That lines up much closer to the scale of matching the highways which both end up in the 25-28m width range. Call of Duty Warzone leaked map is 9 km2, though it is significantly bigger than the Call of Duty Black Ops Blackout map. Dalton Cooper is an editor for Game Rant who has been writing about video games professionally since 2011. RELATED: Rumor: Call of Duty Modern Warfare Warzone Release Date and Gameplay Details Leak Online. Despite minor gripes of the map being smaller than the standard fare for battle royale games, Blackout's map was near-perfect in size. With Warzone, there’s killstreaks, a wider variety of equipment, and Cash, which is used at Buy Stations to purchase even more items. Obviously with battle royale modes, the camping issue takes on a less broken, more manageable form since the playable sector of the map is always decreasing in size. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare achieved a similar balance with its Ground War multiplayer mode. With Call of Duty: Warzone, however, Infinity Ward has improved upon many of the areas where Blackout lacked, although there are many differences between the two games as well. The larger 200-player countis also going to justify that size as well as in some way help mitigate any camping conc… For starters, Warzone is completely free for all players and systems. To go along with this, Warzone is cross-platform capable, meaning you can play with anyone regardless of their system. Fortnite only allows for 100 players in a round, while Apex Legends is even smaller with only 60. It seems like a proper release for the mode is imminent, though whether it will come by the end of this month, next month, or even farther out remains to be seen. Big fan of expansive lore and game analysis, video games are cool. Older Posts Latest Posts Of course, you have perks, attachments, equipment, etc., but that’s about it. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans should keep an eye out for more information on the Warzone battle royale mode as Season 2 continues. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare fans have been hyped for "Warzone," the rumored battle royale mode coming to the game at some point during Season 2. Despite being smaller in comparison to other already-established battle royale games/modes, Blackout still rose in popularity over time for emphasizing what makes Call of Duty multiplayer so great. The full-sized image in crispy clear resolution can be found here and as you may have noticed, Warzone's map is significantly larger than Blackout's. Freedom Fighters is underrated. Probably not good at competitive Halo anymore. Infinity Ward itself has teased the mode's existence, and some players have even managed to glitch into the Warzone matches. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. There's a reason why camping was a big problem in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare early on, because longer sight lines and unconventional map design meant adapting to defensive strategies was much harder. RELATED: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Leak Reveals How Massive Warzone Map is Compared to Blackout. Infinity Ward is likely taking cues from its Season 1 maps that helped improve multiplayer. Blackout's map in Call of Duty Black Ops 4 was understandably conservative in its first outing. Fans should be excited for when Warzone eventually launches for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. And instead of packing everyone onto a small island, Warzone decided to go all out. That makes this map 4.5km x 4.7km. An image from a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare leaker shows how big the Warzone map is when compared to Black Ops 4's Blackout. Warzone is huge... @TheGamingRevo2 @PrestigeIsKey @TheXclusiveAce Come to our discord to get all of this as it is uncovered! The 10 best relaxing games for stress-free gaming, Olympus map – All Points of Interest and Minimap in Apex Legends Season 7: Ascension, Best teams for the Great League in Pokémon Go, Garena Free Fire latest redeem codes (November 2020). Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is out now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One. MORE: Every Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 2 Battle Royale Mode Leak. The larger 200-player count is also going to justify that size as well as in some way help mitigate any camping concerns. There are multiple ways to earn Cash, with the simplest being simply finding it on the ground. An image from a Call of Duty: Modern Warfare leaker shows how big the Warzone map is when compared to Black Ops 4's Blackout. One of the biggest leaks for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare's Warzone was the map size, which is apparently huge. However, according to the leaks and data miners, the map will have up to 200 players. There are also some smaller differences like the map size, but the distinctions made above are what we feel most separate Warzone from Blackout. Assuming the leak is true and the map does adhere to what the leaks are reporting, Warzone's map could likely be larger and more varied compared to Blackout.