Copyright © 1998-2020 Filmweb Sp. I just saw that and to me that score is too high for me. Thankfully, this is a short film as opposed to most unnecessary sequels made by big name studios that are two hours long or less. If you haven't seen this. Just watch the first Backdraft! Gra aktorska słabiutka, wiele bezsensownych wydarzeń i finał ... no cóż. Backdraft 2 (or Backdraft II) is a 2019 direct-to-DVD sequel to the 1991 film of the same name directed by Gonzalo López-Gallego (who directed the 2011 found footage film Apollo 18), The film stars William Baldwin reprising his role as Brian McCaffrey, Joe Anderson as Sean McCaffrey and Donald Sutherland reprising his role as imprisoned arsonist Ronald Bartel. The defeat of the terrorists was pointless (eg. Plus tylko taki, ze dzięki tej produkcji obejrzałem jedynkę, by sobie najpierw wszystko przypomnieć. Hans Zimmer did not return to compose the score for the film. For some odd reason, Ronald expresses sympathy for Sean after Brian died. The only major event from the original film that's even mentioned is when Stephen died near the end of the first film while risking his life to save John Adcox, a firefighter who was also an arsonist. Three characters from the original film are mentioned: Donald Rimgale (Robert De Niro's character), Stephen McCaffrey (Kurt Russell's character) and John Adcox (Scott Glenn's character). Pointless mentioning of the "career dissipation light" comment from the first film. 01:28:17. Ron Howard (the director of the first film), Raffaella De Laurentiis (who helped produce the first film) and Brian Grazer (the main producer of the first film) serve as executive producers. The first film has no sequel baiting at all, so we don't need it. He isn't, but he acts like one. The firehouse from the first film is seen in the film, except it was a replica since this film is low budget. There are so many new characters that aren't memorable and or likable (even the new firefighters are not that memorable). It missed the spirit of the first film for many reasons: Sean, the son of Stephen McCaffrey and nephew of Brian McCaffrey is now completely out of character in this film. Ogólnie - badziew dla niemyślących. The film can't decide if it's a firefighting story or a political thriller with nuclear arms and missiles. In order to confirm the bank transfer, you will need to upload a receipt or take a screenshot of your transfer within 1 day from your payment date. This film will be popular in the category of awful films. The film has extremely nonsensical quotes and dialogue (eg. Steve served as the technical advisor on the original film, this film and he currently serves as the technical advisor on. Still, for being a wholly gratuitous sequel nobody was asking for (and certainly past the sell-by date by any rational … This film idea could also be more sensible if it wasn't called, The early scenes are lame (eg. You are ignoring the author of this comment. bajkidladzieci | 192 Views. The reason Donald Rimgale (Robert De Niro's character) is not in this film is due to the death of the real life former arson investigator Donald Rimgale, who helped get him prepared for his role in the original film. 2Checkout. I avoid it, because I look at the plot on this page. And I'll find another great firefighting movie, since Ladder 49, as long people loved and the critics loved it to. Many years after Brian McCaffrey lost his older brother Lieutenant Stephen McCaffrey, Sean McCaffrey places the blame of Stephen's death on Brian. Seriously, how did we go from Ron Howard (who gave us Apollo 13, Cocoon, A Beautiful and the original Backdraft) to the untalented hack who gave us Apollo 18. The final act is just abysmal, for two reasons: Brian dies pathetically near the end in an explosion while trying to save Sean from a ridiculous explosive trap set up by the terrorists (thankfully we don't see him die), which left no impact whilst Stephen's death left an impact in the original film. With Joe Anderson, William Baldwin, Donald Sutherland, Alisha Bailey. Instead of being thoughtful and kind like he was in the first film, he is rather rude to people and is antisocial. The Good With The Bad In The Firefighter Sequel 'Backdraft II',,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0). Syn Stephena McCaffreya, śledczy współpracujący z chicagowską policją, musi współpracować ze stryjem, do którego chowa urazę, kiedy grupa agentów zorganizuje serię pożarów, by odwrócić uwagę wszystkich od próby przemycenia poza granice kraju głowicy jądrowej. The second film doesn't enter into my mind. Barbara Shulgasser of Common Sense Media awarded the film a one-star and described the film as an "Unnecessary, nonsensical sequel" and Martin Liebman of awarded the film a 2.5 out of 5 and described the film as "one of the most inconsequential films around" and film critic Rob Hunter of Slashfilm said in his review "Ultimately, the film fails in the two big areas where the original succeeded – the emotion and the awe. Copyright © 2020 IPLAX. when Ronald says. This film was shot in Romania, Toronto and there were several scenes shot in Chicago (where the original film was shot). minorie | 229 Views. My fire’s not working for the night due to this film. Ode mnie podwyzszona ocena za kontynuacje ... więcej, Ten film to parodia pierwszej części. William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland are the only original cast members who reprise their roles from the first film. Well, he didn't realize that Stephen died while risking his life to save John Adcox until Brian told him. Even the comeuppance of the new villains doesn't make any sense (see in later WIS reasons below). The film can't decide that if it's going to be a fire fighting film, with NUKES! The idea of the film being set around Halloween was interesting making the story for this film somewhat darker than the original film's story. Also, the music used in the film is overly melancholy and does not fit for a. Like when Stephen McCaffrey died at the end of the original film, Sean bids a meaningful farewell to Brian after he died. There are numbers of plot-holes in the entire film. Looks like the fans hated the sequel even more with a 15% audience score, it's getting better that the fans really hated this sequel, a lot. Many years after Brian McCaffrey lost his older brother Lieutenant Stephen McCaffrey, Sean McCaffrey places the blame of Stephen's death on Brian. Not just fans, general filmbuffs hate it too! There are very few positive audience reviews on IMDb, Rotten Tomatoes and elsewhere. Fred Topel of We Live Entertainment also gave the film a positive review and described it as "a worthwhile continuation of the McCaffrey family." Let me guess, Sean McCaffrey blames Brian for killing Stephen? Randy Edelman (a generally talented composer) did the score instead and while his soundtrack is well done, the score isn't as epic or exciting as the music was in the first film. I'm also sure most people saw it on Netflix or on 123movies or some similar site where you can see films online for free. The main awful films I have seen are stand-alone ones. Speaking of which, most of the actors who play the new firefighters in this film look like they are exhausted and look like they didn't even want to be in the film. "[1] Daniel Barnes of Dare Daniel stated, "Unfortunately, there is no reason to care about anyone onscreen other than nostalgia for a 30-year-old movie that no one likes or remembers." Please, don't! To add to that, Ladder 49 is the proper post Backdraft firefighter film. Backdraft 2 (2019) - Badający miejsca po pożarach śledczy Sean dostaje wezwanie do domu, gdzie wybuch zabija pięcioro nastolatków. To other folks out there who haven't seen it (which I sadly did see it), please don't watch the second film!