Cleveland's freestanding economic-development site,, is scheduled to launch Thursday afternoon. Sidebar Nav - Government_Departments_Economic_Development, Director of Economic Development - Contact Info. David remembers frequent “rides” around Cleveland where different projects and buildings were pointed out as new projects. He’s pleased that he can keep up the family tradition of helping to build Cleveland. Sep 7, 2016. This includes financing, workforce solutions and technical assistance that will encourage investment in the community to enhance the lives of Cleveland citizens. Cleveland, OH. He started out working on the redevelopment of brownfield sites, helping to place vacant, abandoned, and environmentally contaminated sites back into productive use. We will serve as a leader in small business growth and entrepreneurship by providing training services and financial products to CDCs to enhance neighborhood businesses. We offer technical and financial assistance for companies looking to start up or take their business to the next level. Long Description: CCEDP works to actively recruit new industry and create in Cleveland County a healthy and diverse environment for existing, expanding, and new businesses. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and the Case Western Reserve University School of Law. With more than 140 pages of … The Department works in concert with other departments in Cleveland City Hall, as well as with several local and regional partners. David’s work was recognized by Ohio EPA when he was awarded the 2014 award for Outstanding Leadership in Brownfield Redevelopment. P: 216.664.2406 F: 216.664.3681 Relay Service: 711 David has worked for the City of Cleveland for almost 10 years in the Department of Economic Development, starting in 2008. The portfolio consists of: 2) Entrepreneurial, Start-Up and Early Stage Microbusiness Resources, 3) Neighborhood Retail/Commercial District Support, 4) Retail Spaces Cleveland (database of available neighborhood retail spaces), Cleveland Public Theatre presents …OR DOES IT EXPLODE? How Fort Lauderdale created a next-generation online Business Support Center New Orleans, LA. Economic Development The success of our region is inextricably linked to the success of Cleveland’s neighborhoods. He currently lives in Cleveland’s West Park neighborhood with his wife, Rachel, and their daughter, Valerie. How the City of Cleveland turned its website into an economic development engine Fort Lauderdale, FL. In 2015, he was appointed by Mayor Jackson to serve as Assistant Director and was appointed again in January 2017 to serve as the Interim Director of the department. Its mission is to provide assistance to businesses expanding within or relocating to the City of Cleveland. The Cleveland, MS Chamber of Commerce is your source for business, living, economic development and more. Department of Economic Development David Ebersole, Director 601 Lakeside Ave, Room 210 Cleveland, Ohio 44114. The Greater Cleveland Partnership is one of the largest private-sector economic development organizations in Northeast Ohio and one of the largest metropolitan chambers of commerce in the nation. We are committed to improving the quality of life in the City of Cleveland by strengthening our neighborhoods, delivering superior services, embracing the diversity of our citizens, and making Cleveland a desirable, safe city in which to live, work, raise a family, shop, study, play and grow old. Cleveland County Economic Development Partnership. Cleveland City Hall601 Lakeside AveCleveland, Ohio 44114Weekdays 8am-5pm, P: 216.664.2000Relay Service: 711Send Email. The Neighborhood Economic Development Portfolio is focused on developing thriving commercial areas, successful neighborhood businesses and supportive entrepreneurial environments through neighborhood level actions. David is a 2016 member of Crain’s Cleveland Business 40 under 40. To provide assistance to businesses expanding within or locating to the city of Cleveland including financing, workforce solutions and technical assistance that will encourage investment in the community to enhance the lives of our citizens. If your organization has…, Cleveland Neighborhood Progress site navigation, Professional Development and Capacity Building Calendar, Retail Spaces Cleveland (database of available neighborhood retail spaces). He started out working on the redevelopment of brownfield sites, helping to place vacant, abandoned, and environmentally contaminated sites back into productive use. David Ebersole was born and raised in Greater Cleveland and has lived here most of his life. David grew up hearing all about new construction in the Cleveland area from his father, Steve, who has worked for over 40 years as a structural engineering consultant on buildings throughout Cleveland. The City of Cleveland Department of Economic Development provides technical assistance, creative financing and educational opportunities that will ensure a vibrant economic future for the region. David has worked for the City of Cleveland for almost 10 years in the Department of Economic Development, starting in 2008. Department of Economic Development Website, Department of Economic DevelopmentDavid Ebersole, Director 601 Lakeside Ave, Room 210 Cleveland, Ohio 44114, P: 216.664.2406 F: 216.664.3681 Relay Service: 711Send Email. (virtual) 60 min – The…, Event Details PAYMENT OPTIONS Ticket price is $375 online including all fees.…, PAYMENT OPTIONS Ticket price is $102.42 online including all fees. The City of Cleveland Department of Economic Development is a one-stop-shop for businesses located in Cleveland.