[4] On March 29, 2012, the company reported its first net loss in years. [201] In March 2004, Good agreed to a licensing deal, thereby settling the outstanding litigation. opt out. [19] In March 2011, Research In Motion Ltd.'s then-co-CEO Jim Balsillie suggested during a conference call that the "launch of some powerful new BlackBerrys" (eventually released as BlackBerry 10) would be in early 2012. [186], On September 4, 2015, BlackBerry announced the acquisition of mobile security provider Good Technology for $425 million. Secusmart had the agreement to equip the German Government with high secure mobile devices that encrypt voice as well as data on BlackBerry 10 devices. RIM sought an injunction to prevent Glenayre from infringing on RIM's "Single Mailbox Integration" patent. BlackBerry has 3,945 employees across 48 locations and $904 M in annual revenue in FY 2019. [176][177] It provided tools for adding social elements to any game (achievements/rewards etc.) [144] Later that evening, BlackBerry issued a press release denying the media reports. [168][169] With a history of creating user interfaces and applications for mobile, TAT contributed heavily to the user experience of BlackBerry 10 as well as the development of its GUI framework, Cascades. The BlackBerry PlayBook was the first RIM product whose BlackBerry Tablet OS was built on QNX, launched in April 2011 as an alternative to the Apple iPad. Initially, Balsillie had stepped down from RIM's board of directors temporarily for a year and remained in his executive role. The company also faced criticism that its hardware and operating system were outdated and unappealing compared to the competition, as well as that the browsing capabilities were poorer. [109][110], On June 30, 2011, an investor push for the company to split its dual-CEO structure was unexpectedly withdrawn after an agreement was made with RIM. On September 18, 2012, it was announced that the RIM social calendaring service,[172] Tungle.me would be shut down on December 3, 2012. [161] Upon the completion of this transaction, Certicom became a wholly owned subsidiary of RIM, and was de-listed from the Toronto Stock Exchange on March 25, 2009. [165][166][167] QNX became the platform for the BlackBerry PlayBook and BlackBerry 10 Smartphones. Gold Associates Principal Analyst Jack Gold told the publication. Goldman Sachs estimated that, in June 2014, BlackBerry accounted for 1 percent share of smartphone sales, compared to a peak of around 20 percent in 2009.[25]. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.[164]. The "BBM Channels" enhancement is expected in late 2013, whereby conversations are facilitated between users and communities, based on factors such as common interests, brands, and celebrities. Mobile Subscriber Market Share", "comScore Reports September 2010 U.S.