In the list's third edition, we’ve refined our proven formula for identifying the global businesses that are best positioned to outperform. Because Zscaler (NASDAQ:ZS) addresses challenges associated with securing data in an increasingly complex work environment, its revenue has grown from $54 million in fiscal 2015 to $190 million in fiscal 2018. At $74 a share recently, the stock trades at 22 times estimated earnings for 2019, just a tad higher than its 10-year median price-earnings ratio of 20. Today, it has approximately 604,367 gross acres there, including 231,100 acres in the Midland Basin and approximately 232,143 acres in the Delaware Basin. Analysts expect earnings at Xylem to increase by 18% a year, on average, over the next three years. CRISPR, founded in 2013, has little in revenue and no profits. has had a cult-like following since it began trading publicly in 2004. Today, it's not that easy. Revenues are expected to increase by 26% in 2019 and 21% in 2020—a slowdown from an annualized growth rate over the past 10 years of 28%, but double the expected growth rate of companies in the computer software services industry overall. Many cities and states have responded, believing that the storms are the result of excess carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. Guardant Health's (NASDAQ:GH) liquid biopsy tests are at the forefront of technology enabling this shift to personalized medicine. Universities pay 2U a fixed percentage of tuition and fees and generally, sign contracts of 10 years or longer. Founded in 1993 by brothers Tom and David Gardner, The Motley Fool helps millions of people attain financial freedom through our website, podcasts, books, newspaper column, radio show, and premium investing services. The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc., is part of the Dennis Publishing Ltd. Group.All Contents © 2020, The Kiplinger Washington Editors. The devices, called small cells, act like hotspots to connect pockets of the 5G world. The more data there are, the more accurate the insights. In 1900, it was just 50 years. Semiconductor firm Nvidia (NVDA, $157) might be an exception. UBS analyst Dan Brennan rates the stock a “buy” and recently raised his 12-month target price from $100 to $109. A string of recent acquisitions has added a number of smart meters, pressure sensors, and diagnostic and analytics tools to the company’s lineup. There's no telling which stocks will be the next big winners, but disruptive, fast-growing companies could position you best for market-beating returns. It is a steady business that’s growing. Will you be one of them? Powered and implemented by Interactive Data Managed Solutions. Change, after all, takes time. We're at the cusp of a revolutionary change in how we treat cancer. Terms & Conditions. DNA sequencing may become more routine as the cost to sequence falls further—from $1,000 today to as little as $100 in two to three years. Telecommunications equipment maker Qualcomm (QCOM, $52) might be a more obvious beneficiary of 5G. Currently, its blood tests provide insight for patients with tough-to-treat cancer, particularly when there's little tissue to test, but in the future, liquid biopsy could become the standard for all patients. Exact Sciences isn’t profitable yet, but losses are shrinking. Quotes delayed at least 15 minutes.