It's only a small buff. I'm a recent graduate from DePaul University with a bachelor's degree in journalism. So total AD would be 425.65 with bork, or 480.65 BT. Patch 10.5 for League of Legends is live on the PBE server, and it includes changes to champions and items. The two items that build out of Tiamat, Ravenous Hydra and Titanic Hydra are both receiving significant buffs in patch 10.5. The support items, Frostfang, Harrowing Crescent, Spectral Sickle and Spellthief’s Edge are all receiving nerfs. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Shop. The following are the new item changes that are coming in patch 10.5. You may choose to gain temporary hit points equal to the bonus damage dealt from one attack made per turn. Blade of the Ruined King - It has synergy with Rhaast and helps SA deal with tanks to some extent, but might not be the best item. These changes should significantly increase the incentive for players to finish the Tiamat items sooner. The support items, Frostfang, Harrowing Crescent, Spectral Sickle and Spellthief’s Edge are all receiving nerfs. TL;DR Its a buff that gives ADC's a small helping hand, and gives a small amount of healing, but BT will still give a lot more survivability and LS than Bork will. Blade of the Ruined King changes (Buffs) Item Discussion Itemizing against tanky bros (and sisters) can be pretty difficult for an AD champion, so we're seeing if we can give a bit of love back to Blade of the Ruined King - the present day high-health AD tank demolishing item. For the item, see Blade of the Ruined King Ruined King: A League of Legends Story (or Ruined King) is a story-driven, turn based role-playing game (RPG) being developed by Airship Syndicate and published by Riot Forge. Now, the AD from items, 250 with Bork, and 305 with BT. When the owner fails five saving throws to resist madness, non sequentially, the tragedy of the Ruined King sets in. This continues until the wielder is chaotic evil. Now everyone gets a sustained combat pattern! Please read over our rules section before posting! fun stuff :) The bonus gold that is granted from the tribute passives will now only apply when nearby allied champions. Blade of the Ruined King. A failure causes the owner to shift from neutral aligned to chaotic. These changes come slow and at a shock from the owner of the Blade of the Ruined King, but slowly become more natural until they eventually become the primary thought process. That really isn't that much LS especially if said shyvana has a Thornmail/Gromp buff. These buffs seem to be targeted at improving the viability of bruiser and drain tank champions. This weapon also deals additional damage based on the target's current amount of hit points. Blade of the Ruined King is receiving a buff on the percentage health damage for melee champions that build it. It'll just be a helping hand, all it gives is a little bit more LS for ADC's. In the event of this, the original owner falls unconscious for 1d4 days, waking up with no memory of having the weapon or what happened while they owned it. RECIPE: Bilgewater Cutlass + Dagger + Dagger + 900 gold ⇒ Bilgewater Cutlass + Recurve Bow + 700 gold TOTAL COST 3200 gold (unchanged), GIMME THAT HEALTH: On-hit passive now benefits from lifesteal PASSIVE MINIMUM DAMAGE: 3 ⇒ 10 (bet you didn't know there was a minimum damage before). Now you have another good option to deal with the tanks if necessary. Recent changes the Blade of the Ruined King along with nerfs to assassin items means ADCs can finally have a larger influence to carry again. Blade of the Ruined King (Teamfight Tactics) ... For the item in League of Legends, see Blade of the Ruined King. For more League of Legends related content, visit, You can like The Game Haus on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more sports and esports articles. (Note: I know this is a ridiculous situation but if we're only really comparing how the change in the passive affects ADC itemization, I think trying to completely maximize AD on an ADC will suffice). The highest base AD out of all ADC's at level 18 is Draven I believe at 109.9, the max AD you can get from runes/masteries is is 65.75, so at level 18, he'd have 175.65 AD. The new Blackfrost skins for Rek’Sai, Alistar, and Renekton, as well as a Hextech skin for Sejuani will also be released. They immediately become attuned to the weapon. Upgrading Bilgewater Cutlass into Hextech Gunblade changes the active, which has different range ( 550 to 700), as well as higher base damage and an AP scaling.. These last until the beginning of your next turn. Why did the BotRK changes make it more viable? Passive. The weapon becomes a +3 longsword. Blade of the Ruined King is a Mythical tier item introduced in Patch Nerfs. So with this change, ADC's will still melt faster by building a Bork compared to BT. B. F. Sword Spatula. We cover the latest news in Call of Duty, CS:GO, League of Legends, Dota 2, Fighting Games, NBA 2K, Halo, Hearthstone, Overwatch, Pokemon, Rocket League, Smite, Starcraft II, Fantasy Sports, MLS, EPL, MLB, NASCAR, NBA, NCAAB, NCAAF, NFL, NHL, and PGA. It’s unfortunate that normal supports will have to suffer for this. Since his curse has destroyed all knowledge or memory of his name, kingdom, and predecessors, he cannot be remembered by any other means outside of a wish spell. Back to Main Page → 5e Homebrew → Equipment → Magic Weapons, The percentage health damage and the cleave damage from Titanic Hydra is increasing. Attack damage +15. The only true way to end the Ruined King is to remember him. These effects are not lethal but the owner's lack of capacity to maintain themselves can potentially lead to their death. In addition, the weapon still does bonus damage according to the table but with one fewer d8 per increment and they cannot gain temporary hit points. You'll probably still need a Bloodthirster and Wrath Elixir in addition to BotrK to deal with Thornmail+Cinderhulk+other tank items+Gromp passive when it comes to late game. I love writing, esports, League of Legends and Magic: the Gathering. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. These buffs seem to be targeted at improving the viability of bruiser and drain tank champions. Feels incredibly situational for such an expensive item, but theoretically sounds like a potential purchase. To watch League of Legends tournaments, visit If the owner was already chaotic, they shift from good to neutral or neutral to evil. in: TFT items. Usage [ edit | edit source ] Works well on AD Bruisers that lack any sort of ranged gap closer. Blade of the Ruined King (BOTRK) – Buff Blade of the Ruined King now allows Melee champions to deal 12% of the target’s current health as bonus damage. In the 2017 NA LCS Spring Split Playoffs on April 8th, Phoenix1 defeated Team Dignitas in a quick three game sweep to … Slow VFX. Are these Botrk changes the beginning of the end for the tank meta or just a helping hand to AD's? Lets say you're attacking a 4000hp cinderhulk toplane shyvana, You do an additional 320 damage (WHICH YOU WOULD"VE DONE BEFORE THIS CHANGE ANYWAYS) from the Bork passive, and you now heal an additional 32 HP. We offer a variety of tools and events to assist in the learning process. When a creature attuned to this weapon makes an attack with it they can make an additional attack within the same action. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the summonerschool community. The different range is an upgrade when the combined size of the user and target are below 150 units, and a downgrade when above 150 units. The next week of continued attunement prompts the same saving throw. A snarky shopkeeper might be punched rather than reasoned with. Upon a failure they are subjected to a long-term madness effect. It's probably only equivalent to about 2% lifesteal, it will stop you killing yourself on Thornmail + Gromp buff but I'm sure the tank meta will continue until they nerf Cinderhulk. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Once the wielder is chaotic evil their mind begins to slip away. So pre-change, you would only get ~79 HP back on hit, 31 less than change, so 1 auto against our Gromp/Thornmail tank would do ~430 damage to our Draven ADC. The spirit and rage of the Ruined King can never be stopped. So once again, BT damage: 889.2025, Bork Damage (without passive) 787.4525, With passive (against a 4k hp champion): 1107.4525 (Note that the damage numbers don't change with this bork buff). Itemizing against tanky bros (and sisters) can be pretty difficult for an AD champion, so we're seeing if we can give a bit of love back to Blade of the Ruined King - the present day high-health AD tank demolishing item. The owner will slowly forget their own name, where they live, and who they know until their whole existence is a constant question in their mind. This is a massive change. Finally lets look at LS, Bork gives 10% LS, so you would heal ~110 HP on hit, while BT with 20% LS would heal ~157 HP on hit. For the heck of it, lets include Draven's Q steroid which makes his AA do 1.85x damage. Doing so reveals the name, appearance, location and name of the fallen kingdom, the name of his wife who's death began his descent, as well as the events that took place that led to the Ruination. After one week of continued attunement, the owner makes a DC 15 Charisma saving throw. Press J to jump to the feed. This playstyle was abused by champions like Sona and Soraka before they received major nerfs. Summoner School is a League of Legends subreddit dedicated to helping others learn/improve. The Game Haus aims to bring unbiased, factually sound opinions to audiences across a range of mediums that are not readily accessible in the day-to-day media outlets. One week from finally shifting alignments the creature makes a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. 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Death’s Dance will now provide armor and magic resist, and Aegis of the Legion will be a component. ; The range is unchanged for Blade of the Ruined King. Reason number one is that the item was changed to be a better early option. Giving lifesteal to the on-hit passive means the more health your enemies stack, the more you'll be able to recover while kiting around. As it stands, Blade of the Ruined King should now be your go-to in order to dominate your bottom lane matchups, and your games. Blade of the Ruined King has been out of fighter inventories for a while now. Apparel; Gaming; Discuss. For every day spent being attuned to this weapon, its owner becomes more and more unlawful and reckless, making decisions that are misaligned from themselves. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Just some extra math, assume you're full build, IE/MS/LW/PD/BG/(BT/Bork)+Elixir. Blade of the Ruined King is receiving a buff on the percentage health damage for melee champions that build it. These nerfs seem to target champions that tend to build these items in a solo lane. With this information brought to life once more the curse of the Blade of the Ruined King will dissipate, freeing both his soul and the souls of his loyal soldiers and servants who were trapped with him. A remove curse spell will behave normally, but if the weapon is taken from the owner there is a 25% chance the curse will begin on the next creature that touches it as if they were a new owner.