POD-150806, Home » Magazine » Issue 45 » Damnation Alley Landmaster. It’s a wondrous machine that almost saves this poorly paced would-be romp. Description: In Roger Zelazny's post-holocaust novel/short story Damnation Alley, ex-con Hell Tanner drives from Los Angeles to Boston in a heavily armed and armored "car." Tilted on its axis as a result of the nuclear holocaust, the Earth lived through a reign of terror with storms and floods of unprecedented severity. www.motortrend.com/news/c12-0511-dean-jeffries-interview/, https://jalopnik.com/dean-jeffries-50-fabulous-years-in-hot-rods-racing-5328147. Fast and Curious: 7 Unusual Star Cars from the “Fast and Furious” Series. The owner plans a full restoration back to 1977 on-screen glory, and we’ll keep you updated once it’s returned to period-authentic condition. He told Jeffries he wanted to buy the Landmaster, offered him $1 on the spot to buy it, and managed to haggle Jeffries into a payment plan that lasted the next 26 years until he paid back every cent of the price they agreed upon. Although Winfield doesn’t own it, he lets the current owner park it there, as the two have been longtime friends and are both hard-core gearheads. Sign Up today for our FREE Newsletter and get the latest articles and news delivered right to your inbox. No exaggeration, this is a really lousy film. While Damnation Alley suffered from poor visual effects and a not-so-great performance from George Peppard, it did feature this awesome vehicle. Jan 24, 2017 - Damnation Alley Vehicle out at Gene Winfield's. Although two vehicles were seen in the movie, only one was ever built and duplicated on film with some trick editing and scale models. Required fields are marked *. For some strange reason many famous cars inexplicably disappear. No one’s rated or reviewed this product yet. It seems that many movies of that era are now being remade since studio executives no longer have the backbone to try something original. The car was bullet-proof, air-conditioned, and had its own food locker and sanitation facilities.". The assemblies can be locked so eight wheels are making contact with the ground or unlocked, which allows the entire assembly to roll so it can climb over obstacles or “paddle” through water. Jan 24, 2017 - Damnation Alley Vehicle out at Gene Winfield's. Damnation Alley was supposed to be 20th Century Fox’s BIG sci-fi blockbuster for the year 1977. Stop whatever you’re doing and go watch Damnation Alley. For those that need to know, the Landmaster was powered by a Ford 390-cubic-inch V8. All 12 wheels spin independently when it’s on the water and the actual tri-stars rotate. Tanner also avoids angering the 120' snakes as well... As a final note, the car doesn't make it to Boston, but finally fails some 30-odd miles out (or so I guess). The story describes the car as follows: "...had eight heavily treaded tires and was thirty-two feet in length. The Ultimate Firearms Destination for the Gun Lifestyle, © 2020 Recoil Magazine When this epoch began to wind down, the remnants of life once more ventured forth to commence the struggle for survival and dominance. And so it goes with each of the movies discussed below. Even as a 12-year-old, I thought the effects in this movie were pretty lame, but didn’t care much because the Landmaster was the real star of the show. Tanner, Denton and Keegan are co-workers at an underground military facility. Talked with the current owner at a car show, he said when it was first built the thing survived a 25 ft. jump in testing with no damage and it rarely broke down during filming. A rag-tag band of survivors of a nuclear holocaust head for Albany, New York, the only city in America spared in the apocalypse. The intellectual property depicted in this model, including the brand Damnation Alley, is not affiliated with or endorsed by the original rights holders. To the best of the owner’s recollection, the vehicle’s chassis was built from scratch and originally designed by a military contractor in Texas as a missile transport, but was never used for that purpose, so it was offered to 20th Century Fox once preproduction on the film began. For those that need to know, the Landmaster was powered by a Ford 390-cubic-inch V8. Propulsion Systems. The Landmaster resides at Gene Winfield’s shop in Mojave, California. Apparently, the Mystery Men know their way around an engine. While Damnation Alley suffered from poor visual effects and a not-so-great performance from George Peppard, it did feature this awesome vehicle. Mystery Men, however, is merely amusing. Movement: Cost Abilities and Equipment Tanner, Denton and Keegan are co-workers at an underground military facility. Mr. What a name. Use the .357 Magnum and give it +1 RMod to represent the long barrel. Tanner only uses them in short bursts or for upwards of 10 seconds, so I figured 60 Charges made sense. Sadly, the hulking rig is only given about five minutes of screen time, but it’s a memorable five minutes. Designer's Notes: I will admit, although this car is well described, parts of it were pure guess work. He hopped over the fence and raced over to see this vehicle that piqued his curiosity. Each one contains three wheels operated by a seven-gear drive system.