In what may come as a surprise to some, other parts of the world — including Austria and the French Alsace region — also serve carp for their holiday meal. In Thailand this fish is very popular and is prepared in different ways. Tweet on Twitter. honey 2-3 eggs Melted butter for brushing top of nut roll To make the dough, combine hot milk with butter, sugar and salt. It‘s known for being bony, and the tedious task of deboning while eating can put people off (keep a slice of bread on hand in case of choking). dish? The original fried carp recipe, still used to this day, has been attributed to Magdalena Dobromila Retigova, lady who is to be considered by many the mother of Czech cuisine. Radio Prague recently attended the clearing of lake Krčín, in southern Bohemia, and spoke to the head of the Třebon Fisheries Josef Malecha, who was overseeing the process. The original fried carp recipe is attributed to writer Magdalena Dobromila Rettigová (1785-1845), the mother of Czech cuisine whose legendary 1826 cookbook A Household Cookery Book (Domácí kuchařka) was the only cookbook in the Czech language for many years. Cooking time: 15 + 15 + 8 minutes, Register free to receive our official newsletter, ©Copyright MSCOMM 1996 – 2020. Onions only require four to five minutes at high heat to blanch to al dente. Recipe. Yes, I know when many of you hear/read carp you cringe. Meanwhile, a bell would ring. Salt the carp fillets and dip them in flour, then in egg and milk mixture and finally in breadcrumbs. ( Log Out /  Ingredients . To this day, the Czech Republic remains the sixth largest producer of fish within the EU, though in recent years, drought conditions have dried up a number of ponds and driven up carp prices. 127-40 минут 6 порции. Don't know how to cook We would watch Christmas fairy-tales, nibble on Christmas sweet and wrapping last of Christmas presents, dad frying carp and schnitzel for dinner whiles potato salad is resting in the fridge. Yummy Pics, Food Photography for Bloggers, « The Best of Spicie Foodie: 2011 Edition. This is just one of them. Prior to the 17th century, the golden age of Třeboň carp, eating fish at Christmastime was limited to the affluent and noble classes with most simple folk serving humble dishes like houbová kuba, zelná polévka (cabbage soup) and other, predominantly meatless dishes. Peel carrot and celery root and cook them in salted water 10 15 minutes until tender but not overcooked. ( Log Out /  All a pleasant appetite! Czech Christmas Nut Roll DOUGH: 1 c. scalded milk 1/2 c. butter 1/2 c. sugar 1 tsp. 40 минут This Christmas season, we’ll leave you a fun fact to chew on — and a recipe: the largest Czech carp caught in the Czech Republic to date was by 18-year-old fisherman Stanislav Blažka who pulled in a 32 kg specimen to set a Czech record. Very tasty tender juicy fish just hides in his mouth. Mix all ingredients carefully in a bowl, add mayonnaise and some pickle brine with mixed salt and pepper. But the fish farming industry dates to the 12th century. instructions preparations. This is not a particularly tricky recipe, whom shared with me a friend-colleague, first attracted me because mold does not need anything (it was in the spring and harvested in the winter chum salmon in the freezer was still, Oh, a lot... well, not a fish I'm a man!). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Cut the gherkin in small cubes ((leaving the brine for seasoning) Prepare hard-boiled eggs, peel and cut in pieces. And yet it was only in the oven, but also on the coals to roast. But cooking and eating the carp is just part of the fun. Your email address will not be published. In this recipe it is prepared simultaneously with the vegetables is not only delicious, but also quickly, besides, simply, clearly, beautifully. In fact, during the First Czechoslovak Republic, carp was actually a favored dish during the Lenten fast and its consumption at Easter was only slightly lower than at Christmas! This site and the Adaptor logo are copyright © 2001 - 2020 Howlings s.r.o. Fry on all sides in hot oil until golden brown. All a pleasant appetite! This makes the Christmas menu very easy for the Czech housewife. Usually some of the fresh fish is grilled at stalls on the spot for visitors to enjoy with beer or wine, and most families buy fresh carp to take home. From there its breeding spread to aristocratic and municipal ponds where whole systems were built for breeding carp. Yes, carp. Now Is Your Time To Learn To Defend Yourself.. And Get in Great Shape With Krav Maga In English In Prague. See our recipe here for making the perfect carp and potato salad. Then the traditional Czech dinner of fried carp with potato salad and carp soup would be served – with everyone hoping that there won’t be any trip to A&E due to swollen carp bone. Preferably the day before, boil potatoes in skin for about 15‑20 minutes, depending on their size, check with a knife whether they are soft. It's a shame because hulled grain is both healthy and delicious. The carp’s journey from the fishpond to the Christmas table, Adéla and Petr Mucha on Christianity, Christmas and the Underground Church under Communism, A jazz take on traditional Christmas songs and carols, Vánočka – a Christmas Eve sweetbread steeped in symbolism, Umělecká zahrada in Nusle: one of Prague’s hidden gems, ‘Mářa’s Cookbook’: Janáček’s cook reveals the Czech composer’s demanding tastes, The raw beauty of Ostrava through the eyes of a singer and poet, Archaeologists prepare dig in Jesenicko after mushroom picker finds rare Bronze Age sword, Traffic light map changing from Monday as Czechs join EU system, The Battle of White Mountain - arguably the most decisive battle of the Thirty Years War, “A huge cultural loss” – historic wooden church burns down in Prague. Fried carp with potato salad Recipe . Another life" we took the recipe for a traditional Christmas carp. Frying carp didn’t become popular until the 19th century. It brings back sweet memories of my childhood where all of us would gather on the morning of 24th December to decorate Christmas tree. Just like sugar and spice, carp and potato salad go hand and hand for Christmas. The original fried carp recipe, still used to this day, has been attributed to Magdalena Dobromila Retigova, lady who is to be considered by many the mother of Czech cuisine. Whole families turn up for a day-long trip in which they brave the cold to watch fishermen in rubber suits pull in nets full of frisking carp, but also some pike and catfish. The custom of frying carp on a large scale is usually attributed to the period immediately after the Second World War. More than 100 cuisines of the world. In the run-up to Christmas it appears in large vats in Czech towns and cities from which it is sold live, to be killed and skinned on request – or taken home to occupy the bathtub until Christmas night to the delight of many children. She never needs to think what to serve for dinner on Christmas Eve: carp and potato salad are always on the menu. Probably in a frying pan, when spread out, something like...". Serve with lemon and a generous portion of potato salad. Fresh killed carp as a traditional Czech Christmas meal. Mackerel – spicy taste of the fish, tender and juicy. Every family has its own favourite recipe for carp and carp soup. Of course I like other kinds of fish as well, the pike perch or catfish are also delicious, but, given a choice, I much prefer carp. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Difficulty: Easy. With dinner being over, me and my little brother would go to the window watch the sky and look out for Ježíšek and listening if he entered the living room and left some presents for us. Tip: soak the carp fillets in a milk over night or at least two hours prior to frying. Suggest you try a delicious dish of fish snapper. With five minutes to go place the onion quarters into the boiling water with a slotted spoon. Discarded fish parts are used to make the traditional Czech fish soup and, of course, saved and dried for luck: keeping a carp scale in your wallet is believed to bring good fortune for the upcoming year. Fried carp with potato salad - Christmas Czech recipe on Gourmetpedia, the reference of food lovers ... Français . Shopping for the carp, a few weeks before Christmas, from outdoor vendors selling the fish from tubs, is where the tradition begins. Prague, Czech Republic – All across Central and Eastern Europe, the main meal served for the Christmas feast is neither duck nor turkey, but carp. So, catch the debut!.. porridge, and much more - all this you will find in our great cookbook. Compared to a freshwater pike for example, carp is a fattier species that, when prepared correctly, shouldn’t offend anyone who regularly eats fish. I suggest you try the snapper with vegetables and coconut milk. In early December, large basins full of live carp appear on every street corner in Prague. In what may come as a surprise to some, other parts of the world — including Austria and the French Alsace region — also serve carp for their holiday meal. Christmas and Carp go together like a hand and glove, at least when considering what we, Czechs refer to as a traditional Christmas. Take the vegetable out of water, let cool down and cut in small pieces. The earliest methods for baking the carp were to use white wine or vinegar (na modro – on the blue) or alternatively in a sweet prune sauce with ginger bread (na černo – on the black). Share on Facebook. First mentions of carp for Christmas stretch as far back as the 17th century. First mentions of carp for Christmas stretch as far back as the 17th century. What individual families eat for the Christmas holidays can vary according to region and family habits. But one must remember to have an open mind and respect other people’s traditions. Written by Jan Purkrábek Hello! While the recipe varies from family to family, the main ingredients are boiled eggs, potatoes, mayonnaise, pickles and vegetables. Christmas and Carp go together like a hand and glove, at least when considering what we, Czechs refer to as a traditional Christmas. Those who have never tasted carp, or other freshwater fish, will find the taste is quite different than that of saltwater fish. ( Log Out /  Debone, remove skin and clean fish, pat dry. Some families have their own Christmas tradition of going to the river and setting it free on Christmas day, which is not highly recommended since the fish rarely survive, but some families like the idea of “saving “ a carp and setting it free. This unusual-to-outsiders scene has been memorably depicted in many Czech movies (such as 1999’s Pelíšky). As Christmas are knocking on our doors let me share with you my grandma’s recipe for this traditional Christmas feast and yes it is a feast! In her cookery book from 1826 was carp and especially potato salad considered a pheasant food which included various leftovers from any meals. But four things are the same for 99 per cent of Czechs: Christmas bread (vánočka), fried carp or schnitzel, potato salad and This is my first recipe on the Pillsbury.