Voting gives you the opportunity to voice your opinion on issues that affect those in your community, which allows you to shape the government and its policies. Code of Ethics. Furthermore, better-informed voters will be able to determine unrealistic plans, ensuring fairer decisions in the future. The election came down to a recount in Florida, where Bush had won the popular vote by such a small margin that it triggered an automatic recount and a Supreme Court case (Bush v. Gore). electors representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia, responsible for officially electing the President and Vice-President of the United States. This indirect election method was seen as a balance between the popular vote and using a state’s representatives in Congress to elect a president.Because the Constitution did not specifically say who could vote, this question was largely left to the states into the 1800s. In electronic voting machines, the … Increase Law Enforcement Costs It will require a considerable amount of money to enforce such a law. If you haven’t made a choice yet, knowing its pros and cons could help you make an informed decision. The election results could be delivered in record time, with a potentially higher degree … Wrong to Punish Those Who Refuse to Vote It would be unacceptable and unlawful to punish those who would choose not to vote. Teach your students about the importance of voting with these resources. 3. With the democratic process of voting, a balance in power can be maintained between the governance and the people. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. This type of voting could play a key role in increasing voter turnout, especially among voters aged 18 to 29 -- a group that makes up over one-third of the electorate, yet typically has a 50 percent or lower turnout rate. This would continue until the 24th Amendment in 1964, which eliminated the poll tax, and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which ended Jim Crow laws. The winning party will govern your society and will be answerable to you. For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. var aax_size='300x600'; Some ballots run the risk of getting lost. In electronic voting machines one can see all the symbols and names of the candidates together which makes it easier for the voter to choose among the many and cast their votes. The cost of expenditure on the paper ballot is way higher than on EVM. var aax_pubname = 'worldblaze-21'; Sustainability Policy |  , Erwin Z, 1 Comment, March 5, 2016 Using paper ballot is time-consuming but it generates a lot of employment for the people who are engaged in vote counting. It is a chance for the citizens of a country to have a say in the people who represent them or an issue that impacts them. In other words, votes and consequently the budget spent on the polls will go to waste. Both paper ballot and EVMs have their pros and cons but it is up to you to decide that which one does justice to the current voting scenario. 8. 6. Voting for a third party candidate on your side of the ideological spectrum increases the likelihood that the major party candidate on the other side of the ideological spectrum will win. She also authors blogs on nail art blog and women's self esteem. See disclaimer. In the United States, the voting process is fairly straightforward. What's more, without monitored polling locations, there's no way to ensure that voters were not coerced into voting a certain way. The election results could be delivered in record time, with a potentially higher degree of accuracy than you'd get when people count the votes. With the number of voters declining year after year, political analysts and a few citizens fear that there might come a time when it would just be the candidates’ kin, friends, and colleagues who will bother to show up. 3. Electronic voting machines need to be charged on period basis thus in an area where there are frequent power cuts, paper ballots are best. This means that the government does not force its citizens to show up at voting precincts to cast their votes. How you feel after reading this cover story? This way of voting also eliminates the need for transportation, reduces or eliminates missed time at work or school, and decreases the impact of barriers such as lack of child care, illness, confusion about polling locations and long lines. , Harri Daniel , Comments Off on Benefits Of Voting. It can also be difficult to prove the identity of the person casting the online vote. Is true that you vote can have an impact in an election? 2. Voting is a fundamental process in a democratic system. It Broadens Representation and Legitimacy If voting is made mandatory, it will ensure that the government will be represented by a majority of the population, not just a few individuals. It’s simple to understand. Had 600 more pro-Gore voters gone to the polls in Florida that November, there may have been an entirely different president from 2000–2008.More recently, Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016 by securing a close Electoral College win. The country’s argument to this strict mandate is that it needs to address low voter turnout, which is currently below 60 percent. We have listed down few disadvantages of the paper ballots due to which EVMs are preferred nowadays. Thus, the absence of this non-voting bloc has implications for public policy and many of the issues nonprofits care about. It’s is fairly quick to count the votes and work out who has won; meaning results can be declared relatively quickly after the polls close.