania. The Allegheny River is over 315 miles long and contributes 60 percent of the Ohio River flow at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Outstanding values along the Allegheny include three basic features: narrow, sharply winding valley with 17 district focal landscapes and strong spatial enclosure in the lower reaches.
differences in elevation and topography, the historic weather at the two separate locations over 100 islands between Kinzua Dam and Oil City with significant ecological,  scenic and recreational features. During the 19th century, the river became a principal means of navigation in the upper Ohio valley, especially for the transport of coal.

Based on the map of John A. Harper;1997. As the glacial ice dammed the river, creating Lake Monongahela. Rivers selected for preservation under this status are deemed to be of remarkable scenic, recreational, geologic, fish and wildlife, historic, cultural, or other similar values. The Allegheny River runs from its headwaters just below the middle of Pennsylvania's northern border northwesterly into New York then in a zigzag southwesterly across the border and through Western Pennsylvania to join the Monongahela River at the Forks of the Ohio on the "Point" of Point State Park in Downtown Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
higher than 54% of other locations on record. Origin of the Name - Allegheny The name Allegheny probably comes from Lenape welhik hane or oolikhanna, which means ‘best flowing river of the hills’ or ‘beautiful stream’.