A university professor gets caught up in Middle-Eastern espionage in Stanley Donen’s quirky sixties thriller “Arabesque”. In a chase scene Peck, who had been injured years earlier in a horse-riding accident, could not run fast enough to keep up with Loren, who kept pulling ahead. Heute habe ich mal einen "klassischen Fernsehabend" veranstaltet, mit Sonnenallee und dieser netten Thrillerkomödie. Romance, Thriller, Mystery, Action, Drama, 1967 | Winner: Best British Cinematography (Colour), 1967 | 2 nominations including: Best British Costume (Colour). Alan Badel Cast. Sure the story makes no sense and there is no rhyme or reason for most of the camera angles (I think half the movie the camera is pointed away from the actors who are shown in reflection) but all this movie is supposed to do is look pretty and entertain so fuck it! They discover that the real Jena was abducted by Beshraavi and locked in a trunk in the back of a truck. Full Actor Full Cast Wikipedia plot Full (Actor and Plot) Full (Actor, Cast and Wikipedia plot) Arabesque (1966) Professor David Pollock is an expert in ancient Arabic hieroglyphics. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Wings of Ash: A Dramatization of the Life of Antonin Artaud (1978), Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Romance, Thriller. Professor David Pollock is an expert in ancient Arabic hieroglyphics. Plot-wise the film is hopelessly silly, but stylistically it epitomises the British swinging sixties in a way that's only matched by Lester's 'A Hard Day's Night'. Off the back of the success that was his Hitchcock-lite comedic thriller Charade, Stanley Donen returned with Arabesque, another spy comedy thriller. La regia di Donen è psichedelica con continue riprese che si riflettono su specchi, lenti, schermi e vetri. Gli occhi della Loren ingranditi dal kajal ti conquistano Dior crea abiti eleganti e ad alto tasso erotico e scarpe per ogni gusto Sophia in versione araba/Dior è una bomba Hitchcock sempre presente soprattutto sul finale all' Intrigo internazionale ( dal peggio al meglio) Mancini firma una colonna sonora Manca qualche battuta di spirito intrigante, the potential is there! gregory peck and sophia loren are my husband and wife, obviously, and seeing them together brought me so much joy. Few things. Beautiful, interesting, Whereas I think it almost always works! Gregory Peck Cast. Keiner kann hier jemandem trauen. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Das führt zu lustigen, spannenden, kaum albernen und auch nicht immer vorhersehbaren Situationen. I really can't be doing with films like this. I dunno. Probably. Directed by Stanley Donen. He visits her at home and shows it to her, also giving her the news that her husband has been killed (she was living secluded and had not heard). But it is such dumb fun, I dunno! Subs. And some of the dialogue and scenes will have you laughing out loud. Report this film. Ultra Mad. Gregory Peck Sophia Loren Alan Badel Kieron Moore Carl Duering John Merivale Duncan Lamont George Coulouris Ernest Clark Harold Kasket Windsor Davies Jimmy Gardner Larry Taylor Harry Locke Michael Bilton, Peter Stone Julian Mitchell Gordon Cotler Stanley Price, 105 mins Won 1 BAFTA Film Award. 1966 Stream & Watch Online Powered by JustWatch. It was the last film of that genre which Donen would make. Scavenger Hunt #52 || Task 18: A spy film from the 60s or 70s that is NOT a James Bond film. Sure. If Charade was Stanley Donen's North by Northwest, this is his Family Plot: baroque, silly, spilling over into raucous nonsense, but having a good formal time while it rides the wave to the bank. Beshraavi and Sloane also pursue them in a helicopter. David and Yasmin hide in the truck and free Jena just as the van arrives at Beshraavi's country estate. Sophia Loren Cast. Peter Stone Screenplay. When a guard approaches, Webster kills him before revealing that he is working with Yasmin. David runs onto the track and retrieves the cipher just before the horses gallop by. Film data from TMDb. Considering Hitchcock’s affinity for blonde leading ladies, I almost wonder if going with brunette leading ladies was somehow intended or a happy coincidence, either way Sophia Loren follows in the footsteps of Audrey Hepburn. David also tells her that he is working with Yasmin, whose mother and sisters are in danger at the hands of General Ali. Information . Cast Gregory Peck Sophia Loren Alan Badel Kieron Moore Carl Duering John Merivale Duncan Lamont George Coulouris Ernest Clark Harold Kasket Windsor Davies Jimmy Gardner Larry … So, as far as a more action heavy Charade rip-off goes it is pretty good. It's not a good movie-- you can see all of its flaws clearly, on top of being very-60s in its views of race and gender. They spot the van but Webster takes the candies to eat. Donen described his technique in shooting the film: Sophia Lorens' request for 20 different pair of shoes for her character led to her lover in the film being described as having a foot fetish. The film, along with Donen's immediately prior film Charade (1963), is usually described as being "Hitchcockesque", as it features as a protagonist an innocent and ordinary man thrust into dangerous and extraordinary situations. David and Yasmin make plans to meet at 9:00 p.m. that evening at Trafalgar Square, after David gets the cipher from Webster. Challis said that "The more the script was rewritten, the worse it got." Webster knocks David unconscious. it's so dumb, but i just loved it?? incredible cinema. Gregory Peck as a witty and charming professor. When a plot against a prominent Middle Eastern politician is uncovered, David Pollock, a professor of ancient hieroglyphics at Oxford University, is recruited to help expose the scheme. Gregory Peck und Sophia Loren geraten in verschiedene Verwicklungen, die mit Spionage und Verrat zu tun haben. Set in Oxford and London, the plot involves a coded message written in glyphs, which an Arab oil magnate named Nejim Beshraavi (Alan Badel) will pay Pollock $30,0000 to decipher. Peter Stone, who was brought in very late to make improvements in the dialogue, said that Donen "shot it better than he ever shot any picture. IMDb I especially enjoy the way it's filmed. ... Where to Watch Full Cast & Crew News Buy DVD. The costumes are great, I always love Sophia Loren and, really, the plot becomes almost insignificant in light of everything else going on. Silly 60s romantic spy romp characterised by hyper-stylised and over-flashy direction from Stanley Donen, a script that perplexes as it attempts to amuse, an endless succession of Christian Dior creations for Sophia Loren to look ravishing in and a flotilla of Arab characters played solely by English actors in brown-face. Wings of Ash: A Dramatization of the Life of Antonin Artaud (1978) | Shipwrecked (1990) | Lorry (TV Series 1989–1995) | Spree (1996) | The Truth: The Journey Within (2011) | Brianna Horne | Seth Fisher. Mobile site. My man Peck did his best to be that hammy character as this was a role vastly out of his normal type. Ultra Mystery." Does it have a cracking score by Mancini? Proof positive that Gregory Peck could rarely pierce his aura of earnestness and that Sophia Loren was goddamn gorgeous in the 1960s. As David and Webster struggle, Sloane attempts to stab David but accidentally kills Webster. With Peck and Loren already contracted to do the film, Challis recalled that Donen told him "Our only hope is to make it so visually exciting the audience will never have time to work out what the hell is going on". ""I flunked the physical. It was based upon the 1961 novel called "The Cypher" by Gordon Cotler, and it stars Gregory Peck and Sophia Loren in the lead roles as American professor of hieroglyphics Dr. David Pollock and the mysterious Middle Eastern socialite Yasmin Azir.