During this exercise, you’ll be asked to focus on a specific part of your body (so far that’s quite easy) and on the space around it (that’s when it gets harder. It’s been 30 years since this happened and he’s hardly had any back pain ever since. Dr Joe Dispenza teaching how this kind of transformation takes place and what it can mean for your life. He was on his bike and ended up with 6 broken vertebrates, with a large volume of shattered segments going back towards his spinal cord. During this meditation, you will rest your attention on your energy centers, also called chakras in sanskrit, and associate a symbol to them. Sending you healing blessings ✨✨. I’m not capable of walking for extremely long periods of time at the moment. He goes in detail for each of them in his book “. I used it a lot to reprogram my mind into thinking that walking = no pain. I have read and agree to the terms & conditions. This meditation was designed to activate your pineal gland (located in the middle of your skull, responsible for melatonin and serotonin production – it’s your antenna to other energies and vibrations). But if you, Complete Guide to Joe Dispenza’s meditations – Part 1/3. I like both but let me tell you, the second one is POWERFUL. Now you should start disconnecting from your body. Help others to change their life. I follow you on IG & you are such an inspiration. Chapter 1 Thank you so much Julie. This is probably the most complete of all Joe’s meditations. You’ll have a smile on your face and you’ll feel incredibly blessed and thankful for this new future, before it’s made manifest. This post may contain affiliate links to products or services. Thank you so much for your kind words <3 and well done with the meditations! I love to do this one with my feet grounding on a natural surface, on the grass in a forest or on the beach. Now you need to start raising your energy. This simple exercise allows you to go past your neocortex and access your subconscious mind and activate your parasympathetic nervous system, responsable of digesting, repairing tissues and many other cool things your body can only do when you’re calm or sleeping. All the best in your healing journey! The 5 steps of the meditations . Do you wish to create miracles by becoming supernatural? This breathing exercise will make you contract your intrinsic muscles, from your anus, perineum, to your abdomen up until the top of your head while visualizing your breath going all the way up and holding it there for a few second. This is when you become pure consciousness, and that’s where the magic happens. It’s only 17 min, so it’s quite fast. Why do “miracles” appear to be happening more and more? I’m in the process of listening to Becoming Supernatural. After 10 weeks, he stood up and walked out of his wheelchair without any cast or surgery.He was fully recovered and started working again and taking in patients. It’s so worth it, trust me. If you put these two together, you can change your state of being. to go into other dimensions of reality by opening your pineal gland. (some meditations don’t have this breathing exercise at the beginning, but you’ll always be invited to take a few deep conscious breaths in all the meditations). Joe Dispenza uses a weird voice at times to emphasize some words and create a sort of resonance that will allow your brain to slow down his waves and put you in a more meditative / hypnotic state. In love with life and up for anything? Hi. But it’s a great one to get started with. Willing to dedicate a moment in your day to sit down, close your eyes and go beyond yourself. After that, you’ll spend a long time just getting lost in the quantum realm and sensing the energy of space around you. 3. Joe Dispenza is an author and speaker who wrote 3 books on the power of the mind to heal the body. During the second part of the meditation, you will reflect on the behaviors that you would like to change during your day. Very similar to changing Beliefs And Preceptions, only it’s a little more guided. Sometimes it takes 15 min and then I’m done, sometimes 3 hours. After my progressive work shop in Brussels , I bought 6 or 5 meditations and started to medidate daily , choosing randomly . It’s the most complete meditation. It’s a precious gift to yourself. Great job! You’ll have a smile on your face and you’ll feel incredibly blessed and thankful for this new future, before it’s made manifest. This is the first meditation introducing the Blessing Of The Energy Centers (BOTEC) serie. I knew some of the meditations and practice them, but here I have all of them in one place. I love this one. xx, Thank you SO much, Julie!! This blog is for everyone who wants a positive shift in their life. Now when you’re ready to meditate: find the meditation that matches your needs the most, purchase it and start doing it daily. The two meditations are great, the only difference between them is that the second one has a more spiritual and engaging side to it. then I worry I’m further engraining the pain pattern into my consciousness. Blessing of energy centers 4. If you’ve never meditated before and you want to practice more “conventional” guided meditations, you can check : Once you’re ready to start with Joe Dispenza, I encourage you to get his book “Becoming Supernatural” where he explains how the meditations work and why they’re so important. During this meditation you’ll be asked to imagine 2 potentials that you’d like to see coming true in your life. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Please read our Disclaimer and Terms and conditions. Now when you’re ready to meditate: find the meditation that matches your needs the most, purchase it and start doing it daily. I like to do this one in the afternoon when I feel very tired – it allows me to rest deeply and I feel a lot better after. Can we change the frequency of the planet? What moves me most is the declaration “surrender to intelligent love”. I fallow you on Instagram and I love seeing you healing and you helping others with your experience! I have some of his meditations and I find some of them hard to listen to but I’m going to try again after a hiatus. Read Power of thought – How to control your brain and master your mind? In many ways, the standing and walking meditations are just like the seated. Let me know below in the comment which one is your favorite meditation? I loooove this one. It’s the shortest one of Joe Dispenza’s and, good news, it’s free on Youtube. How were you able to imagine yourself without pain? Thanks so much for this guide, it’s very helpful. Hi Laurie, for me it doesn’t matter that much how long I meditate – what matters is if I reached that sweet spot of the present moment when I feel a healing wave going through my legs and soothing my entire body. It’s a very complete meditation. Information and tips shared in the articles do not represent or treated as expert advice. In the book "becoming supernatural" I met several type of meditation. Once you’re one with the quantum field, you’ll be invited to feel an immense gratitude overflowing in and out of your heart area. They are both powerful meditations. Believe – “Sharing is caring.”  “Learning never ends.”, Your email address will not be published. How can coherence take us out of survival mode? Read the book and start getting familiar with the meditations. I personally find that I don’t have time to get into it as it’s super short. If you want to create a reality or to change some aspect of your body or health, you should have a clear intention and an elevated emotion. Hi Julie, Thanks so much for this! They both come in one package.The Morning meditation will have you visualize and experience your day ahead to come, and become the best version of yourself that you want to embody. also for women who don’t love themselves and don’t value how beautiful they are. Discussion forum to discuss about Dr Joe Dispenza events, books, online courses etc. That sounds almost too good to be true, right? Gratitude is the ultimate state of receivership and it is when your mind and body are in deep coherence. How do we create a coherent electrical field around our bodies? This means if you click on an affiliate link and make a purchase of a product or service, we may earn a small commission, at no additional cost to you.