After General George Washington's crossing of the Delaware River north of Trenton the previous night, Washington led the main body of the Continental Army against Hessianauxiliaries garrisoned at Trenton. The battle was fought between the Americans against the Hessians and British troops after the Americans lost the battle in New York and were forced to retreat through New Jersey. 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's' : ''}}. Get the unbiased info you need to find the right school. credit-by-exam regardless of age or education level. The Hessian regiment was caught off-guard and was unable to coordinate a counterattack. study Once across the Delaware River, Washington then marched the ten miles overland toward Trenton. Washington assigned Colonel John Cadwalader to advance on Trenton from the south and General James Ewing to station himself at Assunpink Creek to block any Hessian retreat. We'll also consider the challenges faced by General Washington and the strategies he used to lead his troops to victory against all odds. courses that prepare you to earn