So…. In the end, we're in the romantic comedy world here, and I think people go for a particular reason, for a particular escape - a diversion. A “close contact” of the MSNBC anchor tested positive for the coronavirus. Even if it feels like every studio movie garners a sequel nowadays, it’s rare to see a female-fronted trilogy. While it doesn't seem likely a fourth movie will happen, the third … When It Comes to Steve Kornacki, Please Don’t Cock Block Leslie Jones, And on Top of Everything Else, Rachel Maddow Has to Go Into COVID-19 Quarantine. Especially not one that doesn’t involve a weapon more piercing than self-deprecating sass. He’s holding the baby and beaming, looking every inch the happy dad. Except for “The Hunger Games,” no lucrative franchise ― let’s say three or more installments ― with a singular female lead springs to mind. The 2020 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Can’t Shake Off 2020. I don't think I'm in a position to judge. Which means it IS Mark’s baby. Paul Feig and Peter Cattaneo were originally tapped to direct, but they exited the project in the wake of delays and reported creative differences. All rights reserved. Given it is Mark Darcy who walks away the big winner in the end -- leaving Patrick Dempsey's Jack Qwant to hold his and Bridget's baby while he walks down the aisle -- I followed up with by asking if he was particularly satisfied with the film's end. —Cut to one year later, Bridget is walking down the aisle in her wedding dress, past hundreds of guests, to an unseen groom. I don't think they have that much loyalty to anybody. In their lives? Being perfectly and hilariously blunt, Colin Firth explained that it didn't really affect him one way or the other -- and in fact he wouldn't have minded a less satisfying ending. By the time Maguire signed on, the story focused on Bridget’s quest to determine whether her pregnancy is the result of a one-night stand with a rich American who developed a dating app (Patrick Dempsey) or her old flame Mark Darcy (Colin Firth). After years of sustaining an on-again-off-again relationship, Renee Zelwegger's Bridget Jones and Colin Firth's Mark Darcy finally finds a sense of permanence, as they are not only married, but have a child together. Today sees the release of Bridget Jones’s Baby, the latest installment of the Bridget Jones Cinematic Universe. Or anything except a joke about not knowing what he’s doing. That’s the first thing.”, Spike Lee Pops Bottles in Brooklyn to Celebrate Biden Victory. Well, not much, but it might tell us something about who Bridget ends up with. Early on, Bridget refuses the amniocentesis that would let her figure out which man impregnated her, and so the identity of the true father isn’t revealed until the last scene of the film, where we learn …. Evidence in favor of the latter theory comes in another scene, about halfway through the film. Because more than one thing is happening today. 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All rights reserved. Cute, right? Or a complicated ending, or something. If you have not yet seen the film, and don't wish to know any major details before you've had the chance, we recommend clicking away to another one of our wonderful articles! It is the third film in the franchise and a sequel to 2004 film Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason. But being familiar with cliched language, I assumed Jack’s next line would be something along the lines of “He’s my son, too.” Big group laugh and grins, fade out, Bridget gives us reassuring, happy ending voiceover. Is that the normal consolation prize for dudes who find out they’re not the father? Credit: The answers to those questions might be the same, or they might not. But now that the movie has been out for a week, we need to talk about the ending, and how it is nothing but total bullshit. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. His. And Jack is just… what? Listen to trailer music, OST, original score, and the full list of popular songs in the film. But the director says that's not what it means. A good friend? For a time in the middle— especially when Emma Thompson’s no-fucks-to-give doctor finds something close to a pep talk in her— it might start to look like the movie is going to subvert the traditional rom-com groundwork the entire franchise is so firmly built on, and have Bridget end up without either of the men. “I love her humanity,” said Zellweger of what first attracted her to the character. After the kid’s born, we flash forward to Bridget and Mark’s wedding, where Jack is standing in the front row. Except, not two minutes later, Mark asks Jack to “give me back my son.”, Mark is the father!? this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. As the newest installment in the Bridget Jones saga, Bridget Jones's Baby, approaches, fans are eager to find out who the father is. That's the thing I think would have been interesting. Stay up to date on the latest vote tallies as compiled by The Associated Press' nationwide team, Princess Diana died when Harry was just 12 years old, The Sweetest Photos of Princes Harry with Diana, First-Time Voters Across the Country Share Why the 2020 Election Matters to Them. The question was only with whom. You may judge me, and that’s fine. I didn’t expect Bridget to end up a single mother (even though that would have been a powerful ending), but this would have been fantastic! Dave would prefer to let it happen naturally. Everyone else, you’ve been warned. Bridget Jones’s Baby is due in theaters Sept. 16. That means Fielding's most recent book technically takes place after "Bridget Jones's Baby." But our question is whether the studios are already plotting a fourth installment. But it sounded like ‘F— Off.’ Really it did. Do you think that Bridget needed to wind up with Mark, or would you have liked to see a twist more in line with what Firth proposed? But he doesn’t say that. In fact, according to Firth, the way the film ended was actually determined by test audiences and how they felt about the conclusion. So, what does Ellie Goulding's "Still Falling For You" tell us about the identity of Bridget Jones's baby's father? The movie announces his absence toward the start (spoiler alert): Daniel died in a plane crash. What you hope will happen may be the same as what you think will happen, but not often. Renée Zellweger stopped by the Today show on Friday where she revealed that even she doesn’t know who is the father of Jones’ baby in the upcoming flick. Regardless of what really happened (and yes, I’m prepared to go full truther) the movie’s current ending muddles the narrative. Colin Firth explained. When we meet Mark and Bridget again in Bridget Jones's Baby, they've been broken up for a while after being in a relationship for years. © 2020 Vox Media, LLC. “Bridget Jones’s Baby” opened 15 years after the original, “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” and 12 after its inferior sequel, “The Edge of Reason.”. You\'ll receive the next newsletter in your inbox. An all-virtual ceremony can only rock so hard. Happy-smug Maher is always more fun than angry-smug Maher. Okay, so: It’s clear early on that Bridget is not going to end up with Jack. It seems we know how Colin Firth would have voted if he were a participant in the test screenings for Bridget Jones's Baby - but what do you think? Bridget Jones's Baby hopefully ends with her choosing the man she wants to be with for the rest of her life — her old love Mark Darcy (Colin Firth), or her new paramour Jack — but, after that comes the end credits song, "Still Falling For You" by Ellie Goulding. But, love triangle aside, the main question of this new movie is not which suitor Bridget will choose, but which lover is the father of her baby. Last week, I wrote about my total shock over how much I enjoyed watching Bridget Jones’s Baby. If you, too, are dying to know who's the father of Bridget Jones' baby, I've got you covered — but beware, major Bridget Jones' Baby spoilers ahead. “The sequels and remakes that get made now are the Marvel world and the comic-book world and that sort of thing,” Maguire recently told The Huffington Post by phone. He’s sketched so broadly that he’s barely a character, and Dempsey in his initial scenes gives what can only be called a terrible performance. I am going to tell you how the movie ends. Gone is the hilarious love triangle of Bridget Jones's Diary , instead Bridget Jones's Baby features a brand new love triangle — one of the points has shifted over the years, with Hugh Grant's Daniel Cleaver replaced by Patrick Dempsey's Jack. Ultimately, the filmmakers and studio decided the best way to choose an ending was to try to get a handle on what it was that people wanted from the finale of the third Bridget Jones movie, and that's what they went with for the theatrical cut. Call me an old misanthrope or something. chooses to give Bridget a perfect, fairy tale ending , making the beloved story of Bridget Jones … (”Baby” is competing against yet another unpunctual sequel this weekend, “Blair Witch.”). After he got kind of screwed over and vaguely cheated on for a while by Bridget (both men clearly thought they were in a relationship with her for a good portion of the movie), and not having nay previous relationship with her, and also not even being from England, now he’s just like their BFF and kind of a nanny maybe? The entire plot of Bridget Jones’s Baby is leading up to Bridget finding out the father of her baby, and ending up with either Colin Firth (yay!) And I think they were hedging their bets until they started to see people's response. While discussing the baby’s big feet, Bridget’s father (Jim Broadbent) mentions that Bridge has inherited his own exceptionally small feet. WHAT KIND OF ENDING IS THAT? I rather like an unhappy ending. The entire plot of Bridget Jones’s Baby is leading up to Bridget finding out the father of her baby, and ending up with either Colin Firth (yay!) She’s marrying Jack! All she needed after wrapping the film was a vacation. But, especially amid the fairly warm reception “Baby” has received from critics, it seems all too likely that a boardroom conversation about extending the franchise further will at least take place.