Giganotosaurus Taming Calculator Tips Stat Calculator Torpor Timer ARK's base taming speed on PC, PS4, and Xbox is now doubled , meaning 1× is as fast as what 2× was previously. In this case, you need to replace all wall/door structures it is attacking. Giganotosaurus can be rarely seen as not many have lived to tell the tale while some may have noticed their presence in mountain areas, deserts and even elevated plateaus, searching for prey. Every unit of Narcotics you apply to the Giga will stop it’s torpor from decreasing for several seconds, so all you have to do is provide it with a never ending stream of narcotics. If you can protect him and keep him asleep while he’s down, in a couple hours you will be the proud owner of the most powerful dinosaur on the island (just don’t get him angry). While greater in size than those storied predators, it can be somewhat less dangerous when encountered in the wild, due to its sluggish speed. It is best to bring a flying mount in case you need to run away, since they can easily be flown above the Gigantopithecus and it will give up the chase a lot quicker than on the ground. You definitely have to have the Giga either finned against a rock/ cliff or other area where you can safely fill him with tranq arrows, because if he gets a hold of you it’s all over. The Giganotosaurus is an aggressive creature. They are savage if you got two high lvl parents (about lvl 140ish) and you get imprinting on it. 14: … For full Giganotosaurus taming details, get the taming calculator app. THANK GOD. Another method is to trap the Gigantopithecus in a 1x1 room with no roof or a hatchframe. Be careful when approaching Gigantopithecus while feeding, as it will randomly change directions or stop, causing you to run into it. The first person needs to carry the Gigantopithecus with the Quetzal, and hover close the ground. Before you get it on the ground you’ll want to check your supplies first. Collected from 40,000+ Dododex users. For a level-dependent count of resources needed, try an external taming calculator. The Gigantopithecus can also be trapped directly on spot so the camera has never to be moved during the process. How to tame the toughest carnivore on Ark island. At any rate, it’s always a good idea to bring a couple hundred more Narcotics than you think you are going to need because the Giganotosaurus needs to be force fed them constantly. Now it requires door frames on each but one side (So the Gigantopithecus can be lured into the box). Note that after the creature is tamed it gets bonuses on some stats depending on the taming effectiveness. Gigantopithecus will take one piece of the food from your inventory and will play an eating animation. Level 20 – 1200 Narcotic and 50 Prime Meat. Common Rare Untameable Cave The Brontosaurus (bron-tuh-SAWR-uhs) is a species of dinosaur in ARK: Survival Evolved, and is larger than most creatures in the game. They are an excellent mount for gaining an acrobatic advantage if you know what you're doing.Also fun fact when tamed the fiber gathering/pickup attack does torpor to enemies and wild dinos so it can be used to knock players out for an easy kill. Now the foundation is separated in two triangles, and note that the triangles are of different sizes, and the bigger one will be the potential taming spot. Tribes that have tamed the Giganotosaurus are considered to be a threat to all other tribes around as taming such a deadly creature is already considered an act of war. It’s also a very angry dinosaur and has a unique rage mechanic. ... A LOT of narcotics. on The torpor can’t go up, but you can stop it from going down by applying narcotics. Ark Giganotosaurus Guide (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…) March 13, 2020 October 21, 2020 PGT Team 0 Comments ARK: Survival Evolved Guides. This makes it hard to retrieve the levels on a tamed creature, so this tool is only for wild ones, but gives a first impression, how well the stats are distributed. Giganotosaurus are very large creatures and can easily kill those who attempt to tame which makes using a trap viable as a taming method. The stat-calculator does not work in the mobile-view, see here for alternatives:,, Creatures that can be ridden without saddles, Creatures that can be ridden while wielding weapons, Pages using DynamicPageList parser function, Survivor is now required to be level 40 or higher to tame a Gigantopithecus, Fixed where you could get instantly killed after dismounting from creatures like the Gigantopithecus, Added the creature "fur" pass to make hair and feathers look better, Added functionality to allow a player riding a Gigantopithecus to harvest.