Telenor has also helped to transfer this knowledge to the local Grameenphone employees over the years. Banglalink Online Customer Chat E Care Service get 20MB free Internet! Telenor has been instrumental in setting up such an international standard in developing the GSM service in Europe. Select one or more divert options and press the following keys to activate or cancel divert from your handset: You can cancel ALL DIVERT by pressing # # 002 # SEND, Please look at your mobile phone manual to find out how the divert options work on your mobile phone. There’s no charge for either of these services. Scratch Cards You can divert/forward your incoming calls to any other number when your mobile is off, busy, cannot answer or out of coverage area. It might not always be convenient to answer the phone. Tags: banglalink call divert code, call waiting active Code, gp call divert, grameenphone call divert cancel, robi call barring code, robi call divert code, robi incoming call off, Teletalk call waiting services code. Online Customer Service Robi Sheba E Care For Prepaid Customer, How To Re Register SIM Card by SMS & Online All Operators, To activate Call Wait and Call Hold press *43# and SEND, To deactivate Call Wait and Call Hold press #43# and SEND, To check if Call Wait and Call Hold are activated or deactivated press *#43# and SEND. Do you need to manage two calls at the same time? You will hear a tone that alerts you to the incoming call. In this case, call 121 for customer service. Now even a de-activated subscriber can become active by recieving balance. You can activate or deactivate Call Wait through the menu of most phones. X | >. Subscribers are now able to transfer 50tk to 200tk balance to any grameenphone number, this balance gives validity of 3days. You can use Grameenphones EDGE/GPRS roaming services for internet access, browsing and downloading content, sending and receiving E-mails, sending/receiving multimedia messages (with picture, sound, video clip) and many more features. You will now be able to browse the internet with your mobile browser. Get answers. Note that, Prevent all incoming calls from ringing through, giving callers a busy signal, Ring incoming calls to your phone number and up to four other numbers, Block your name and number on all outgoing calls, Block your name and number on a per call basis, Play an audible tone when an incoming call is waiting to be answered, Call Waiting is activated by default with Phone service, Stop Call Waiting for all calls so you are not interrupted, Stop Call Waiting on a per-call basis so you are not interrupted, Call Waiting resumes when you end your call, Prevent all outgoing calls to Directory Assistance, Prevent outgoing calls to international numbers, Add a third party to an existing conversation. Facilities and Services from Grameenphone, Balance an Validity It is also possible to switch alternatively from one call to the other without terminating either of the calls. Here's how to turn immediate Call Forwarding or conditional Call Forwarding (No Answer / Busy Transfer) off from your device. With this feature, you can restrict any unauthorised use of your mobile phone, incoming or outgoing. Alternatively, you can use the codes below. Dial *566# to know your current balance and its validity. Ask questions. Outgoing call barring can be activated by calling *33*0000# (0000 default barring code), deactivated by calling #33*0000# Customize your digital phone features to work for you. Visit Community . AT&T offers a variety of calling features included with your service. Help others. Go to a flexiload retailer (theres flexiload outlets through out Bangladesh) and give him your grameenphone number. Incoming call restriction can be activated by calling *35*0000#, deactivated by calling #35*0000#. Customer Service Buy a scratch card and scratch off the covered area at the back of the card to get the hidden number, than call *555*hidden number# from your mobile set. Caller ID Presently there are about 30million telephone users in Bangladesh, of which, a little over 1million are fixed phone users and the rest mobile phone subscribers. Activate - This sets up the call forwarding service and allows you to enter the target phone number to which the call will be transferred. Features can be customized using the following star codes or by signing in to the AT&T Phone Portal. This service is absolutely free for all Teletalk users. Flexiload Dial *90, enter a forwarding number, then press # Dial *91# No Answer Call Forwarding: Send missed calls to voicemail or to another number: Dial *92, enter a forwarding number, then press # Dial *93# Safe Call Forwarding: Forward calls to an alternate number in the event of a service disruption: Dial *372, enter a forwarding number, then press # Dial *373# Call 121 to speak to Grameenphone Customer service (calls charged at local rates). Please note, some handsets do not support sms based settings and need to be configured through manual settings.