925 W. Ottawa. Our programs and services include international and regional conferences which attract professionals from throughout the world, publication each year of two issues of the International Journal on Court Administration, maintenance of technical resource/research database, and newsletter, some of which are available only to current members. Committees. IACA has postponed our 2020 conference. Its founding principles envision a global association of professionals collectively engaged in promoting the effective administration of justice. IACA has postponed our 2020 conference. Some of the cooperation activities include the areas of training of judges; research involving subject matter experts; joint conferences, seminars, and workshops; and the overall exchange of knowledge and experience. Copyright 2005 through Present - All international rights reserved. Many thanks to our friends at the High Judicial Council for engaging in this partnership. MyGCCA@gmail.com. Our programs and services include international and regional conferences which attract professionals from throughout the world, publication each year of two issues of the International Journal on Court Administration, maintenance of technical resource/research database, and newsletter, some of which are available only to current members. Stafford Municipal Court, 2nd VICE PRESIDENT Quick Links. This information is available to both members and non members of the association. MCAA uses google groups as a list serve for questions. We look forward to seeing you there! Rumson and Fair Haven Municipal Courts, Services Provided by Web-Hosting4u, Livingston, NJ. Our Mission: The mission of MACCA is to improve the administration of justice, increase the proficiency of court … to the Oregon Association for Court Administration (OACA) Website! the Michigan Association of Family court Administrators (MAFCA) … Talgat Donakov, Chairman of the High Judicial Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Sheryl Loesch, President of the International Association for Court Administration, each signed the Memorandum in their respective countries rather than together as originally planned. RECORDING SECRETARY Kathryn Amidon Coffey, CMCA ... ©2020 Municipal Court Administrators Association of New Jersey. If you have any questions about the association, To support the Advancement of Court Administration in Michigan, If you would like access or have any questions, contact, Michigan Court Administration Reference Guide, National Association for Court Management, National Association of Drug Court Professionals, Michigan Association of Drug Court Professionals.