Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Of these ten South West African homelands, only three were granted self-government (comparable to the Bantustans in South Africa) between 1973 and 1976. The creation of the homelands or Bantustans was a central element of this strategy, as the long-term goal was to make the Bantustans independent. Other initiatives to create the illusion of viable economies for the Bantustans also broke down. The reorganised QwaQwa Legislative Assembly was established by the same Proclamation. The Bantustans or homelands, established by the Apartheid Government, were areas to which the majority of the Blacks population was moved to prevent them from living in the urban areas of South Africa. The KaNgwane Legislative Assembly was established with effect from 1 October 1977 by Proclamation No. The Machangana Legislative Assembly was established with effect from 1 July 1971, by Proclamation No. KaNgwane was established as a self-governing territory within the Republic in accordance with the provisions of the National States Constitution Act 21 of 1971, by Proclamation No. "The Tamil areas were on the one hand colonised, and on the other, by a policy of "benign neglect", turned into a backyard bantustan.". Bantustans were rooted in Land Acts promulgated in 1913 and 1936, which defined a number of scattered areas as “native reserves” for Blacks. A "Kaptein's Council" as the executive and a Legislative Council were established in 1977. [61], The combined territory of all bantustans was roughly equal in size to the Police Zone. The homelands were run by cooperative tribal leaders, while uncooperative chiefs were forcibly deposed. The most important concessions to Zulu separatist as well as white government and opposition forces were the, Act to introduce a new Constitution for the Republic of South Africa and to provide for matters incidental thereto (Act No. The Ciskeian General Council was disestablished with effect from 1 January 1956, by Proclamation No. 35 of 1980). R.203 of 1974, with effect from 1 November 1974. 34 in SA Government Gazette No. The Bophuthatswana Legislative Assembly was established by the same proclamation. With the demise of the apartheid regime in South Africa in 1994, all Bantustans (both nominally independent and self-governing) were dismantled and their territories reincorporated into the Republic of South Africa with effect from 27 April 1994 (the day on which the Interim Constitution, which formally ended apartheid, came into force and the first democratic elections began) in terms of section 1(2) and Schedule 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1993 ("Interim Constitution").[59]. Its connection with apartheid has meant that the term is now generally used in a pejorative sense as a form of criticism. Lucas Mangope, former chief of the Motsweda Ba hurutshe-Boo-Manyane tribe of the Tswana and head of Bophuthatswana is president of the United Christian Democratic Party, effectively a continuation of the ruling party of the homeland. Bophuthatswana also possessed deposits of platinum, and other natural resources, which made it the wealthiest of the Bantustans. An elected Advisory Council for the Rehoboth Basters had already existed since 1928: Rehoboth Self-Government Act, 1976 (Act No. "[105], Territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia), as part of the policy of apartheid, Homelands (until 1980) / Representative Authorities (1980-1989/1990), Their single most important home-grown source of revenue was the provision of, Susan Mathieson and David Atwell, "Between Ethnicity and Nationhood: Shaka Day and the Struggle over Zuluness in post-Apartheid South Africa" in. In their own areas, black citizens would enjoy full rights."[3]. Called the Gazankulu Constitution Proclamation, 1973. The other six had limited self-government: The first Bantustan was the Transkei, under the leadership of Chief Kaizer Daliwonga Matanzima in the Cape Province for the Xhosa nation. Israel’s building policy in Area C has directly contributed to the poor living conditions for many Palestinians in the West Bank. [104], In Nigeria, Catholic bishop Matthew Hassan Kukah has referred to southern Kaduna State as "one huge Bantustan of government neglect. Many individuals assigned to homelands did not live in or originate from the homelands to which they were assigned, and the division into designated ethnic groups often took place on an arbitrary basis, particularly in the case of people of mixed ethnic ancestry. The allocation of individuals to specific homelands was often quite arbitrary. The Bantustans, run by Black elites collaborating with the South African government, were allowed to perform some functions of self-government—e.g., in the realms of education, health, and law enforcement. 3098 of 14 May 1971. 2713. The name "Machangana" was substituted for "Matshangana" by Proclamation No. These independent states would then coexist alongside white South Africa in a spirit of friendship and collaboration. R.225 in SA Government Gazette No. Independent Bantustans (Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei; also known as the TBVC states) were intended to be fully sovereign. R.59 and R.60 in SA Government Gazette. R.118 in SA Government Gazette No. Shortly thereafter, the name of this soon-to-be Territorial Authority was changed to Basotho ba Borwa. R.148 in SA Government Gazette No. In 1951, the government of Daniel François Malan introduced the Bantu Authorities Act to establish "homelands" allocated to the country's black ethnic groups. No unified institutions were established in Kaokoland either before or after 1980. Mangosuthu Buthelezi was chief minister of his KwaZulu homeland from 1976 until 1994. The chief of Hereroland West, Clemens Kapuuo, claimed to be the paramount chief of all Hereros since 1970, but this claim was not recognized by the other Herero groups: Representative Authority of the Hereros Proclamation, 1980 (Proclamation AG. Called the Bophuthatswana Constitution Proclamation, 1972. This "confederation" would include the so-called "common area" — meaning the bulk of South African territory outside of the homelands – under continued white-minority rule and limited power-sharing arrangements with the segregated Coloured and Indian/Asian population groups, the independent and self-governing homelands as well as possible additional black entities in urban areas. 3110 of 21 May 1971. The Bantustans were abolished with the end of apartheid in South Africa in 1994. It was also contemplated in circles of the ruling National Party to create additional nominally independent entities in the urban areas in the form of "independent" black "city states". R.2249 in SA Government Gazette No. Afrikaners living on the edge. In the Middle East, the West Bank and Gaza Strip are sometimes described as Israeli bantustans. I would prefer to, I assure youit would make life easier. 21 of 1971 (Act 21 of 1971), by Proclamation No. However, the true intention of this policy was to fulfill Verwoerd's original plan to make South Africa's blacks nationals of the homelands rather than of South Africa—thus removing the few rights they still had as citizens. R.496 in SA Government Gazette No. 4913 of 28 November 1975. 7499 of 20 March 1981. The KwaZulu Legislative Assembly was established with effect from 1 April 1972 by Proclamation No. 310 of 10 August 1962 with effect from 1 September 1962. Verwoerd argued that the Bantustans were the "original homes" of the black peoples of South Africa. Venda was granted "independence" by the Status of Venda Act 107 of 1979 with effect from 13 September 1979. In the period leading up to the elections in 1994, several leaders in the independent and self-governing homelands (e.g. He founded the Freedom Front in 1994. All harbours, most of the railway network and the tarred road infrastructure, all larger airports, the profitable diamond areas and the national parks were situated in the Police Zone. The Territorial Authority was inaugurated on 23 April 1976. 9408 of 31 August 1984 with immediate effect. 12 of 1980), Representative Authority of the Coloureds Proclamation, 1980 (Proclamation AG. Lebowa Government departments were established by Proclamation No. Some expansion, consolidation, and relocation of these areas occurred in the following decades. 370 of 9 November 1962 with effect from 1 December 1962. Ciskei became a self-governing territory within the Republic with effect from 1 August 1972 in accordance with the provisions of the Bantu Homelands Constitution Act 21 of 1971 by Proclamation No. 6661 of 14 September 1979. 56 of 1976) — a "Kaptein's Council" as the executive and a Legislative Council – remained in force as amended in 1980 and served as the basis of the Rehoboth Representative Authority. Into the laager. The Ndebele Territorial Authority was established by Government Notice No. [1], The term was first used in the late 1940s and was coined from Bantu (meaning people in some of the Bantu languages) and -stan (a suffix meaning land in the Persian language and some Persian-influenced languages of western, central, and southern Asia). Until 1990, attempts continued to urge self-governing homelands to opt for independence (e.g. Millions of people had to work in often appalling conditions, away from their homes for months at a time. R. 214 in SA Government Gazette No. Their single most important home-grown source of revenue was the provision of casinos and topless revue shows,[citation needed] which the National Party government had prohibited in South Africa proper as being immoral. 6666 of 21 April 1961 with effect from 1 May 1961. It does not help to bluff ourselves about this. [citation needed]. The 1959 Promotion of Bantu Self-Government Act relabeled the reserves as “homelands,” or Bantustans, in which only specific ethnic groups were to have residence rights. 8 of 1980), Representative Authority of the Whites Proclamation, 1980 (Proclamation AG. 5766 of 7 October 1977 with immediate effect. Called the Ciskei Constitution Proclamation, 1972. This meant that the Bantustans were little more than puppet states controlled by South Africa. 279 in SA Government Gazette No. The Government established ten Bantustans in South Africa, and ten in neighbouring South West Africa (then under South African administration), for the purpose of concentrating the members of designated ethnic groups, thus making each of those territories ethnically homogeneous as the basis for creating autonomous nation states for South Africa's different black ethnic groups. R.113 in SA Government Gazette No. R.148 in SA Government Gazette No. The Ciskeian Territorial Authority was established in terms of the Bantu Authorities Act 68 of 1951, by Government Notice No. The Bantustans' governments were invariably corrupt and little wealth trickled down to the local populations, who were forced to seek employment as "guest workers" in South Africa proper. In South West Africa, Ovamboland, Kavangoland, and East Caprivi were declared to be self-governing with a handful of other ostensible homelands never being given autonomy.