altar of sacrifice: Opferaltar {m} to lead a girl to the altar… I’m going to ask Bob to come up here and pray for us in English. If you ever have a chance to witness the consecration of an atlar, I highly recommend it! While tracing the crosses he says in each instance: May this stone be hallowed; in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Blessed is the man whose strength is in thee; * in whose heart are thy ways. First, a brief introduction: 1. Consecration of the Altar * The elaborate service, rich in prayers and petitions, is a reflection of the reverence felt towards the holy table, the place where, at every celebration of the divine Liturgy, the actual transformation of the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ takes place. altar of Mary: Marienaltar {m} relig. consecration of a church: Kirchweihe {f} [Weihe einer Kirche] relig. ANOTHER RITE OR SHORTER FORM FOR CONSECRATING A FIXED ALTAR, 8. There was given him much incense, that he may offer it upon the golden altar which is before the eyes of the Lord. Ant. ↩ All: I will make your name memorable * through all generations. BLESSING OF CANDLES on the Feast of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, 10. P | Q | It was essentially a platform or stage built of red tile and going all the way across the front of the church building (partially pictured below). BLESSING OF A BONFIRE on the Vigil of the Birthday of St. John the Baptist conferred by the clergy outside of church, 17. Humberto came up front and shared from Romans 12:1-2 about how we give ourselves as living sacrifices in light of God’s mercy. And deign thou that the gifts placed upon this Altar may always be acceptable unto thee. The Rite of Consecrating a Fixed Altar according to the 1962 liturgy contains several beautiful elements including Gregorian Water, relics of saints, and even fire… C: Gird your sword upon your thigh, * O mighty one! I | Then turning back toward the altar and removing the mitre he adds at once: And all, including the bishop, kneel and spend a little time in silent prayer, until the deacon says: Hereupon all rise, and the bishop with hands joined sings the following oration in the ferial tone: Lord our God, we pray that your Holy Spirit may descend upon this altar, that He may sanctify thereon our and your people’s gifts, and that it may please Him to cleanse the hearts of all who partake of them. 13. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house; * they will be alway praising thee. 17. While this is done the choir, as time allows, sings the following antiphons (for the music see the music supplement), or the ministers recite them: Antiphon 1: You have been favored with places at God’s altar, O saints of God, intercede for us to the Lord Jesus Christ. ¶ The Bishop will then bless incense, and thrice incenses the Sepulcher. Meanwhile the following … Continue reading → ( Log Out /  He then invited people to get up onto the altar as a picture of giving ourselves to God. All: All glorious is the king’s daughter as she enters; * her raiment is threaded with spun gold. May that which we have anointed, be anointed in his Name. Let my prayer be set forth in thy sight as the incense, And let the lifting up of my hands be an evening sacrifice. They will go from strength to strength, * and unto the God of gods appeareth every one of them in Sion. May thy Christian people enjoy thy boundless goodness; that whosoever shall devoutly offer thy Holy Sacrifice on this Altar, or who shall partake of it here, may receive strength in this present life, the remission of all sins, and the grace of everlasting redemption. ¶ The Bishop again blesses incense and incenses the Altar a third time, and then says. The chalice and paten for offering, consecrating, … Continue reading → BLESSING OF WINE on the Feast of St. John, Apostle and Evangelist, 6. After the altar or altar-stone has been thoroughly cleansed by the clergy or the ministers, the bishop celebrates Mass on it or he commissions another priest to do so, as convenience dictates. Meanwhile the mason makes a mortar with the “gregorian” water, which the bishop blesses, saying in a low voice: Most High God, the keeper of all things from the highest to the lowest, who encompass all creatures in their inmost being, bless this mortar; through Christ our Lord. Translation from St. Stanislaus program booklet with slight modifications. The bishop, having put on the mitre, forms five crosses out of grains of incense on the same five spots where earlier he traced the crosses with the blessed water and the holy chrism. reverence felt towards the holy table, the place where, at every celebration of BLESSING OF THROATS on the Feast of St. Blaise, 11. The first Eucharist with the new outdoor altar was celebrated by Dean Dunkle on September 4, 2020 (pictured, right and below). If several altars, or several altar-stones, are being consecrated at the same time, the bishop carries out the same actions and words at each of the altars, or altar-stones, successively, the same as he did at the first. BLESSING OF FIELDS, MOUNTAIN-MEADOWS OR PASTURES. Ant. Who going through the vale of misery use it for a well; * and the pools are filled with water. Peace be unto this House. E | All: Then will I go in to the altar of God, * the God of my gladness and joy. All: For you, O God, are my strength. What about both. At the proper time the bishop (or the delegated priest) goes to the sacristy, where he vests with the assistance of the deacon and subdeacon in the aforementioned vestments. relig. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. N | BE thou blessed by him in whose honor thou shalt be burned. O Lord God Almighty, thy angels tremble before thy Face and their radiant and holy service is known to thee:  Deign to bless and sanc+tify this creature of incense, that all weakness and illness of health and the wiles and snares of the devil may flee far hence at the pleasing odor thereof and be driven from thy sight through the Atonement of the Precious Blood of thy Son. The academic year began with new student orientation earlier this month and continues with chapel services celebrated outside on the lawn of the Close (pictured above). V | O most Holy Lord, Father Almighty and God Eternal, mercifully and graciously hear our humble prayers, and receive the holocausts of this Altar, not made by fire, but infused with the grace of the Holy Ghost. God was at work as we consecrated the altar, and he was at work in the people at the same time. After incensing the altar, the bishop prays: May our prayer, we beseech Thee, O Lord, go up like incense before Thee, and may the Christian people obtain plenteous blessings, that whosoever shall devoutly lay on this altar gifts to be consecrated, or receive them when consecrated, may obtain all that is needed for the present life, together with pardon of his sins, and the grace of everlasting redemption. Through Christ our Lord. Pour out upon it the power and consecration of thy bles+sing and sancti+fication. When the antiphons are finished the bishop (without mitre) with hands joined sings the following: {The following (i.e., all contained within the brackets) are omitted if the consecration of the altar is done with the simple form.}. The second part of the rite is the translation of the relics. The first Eucharist with the new outdoor altar was celebrated by Dean Dunkle on September 4, 2020 (pictured, right and below). And let my cry come unto thee. C: My heart overflows with a goodly theme; * as I sing my ode to the king, my tongue is nimble as the pen of a skillful scribe. Dearly beloved, we humbly beseech the mercy of God the Father Almighty to hear our prayer and to bless and sanc+tify this altar upon which spiritual offerings shall be made. 4. ¶ While all is prepared for the consecration of the altar, a hymn may be sung by the people standing. This ritual is a simple one that can be used to consecrate any magical tools, clothing or jewelry, or even the altar itself. Gallery, Site Search Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest, where she may lay her young; * even thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. W | B The new faculties conceded to bishops by Pope Paul VI permit them to delegate priests to consecrate portable altars (see Ephem. The consecration of an altar. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God. relig. 16. May He find favor in the incense of the spirit and be ready to hear the petitions of His people. The bishop anoints the altar with Sacred Chrism in the five crosses engraved in the corners and center of the altar praying, “May this altar be sealed and sanctified in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: to God’s honor and in Saint Stanislaus’s memory. The bishop, wearing the rochet and white stole, stands (without mitre) before the altar-stone to be consecrated, which is resting on table, and says: {Then the bishop blesses “gregorian” water, unless it was already blessed before the sacred action by the bishop or another priest delegated by him, with the form given in the Pontifical.}. Arise. He slew living offerings, making an evening sacrifice pleasing unto the Lord, in the sight of the children of Israel. BLESSING OF A MONSTRANCE OR OSTENSORIUM for exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Blessings of things designated for ordinary use, 14. May they rise as a sweet oblation unto thee; may those who receive thy Holy Eucharist be made worthy of divine healing, and may they merit to enter unto everlasting life. The Lord be with you. BLESSING AND LAYING THE CORNER-STONE OF A CHURCH*, 2. The consecration of a portable altar can be done with the solemn or simple form as indicated below. The bishop, having put on the mitre, walks around the altar, sprinkling it with “gregorian” water, using an aspersory made of hyssop, and without saying anything. ¶ Then all shall read in unison Psalm 84: O how amiable are thy dwellings, * thou Lord of hosts! On the morning of August 19, 2020, the Presiding Bishop consecrated the altar in a short Eucharistic service in his front yard in suburban Raleigh. Amen. During this psalm the choir, if necessary, repeats the antiphon after every two verses: C: Do me justice, O God, and fight my fight against a faithless people; * from the deceitful and impious man rescue me. 8. We beg you, Lord, let our prayer rise like incense in your sight, and let your Christian people be the recipients of copious favors. Then with hands joined the bishop sings the following in the ferial tone: God, who fashion an everlasting dwelling-place for yourself out of the chosen saints, bestow heavenly increase on this work done in your name; and grant that we may always be aided by the merits of the saints whose relics we reverently enclose in this altar; through Christ our Lord. Hence excessively small relics of one or more saints must not be placed beneath the altar.