You can get them when you finish the Shards from A Star quest. This is one of the early quests in The Hidden Ones, available after receiving the Scroll of Thoth in the quest The Settling Sun. These weapons can be further upgraded at a merchant, making their owner even more dangerous. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. These dual swords pack a super fast and deadly punch. It involves a puzzle in which you’ll need to bounce light from two mirrors onto two statues in the courtyard and then onto a hidden door. Thoth (/ θ oʊ θ, t oʊ t /; from Koinē Greek: Θώθ thṓth, borrowed from Coptic: Ⲑⲱⲟⲩⲧ, the reflex of Ancient Egyptian: ḏḥwtj "[He] is like the Ibis") is an ancient Egyptian deity.In art, he was often depicted as a man with the head of an ibis or a baboon, animals sacred to him.His feminine counterpart was Seshat, and his wife was Ma'at. Blades of thoth look cool, but damage per hit the eyes of horus are better. AC Origins Hidden Ones DLC Achievements / Trophies – How to Get Them, Nintendo Reveals First Look at Labo Kits for the Switch. It will require some puzzle-solving, too. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Sorry, we've got no plans for mobile versions of this game guide. This is a hunter's bow. How to get the Blades of Thoth. It's the most powerful melee weapon in the game. You can get it by finishing the Walls of the Ruler main quest. Borderlands 3: Ghast Call: How to Get Legendary Grenade, Stats & More, Borderlands 3 Legendary Farming: How to Get Legendary Weapons Fast & Easy, Microsoft Flight Simulator Gets New Trailers Showing Maia and Sky Harbor Airport Add-Ons, Suda51’s Silver 2425 Announced for Nintendo Switch, Marvel’s Spider-Man Miles Morales Shines in Lots of PS5 Gameplay, Genshin Impact Gets New Trailer Introducing New Character Diona & More Soundtrack Goodness, Demon’s Souls Shines on PS5 in Plenty New Gameplay, Assassin’s Creed Origins Hidden Ones: How to Get Blades of Thoth Legendary Weapon. It puts enemies to sleep and regenerates adrenaline. Assassin's Creed Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Have fun using it on our WWW pages. For more useful guides and information on Assassin’s Creed Origins, check out our wiki page. or affiliated Trademarks and protected by international copyright laws unless otherwise noted. The Blades of Thoth were short blades inspired by and dedicated to Thoth, the Egyptian god of writing, magic, wisdom, and the moon. At the foot of the rocky hills in northwest Giza, find the entrance to this tomb nestled into a large cave mouth at the edge of the desert. This will give you another quest, “The Setting Sun”, during which you’ll have to escape the pyramid with Gamilat.