2012-повідомлень: 15-авторів: 7For include animated GIFs Need ImageMagick program and one GIF animated, for this example we use the picture hypohypotrochoid001.gifThe goal is to embed in a pdf file an animation made up of a sequence of images. Julia Vase #2 Yin YangApplication: ManufacturingProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 1.8Mb Credit: Virtox on Thingverse, About: PMI View ExamplePDF3D SDK Generated 3D PDF Example of PMI - showing orientation plane specific views on a templateApplication: CAD, PLMProduced: using PDF3D SDKSize: 133 Kb Credit: VTSL, About: Exhaust Manifold MFG ReportPDF3D Generated Manufacturing Change Order with Exhaust Manifold from ImmersiveSIM.de Engineering Report Table FormatApplication: Engineering CADProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 86 Kb Credit: VTSL, About: Suspension, Brake Dimensional AnnotationsPDF3D Generated 3D PDF Example with automatically generated dimensional markup PMI annotationApplication: Engineering CAD PLMProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 414 Kb Credit: VTSL, About: HiCAD 3D ExamplePDF3D Generated 3D PDF Example integrated into HiCAD from ISD GroupApplication: Engineering CAD PLMProduced: using PDF3D SDKSize: 206 Kb Credit: ISD Group, About: LandRover Interactive ConfigurationPDF3D Generated Land Rover 6x6 Model with multiple configurations in interactive PDF brochureApplication: EngineeringProduced: using PDF3D XML ServerSize: 1.6 Mb Credit: VTSL, About: DWG 4 Inch ChuckPDF3D Demo from DWG 3D CAD Model Converted to 3D PDFApplication: Engineering CAD PLMProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 2.1 Mb Credit: Dominic Notman, About: DWG House 3D ElevationPDF3D Demo from DWG 3D CAD Model Converted to 3D PDFApplication: Engineering CAD PLMProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 759 Kb Credit: AutoCAD. %äüöß Click “Save As…” on samples below to save and open the PDF outside your web browser. parlés peuvent devenir support d’animation, par exemple par le biais d’expositions. 3D PDF Examples Welcome to our 3D PDF Gallery. 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Application: Quantum Physics Produced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 8Mb Credit: Nobel prize QCD Research, Prof. Derek Leinweber, About: Tutorial on creating 3D STL Orthodontic Treatment Plans into 3D PDFs with animation and visibility buttons.Application: Dental, Medical, ManufacturingProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 6Mb Credit: PDF3D, About: Dobson Ortho Laboratory 3Dx enhances communications with orthodontists by converting 3D STL orthodontic treatment plans into 3D PDFs.Application: Dental, Medical, ManufacturingProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 1.4Mb Credit: Dobson Ortho Laboratory, About: Digilea Dental Report 3D PDFTwo Page Virtual Setup Maxillar and Mandibular (initial and simulation) in 3D PDFApplication: MedicalProduced: using PDF3D-SDKSize: 620 Kb Credit: C4W, About: FinancePDF3D SDK Generated 3D PDF Example Financial Investment Portfolio Representation ExampleApplication: Business IntelligenceProduced: using PDF3D TechnologySize: 300 Kb Credit: VTSL, About: Intrasense Liver Medical ReportIntrasense Myrian® XP Liver, 3D Medical Imaging Liver Donor Report (www.intrasense.fr)Application: MedicalProduced: using PDF3D SDKSize: 1.8 Mb Credit: Intrasense, About: ERPA Packaging AnimationPDF3D SDK Example From ERPA (www.erpa.de) showing VPACK packaging design animation in 3D PDFApplication: Industrial AnimationProduced: using PDF3D SDKSize: 712 Kb Credit: ERPA System GmbH, About: Factory Worker AnimationPDF3D Generated 3D PDF Example showing virtual factory workers operating machinery, moving elements with RH CompressionApplication: Industrial AnimationProduced: using PDF3D XML ServerSize: 3.5 Mb Credit: VTSL, About: KOMPAS-3D Pump Assembly AnimationPDF3D KOMPAS-3D Plugin Generated 3D PDF Example of CAD Model Pump Assembly AnimationApplication: Engineering CAD PLMProduced: using PDF3D KOMPAS PluginSize: 1.6 Mb Credit: ASCON, About: KOMPAS-3D Pipe Valve AnimationPDF3D KOMPAS-3D Plugin Generated 3D PDF Example of CAD Model Pipe Valve AnimationApplication: Engineering CAD PLMProduced: using PDF3D KOMPAS PluginSize: 1.8 Mb Credit: ASCON. Photogrammetry method 3D mesh reconstruction model created by PhotoModeler. Red Chevrolet Camero Convertible in 3D.Application: Forensic, LiDAR, Laser 3D, Vehicle InspectionProduced: using PDF3D ReportGenSize: 10.8Mb Credit: Vehicle Scans, About: Haida, First Nation Pacific North-West Totem Carving. This will enable you to experience the full interactive version of the 3D PDF. Model of light-dark material assembled after printing. (s�e�w�A����B_f����J��v�ÿ��;�����t���q��=�_>}wy�t���T[5-j�ׂ��@{D�w�1���yaeT��
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