Découvrez comment nous utilisons vos informations dans notre Politique relative à la vie privée et notre Politique relative aux cookies. What should I do? "I encouraged her to bring things to school that she wanted to show the class," she says, "her shell collection, our hamster, some rocks. At school I've always kind of been the "quiet" girl and the one that doesn't say much. What do you do? This article offers practical advice to parents who want to be friends with someone even when your kids don't get along with their kids. Informations sur votre appareil et sur votre connexion Internet, y compris votre adresse IP, Navigation et recherche lors de l’utilisation des sites Web et applications Verizon Media. Many preschool-age children still feel most comfortable doing parallel play alongside other kids, observing and imitating rather than playing directly with friends. Thanks for reading and commenting! If your child is awkward painting with a brush, do painting projects together at home. My older daughter is quiet, but my younger daughter has a naturally loud voice that projects, and that is before she start talking loudly. My son tends to be a loud child at times. That’s a good thing. I tell him to be quiet repeatedly but he doesn't listen.It gets really bad when he does his homework. Do you know what to do with kids or babies if you bring them to church? Dear Mother of a Quiet Child, I know you worry. Read this hub for suggestions to help your child be quieter and to bring some peace to your home. "I'd go in and read to Julia's class," Lewis says. Most shyness or quietness is not a serious problem, but a few red flags may indicate that your child needs professional attention. Here are reviews of 12 winter books that would make great gifts for kids. Give your child chances to practice, but try not to make it pressure. Have you ever battled with your children at bedtime? Yet whenever it would begin to rise again, I softly whisper, “Remember to use your quiet voice…” and she would quiet down. All pregnancy, parenting, and birth videos >. I know I've been guilty of shouting a time or two... but that approach really doesn't work. Great tips! Here are a few simple ways to keep your kids healthy this fall! lisabeaman (author) from Phoenix, AZ on July 29, 2011: Thanks Ashlea and Practical Mommy! For example, if your child is fascinated by bugs but bugs haven't been talked about much at school, let him bring his collection to the classroom. "Set up a school with teddy bears, and let your child act it out," she says. I think I'll be using the whisper/tiptoe methods with him now. Most classes have favorite group songs, bellowed around the classroom or at least at music or circle time. It seems you met the challenge well! HennieN from South Africa on August 02, 2011: Wonderful hub. Don't make a big deal about it at a young age.". He doesn't focus at all, like he will pet the dog or lay on the floor. It … Children learn by example. It is hard to trust a group of people (your fellow students) with … It … Some children have an easier time grasping new skills in a quiet place, without the stimulation and pressures of the classroom. I hope you find the answers you are looking for. When my kids were young, their noisiness was a major cause for stress. Paula Atwell from Cleveland, OH on August 27, 2010: Good points here. Nos partenaires et nous-mêmes stockerons et/ou utiliserons des informations concernant votre appareil, par l’intermédiaire de cookies et de technologies similaires, afin d’afficher des annonces et des contenus personnalisés, de mesurer les audiences et les contenus, d’obtenir des informations sur les audiences et à des fins de développement de produit. Help him at home. I must confess there are times when I need to read this! I have another hub about that called, "How to Use Simple Rules to Help Kids Obey". It was then that I realized that my own noise level had escalated. You want your child to be enthusiastic about his first years in school — but try not to fret too much, especially if your child's still in preschool. It is almost like being quiet became a game. Don't just pay attention to the stumbling blocks. Gather information with your child's teachers, and look for ways to help make the classroom an engaging and comfortable place. I assumed it was because of all the noise the kids had made so I began to apologize for their rowdiness. If your child gains confidence in singing at home, this can rub off in the classroom. Your child doesn't need to be a gung-ho, first-in-line student to learn. Wendy Henderson from Cape Coral on August 30, 2010: Whispering works 100%. Talk to the teacher. The car noise drives me crazy....thanks for your suggestions I'll try them out driving to Chuck E Cheese... lisabeaman (author) from Phoenix, AZ on August 02, 2011: Thanks Hennie! It may be that activities at school are boring your child because they're too easy. Instead I heard you telling them to be quiet all day.”. Here are some tips to keep your child quiet during a church service. I am noisy. I have an eleven year old with mild high functioning autism and these suggestions only work temporarily with him. After my husband brought my own noise level to my attention, I started approaching the problem differently. Parent trainer Zweiback recommends that children role-play "school" at home with dolls and stuffed animals as a nonthreatening way to practice being in the classroom.