The Grapes Are Sour Story For Kids In HIndi. “Angoor khatte hain (अंगूर खट्टे है),” meaning grapes are sour, she would say, “Angoor ख त्ते हैं ”. This is a very famous story (angoor khatte hain ). Best 100 Hindikahane in short, new and beautyfull. ( Log Out / the other, more recent, one could be 'different strokes for different folks :), Not sure but this one might come closer to it......"Kill one to warn a hundred.". However, the... “Why don't grads from our top notch edu instt get into Politics? I appreciate your effort and other folks' who are addin to it..I would like to add one more to "Doodh ka jala chaas bhi phook-phook kar peeta hai – Once bitten twice shy" and that is "A burnt child dreads the fire". His drooping eyes looked for anything which could quench it thirst if not satisfy his hunger. Don’t we despise the things we are unable to achieve? Your feedback was most encouraging.Now, you've got me thinking on writing a few more blogs of this type. I learned some new ones here! The sour grapes should be your source of motivation to you instead of disappointment. i think sau sunar ki ek luhar ki can be said as A single blow of a blacksmith is equal to a hundred blows of a goldsmith. Having lost it’s way, he hoped there would at least be a lake around. In Public Interest, for the public good. Unable to reach it he moved forward to another bunch. ", ' oog ke muh me jira'____ ' a drop in the ocean', Dukhti rag par haath rakhna equivalent couldn't find but 'Achilles heel' is equivalent of dukhti rag. This blog offers idioms and proverbs from India. here is one more i couldn't find it's English equivalent - "bhains ke aage been bajaye bhains khadi paguraye". Names of Fruits in Hindi And Angrejee,Banana - Kela, Coconut - Nariyal, Guava - Amrood, Pear - Naashapaatee, Sloe - Aalubukhara Angoor Khatte Hai: The Idiom of “Sour Grapes” May 20, 2017 May 20, 2017 Richa Sharma On a sunny afternoon, a tired and thristy fox went around looking for food. Click here for Headings of last 20 posts »», Hindi Proverbs and their English Equivalents. ... Andar laddoo phoot rahe hain literal meaning, sweets are erupting inside you; meaning: feeling overjoyed inside, though outside you may present a straight face to hide your true feelings. We’d conclude the relationship to be like “sour grapes” even though we would reminiscence it’s sweetness. Private Firms covered under RTI - Great !! Indian Idioms and Proverbs. But what does "Sau sonaar ki, ek lohaar ki" mean? wat is the equivalent of "Meri billi mujse meow"? what is for chuulu bhar pani me dub marna? Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *, For Any Support You May E-mail Us at [email protected] Maybe then some of your readers can help out with even more English equivalents! It has both the translation and definition. Kids Stories videos. I think the point here is a bit more like: "sometimes all the money in the world can't buy the genuine strength that comes from hard work," but I'll keep looking for a more concise English equivalent. “The grapes were sour, I guess,” thought the fox. Everyone uses this story (angoor khatte hain) in their daily conversation. Disappointed the fox came out of the grape vine. Check this list: MS Dhoni - Jharkhand Virender Sehwag - Delhi Gautam Ga... Just saw KCK today and I haven't even reached home, but here I am writing about it! पहुंची तो "dukhti rag par haath rakhna" equivalent?? Especially when we lose the love of our life we tend to find faults in them. ( Log Out / Angoor khatte hain Literal – Grapes are sour. Instead of understanding the situation we would simply blame another person to be at fault. When you think life is dumping sour grapes on you, stop. Thank for blogging this :) I am not satisfied with the two comments on your query for the english equivalent for Sau Sonar ... Nice work! With every step forward, the fox was losing hope. Kids learning, kids poems, kids rhymes and kids stories. (Did I hear a few groans?). Here's some good news .. private companies who report to any "Regulatory Authority" are also covered under the Right to Inform... As a child, in School, I was quite confused about quite a few things that we were taught! I'm sure the RTO act does not permit License Number plates in any other language, other than in English. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. से व्याकुल लोमड़ी अंगूर के बाग में दौड़ते हुए पहुंची। दूर से अंगूर गुच्छों को Meaning – Denial of the desirability of something, after one has found out that it cannot be reached or acquired. This effort is a result of a discussion, my family had on the breakfast table. Nau sau choohe khaake billi haj ko chali लटकते देख उसकी भूख ओर बढ़ गई । वह जैसे ही अंगूर खाने के लिए अंगूर के बाग तक Thanks, guys! Then he asked her about Russian writers. You need to let the grapes ripe. Here is hindi meaning of Muhawara Angoor Khatte Hona (अंगूर खट्टे होना). Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. He told her "khatte" means "sour", and she diligently took a pencil and wrote it on her text-book. Asks @ShashiTharoor in his article in The Week. angoor khatte hain Hindi story.This is a very famous story (angoor khatte hain).Everyone uses this story (angoor khatte hain) in their daily conversation. The Grapes Are Sour Story For Kids In Hindi: एक घने जंगल में एक लोमड़ी रहती थी.एक दिन पूरा जंगल छान मारने के बाद भी उसे कोई शिकार नहीं मिला. The fox jumped up to the first bunch of grapes he saw. Change ), Angoor Khatte Hai: The Idiom of “Sour Grapes”, Blue Lemons: Nimbu Khatte Hai! Meaning – No use repenting when it’s too late to undo the damage. On a sunny afternoon, a tired and thristy fox went around looking for food. Literal translation ... English translation: A cumin seed in a camel’s mouth. As I said, I'm no expert - but I'm happy with the effort. – Tell Tales. Hope you enjoy reading this. But he still couldn’t reach the grapes. ( Log Out / Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The following list is what I came up with. ( Log Out / I searched the Internet to find lists of Hindi proverbs and English proverbs and then sat down and tried to correlate them. Khatte angoor - Sour grapes (also, literally) Would help non-Hindi speaking types like me if you could include a literal translation into English and then the English equivalent. English equivalent – No use crying over spilt milk. अंगूर खट्टे हैं हिंदी कहानी यह बहुत ही प्रसिद्ध कहानी है। यह कहानी हर कोई अपनी दैनिक बोलचाल में उपयोग करते है। अंगूर खट्टे हैं कहानी हर किसी ने सुना है।, angoor khatte hain किसी जंगल में एक लोमड़ी रहा करती थी । एक बार कि बात है, उसे बहुत जोर की भूख लगी हुई थी परंतु बहुत ढूढने पर भी उसे कुछ खाने को नहीं मिल रहा था ।, काफी समय तक इधर-उधर भटकने पर उसे एक अंगूर का बाग दिखाई पड़ा । यह देखकर वह लोमड़ी काफी खुश हो गई।, भूख b. Chaati pe moong dalna Just when he thought that he could no more walk he saw a grape vine ahead. It’s time for you to stay strong and continue to perseve. Well, I knew of most of them but it is the first time I have a translated version.Great . क्या बात है, आप बिना अंगूर खाएं ही चली जाएगी ?”, इस पर उस लोमड़ी ने जोर से कहा -“अंगूर तो खट्टे हैं अगर मैं इसे खाऊंगी तो बीमार पड़ जाऊँगी।”, इस तरह लोमड़ी ने अपनी असमर्थता छुपाने के लिए कहा किअंगूर खट्टे हैं । समय के साथ यह कहावत प्रचलित हो गई और लोग इसका प्रयोग समान्य बोलचाल की भाषा में करने लगे। angoor khatte hain watch on youtube, एक गुरु अपने शिष्य के अत्याधिक विकास के से बहुत ही खुश थे। उन्हें लगा कि अब शिष्य का मार्गदर्शन करने की कोई जरूरत नहीं है, इसलिए उस शिष्य को एक नदी किनारे बनी अपनी छोटी- सी कुटिया में छोड़कर निकल पड़े।, रोजाना सुबह स्नान के बाद शिष्य शेर की खाल से बने अपने कपड़े को सुखाने के लिए टांग दिया देता था। यही एकमात्र वस्तु थी जो उसके पास थी।, एक दिन चूहों ने उस शेर की खाल को कुतर डाला। यह देखकर शिष्य बहुत ही उदास हो गया।वस्त्र ना होने के कारण वह दूसरे वस्त्र मांगने गांव वालों के पास पहुंचा।, अगले ही दिन चूहों ने दूसरे वस्तु में भी छेद कर डाला। चूहे से परेशान होकर उसने एक भी बिल्ली पाल लिया। अब उसे समस्या चूहों से तो नहीं थी, लेकिन बिल्ली उसके लिए परेशानी का सबब बन गई।, उसे अपने खाने के साथ-साथ बिल्ली के लिए दूध का इंतजाम करना पड़ता था। पूरा पढ़े, Your email address will not be published.