It’s a rare starring role from him, but he delivers a great performance as the beaten, down…. It's so visibly a Roger Corman production — cheap reused sets, a grabby violent title that's all but irrelevant to the actual story, and a surprising level of artistic and textual sophistication. “I saw my mother and came straight home.”“Who is it, darling?” a voice from inside called out.“Just the police officers.” She replied. Updated on 24/10/2020 . Does all art have a meaning? En muchos aspectos es tremendamente similar a "La pequeña tienda de los horrores", que el dúo Corman/Griffith estrenaría al año siguiente reciclando los mismos decorados. When his klutziness results in the death of his landlady's cat, he panics and hides its body under a layer of plaster. Primarily based on director's influences and recommendations. Noir-ish at times, echoing a Wilder sex comedy at others, shades of hammer horror letting themselves through constantly. Owner-verified. Mobile site. I quickly turned over the table, ran around the bar and up the short flight of stairs to the rooms. tarrdigrade 1,809 films 24,600 189 Edit, If you're feeling overwhelmed, but still want to squeeze a film into your daily routine, this list is made for…, A list that is trying to contain every horror film made that is not lost and is found on the…, hamburger splash 1,813 films 10,677 98 Edit, Tobias Andersen 8,407 films 16,718 762 Edit, Rules: Generate a number (from 1 to x) via:, See how many number of films there are in the…, Movie Maestro 3,622 films 16,058 240 Edit, [after his parents have left, thinking he is ill] "They bought it. When his klutziness results in the death of his landlady's cat, he panics and hides its body under a layer of plaster. It did turn out to be Antonio’s finger nail. I can handle the truth. 4.46 /5. At 29, he was the youngest member of the Standford Police Service. Like The Twilight Zone it manages to portray horror in a way that leaves the details to your imagination and features a nebbish who means well going too far to break free from his unsuccessful life. “We were here watching movies.”They obviously had a solid alibi. THE PEDICURED NAIL AND A BUCKET OF BLOOD Daniel Salmon, Grade 9, Shalom Catholic College Short Story 2008 “Have you ever seen Bad Boys 2?” my partner said through his drunkenly dazed look. Report this film, Review by nathaxnne (hiatus due to injury) ★★★★½ 16, When I was 17 and 18 years old I was a habitue of a coffee house not at all unlike The Yellow Door although as far as I could tell there wasn't any heroin around but I would hang out and drink coffee and read the poetry I wrote when I was 17 and 18 years old and people who went to the coffee house would have art shows there on the walls and everyone smoked cigarettes and sometimes I would smoke weed with my friends beforehand although I could never read poetry on weed because it messed up my flow. Website . It's a great horror feature from the legendary Roger Corman. Incredible! The film, produced on a $50,000 budget, was shot in five days and shares many of the low-budget filmmaking aesthetics commonly associated with Corman's work. An elderly gentleman, about late 50’s, was lying slumped in a chair with two great holes in his stomach. Roger Corman’s first horror comedy and I believe first comedy of any type. Primarily based on director's influences and recommendations. Today, I wanted something short and this is only an hour and 5 minutes so I watched it and I must say that it's very good. This is a must see! He even had a kid!”“Lower the gun.” I said slowly making my way towards him.“If Dorris hadn’t told me…” he trailed of and started sobbing.I lowered my hands and walked towards him. Are we right to interpret our meaning into art? He wants some respect so attempts to create sculptures, fails, and then ends up using the clay to encase living things in and then successfully pass them off as art. <3. His head violently exploded, sending blood and bits of brain in every direction. Bucket of Blood Inn ; Open now. Call: +441736447928. tarrdigrade 1,809 films 24,600 189 Edit, If you're feeling overwhelmed, but still want to squeeze a film into your daily routine, this list is made for…, A list that is trying to contain every horror film made that is not lost and is found on the…, hamburger splash 1,813 films 10,677 98 Edit, Tobias Andersen 8,407 films 16,718 762 Edit, Rules: Generate a number (from 1 to x) via:, See how many number of films there are in the…, Movie Maestro 3,622 films 16,058 240 Edit, [after his parents have left, thinking he is ill] "They bought it. A man who was just hit by a car is lying on the sidewalk. Case closed. Color: Black The film also has a decent score, unlike Corman's other film, The Intruder. Pretty self-explanatory, "older films" must've come out at least 20 years ago. Is it me? Miller is great and so are the supporting actors, especially Julian, who plays a very large, prominent beatnik poet. Film data from TMDb. Mobile site. Confession: I’ve murdered people and stolen their movie reviews; all in an attempt to become famous on Letterboxd. Is it ok if art is meaningful to us yet not in the way it's artist intended? Through the valves- whoosh! Roger Corman’s first horror comedy and I believe first comedy of any type. Very entertaining and very much in line with that early Corman Little Shop of Horrors vibe, but for my money, even better! This movie sees Dick Miller, who often shows up in small, quirky roles in Corman-related movies, as a busboy with a low IQ in a beatnik art bar. Noir-ish at times, echoing a Wilder sex comedy at others, shades of hammer horror letting themselves through constantly. Or the more Roger Corman films I watch, the more I think that Corman's films have actually aged remarkably well. This is a what-the-hell-have-I-just-watched kind of movie, but in a good way. Though this is “partially based on” The Mystery at the Wax Museum, the comedic and beatnik aspects make I’d feel very different. Is it me? Go check this film out! Shoutout to @bmc1998 for the recommendation. Report this film, Review by nathaxnne (hiatus due to injury) ★★★★½ 16, When I was 17 and 18 years old I was a habitue of a coffee house not at all unlike The Yellow Door although as far as I could tell there wasn't any heroin around but I would hang out and drink coffee and read the poetry I wrote when I was 17 and 18 years old and people who went to the coffee house would have art shows there on the walls and everyone smoked cigarettes and sometimes I would smoke weed with my friends beforehand although I could never read poetry on weed because it messed up my flow. I was so jazzed to have like my own beatnik coffee house to go be a poet at in…, “It's funny, looking at a picture that's 50 years old and seeing that it hasn't lost any of the--what's the word?--magic. I was so jazzed to have like my own beatnik coffee house to go be a poet at in…, “It's funny, looking at a picture that's 50 years old and seeing that it hasn't lost any of the--what's the word?--magic. There was another successful case under my belt. But when Carla and her friends enthuse over the resulting artwork, Walter decides to create some bigger and more elaborate pieces using the same artistic process. If it was just an extended Twilight Zone feeling movie, it would've been decent, but the subtle sarcasm added a sense of relief to the two-dimensional story. The first kill is hilarious, while the fourth kill is legit horrifying. The…, Chris Vandenberg 1,000 films 5,963 101 Edit. Very entertaining and very much in line with that early Corman Little Shop of Horrors vibe, but for my money, even better! Es muy buena y pienso que su guión muchas veces está por encima del tratamiento serie B que Corman le da. Classic low budget horror comedy—and another one to add to my pile of detestable beatnik artists being generally insufferable in film. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google privacy policy and terms of service apply. A Bucket of Blood is an almost perfect blend of comedy and horror. Directed by Roger Corman. Corman’s steady camerawork and thematic musical score come together to tell the story of a sad sack bus boy Walter Paisley (Dick Miller) who finds artistic inspiration after he accidentally murders his neighbours cat.