Some mass shootings have no evident political motive, like the one in Dayton, Ohio, on Sunday. "There is overwhelming consensus that growing economic inequality and changes in family structure are interrelated. David Leonhardt writes The Morning newsletter every weekday and also contributes to the Sunday Review section. Everyone’s decrying tribalism, and yet the idea that we should rejigger the constitutional order to make sure that Asian Americans in California have the same “representation” in the Senate as Hispanics in, say, Texas or Rhode Island is profoundly tribal. If Trump had lost those three ... Uber, Lyft Escape California’s Crackdown — but Law Will Continue to Devastate Gig Economy, For Better Health and a Stronger Economy, Don’t Lock Down Again, A Successful Presidency, a Maddening President, Mario Cuomo, Lauded Speech-Giver, and Governor in His Spare Time, Culture with Kat Timpf: 16-Year-Old Girl Shouldn’t Face Child-Porn Charges, Trump Won One-Quarter of Non-White Voters, Highest for GOP Presidential Candidate Since 1960: Exit Poll, Florida County Passes ‘Rights of Nature’ Charter Amendment, Both Georgia Senate Races Head to Runoff in Test of Republican Majority, Biden Wins Pennsylvania, Surpassing 270 Electoral Votes to Beat Out Trump for the Presidency. Box 1502 American conservatism has a violence problem. China would have more than four votes for every one of America’s, and 121 for every one of Belgium’s, and 1,013 votes for everyone of Trinidad’s. © Gannett Co., Inc. 2020. It really gets annoying to see how desperate some administration apologists are when it comes to casting the stimulus in the best light possible. You’re also not buying the Pete Buttigieg hype. And right-wing extremists have a culture of violence unlike anything on the left. But Klobuchar’s own electoral history is deeply impressive. This article is part of David Leonhardt’s newsletter. For media inquiries, contact Michael Toscano ( Some of them are even funny. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. June Carbone and Naomi Cahn. His margin of victory in each state: David Leonhardt (born January 1, 1973) is an American journalist and columnist.Beginning April 30, 2020, he writes the daily New York Times "The Morning" newsletter. By David Leonhardt Opinion Columnist Jan. 2, 2020, 10:06 a.m. In that way, she reminds me of another Midwestern senator who once seemed too ordinary to be president: Harry Truman. Did Biden’s Victory Come Down to Fewer Votes Than Trump’s in 2016. ET Joe Biden, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, spoke during a campaign event in New Hampshire this week.Credit...Elizabeth Frantz for The New York Times "About 70 percent of Americans identify themselves as either politically conservative or moderate, polls show. The editor of The Upshot, the Times’ data journalism arm, could not have been clearer, calling out on those on the left who put “more weight on their preconceptions (inequality is bad for society) than on the evidence (changes in family structure are both an effect and a cause of inequality).”. (2012) have shown that when women gained the right to keep their own earnings in the U.S., the terms of marriage changed and women acquired more education. David Leonhardt writes for The New York Times. Americans live where they live for a host of complex reasons. If you’re like a lot of Democrats, you worry that Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are too liberal — or at least that other voters think so. On the first question there will never be agreement. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! He suggested that this is one area where conservatives, who emphasize the causal impact of family structure on economic factors, have a greater claim to the evidence than liberals. Michigan: 10,704 votes Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. On that last point, her primary campaign could benefit from her own advice: Klobuchar would improve her chances if she could find the grace notes that lift the best campaigns by telling a story about America. There is no hypocrisy in liberals sending their kids to top schools. The critical question is what to do about it, and here the causal issues matter. She is still a relative city slicker, having lived most of her life around the Twin Cities and attended Yale and the University of Chicago’s law school. Your donation will be tax-deductible. But she knows how to persuade voters who are different from her that she respects them. Charlottesville, VA 22902. And liberal America also has violent and deranged people, like the man who shot at Republican members of Congress playing softball in 2017. She tells too many self-deprecating jokes to seem earnest. Earlier this month, the New York Times’ David Leonhardt published a brief letter arguing that increasing economic inequality is both a cause and an effect of changing family structures. Joe Biden, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, spoke during a campaign event in New Hampshire this week.Credit…Elizabeth Frantz for The New York Times. Judging by some of the responses that Leonhardt’s essay garnered, some on the left remain in denial about the facts of marriage and family life. Shoshana Grossbard. And Warren has an unmatched grasp of the economy’s problems, which could make her a transformational president. David Leonhardt’s decision to take “sides” on the debate over whether diverging family structures cause inequality or whether inequality causes diverging family structure conflates two things that should be kept separate: core values about marriage (is it a Biblically mandated ideal or a matter of personal preference?) We encourage members of the media interested in learning more about the people and projects behind the work of the Institute for Family Studies to get started by perusing our "Media Kit" materials. Research would not demonstrate that an indicator of marriage market conditions, the ratio of men to women in society—the sex ratio—affects what we buy, what we produce at home, how much we save, and our employment patterns. The most extreme version of conservatism’s violence problem is the most tragic: the pattern of mass shootings by people espousing right-wing views, sometimes encouraged in online forums. Geddes et al. Joe Biden, 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, spoke during a campaign event in New Hampshire this week. During that period, teen-aged children of college graduate parents (white or black) became more likely to be raised in a two-parent family, while family stability declined for everyone else. Democrats also won the statewide congressional vote in Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Florida, on their way to retaking the House. They like to portray Democrats as self-serious elites who look down on ordinary Americans. Societal support for families accordingly tends to remain marriage-centered, as elites call the shots on support for the terms of family life. Between 1982 and 2006-08, family change has become a hallmark of class, not cultural choice. She grew up in a family that struggled with alcoholism and divorce, and she talks about it. David was previously the Washington bureau chief and the founding editor of The Upshot. ... Liberal and conservative parents both want the best for their kids – regardless of whether that provides any great advantage to society as a whole. If she’s elected, she promises to raise taxes on the rich, lift take-home pay for everyone else, take on big-business abuses and combat climate change. The fact that Ted Cruz is drawing almost even among Hispanic likely voters in Texas suggests that, even within Texas, Hispanics are fully capable of reaching different conclusions about political questions. It’s true that these broad principles often don’t translate to individual issues: Voters are quite progressive on specific matters of economic policy, for example. In 2011, he received the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. The current secretary of energy, Rick Perry, once publicly suggested that the chairman of the Federal Reserve deserved to be beaten up because of his interest rate policy. By David Leonhardt ... Former Gov. Many of his recent columns have focused on the economic downturn, the budget deficit or … Perdue won 49.8 percent of the vote as of Saturday morning, to Ossoff's 47.9 percent. ( Log Out /  I agree. “Right-wing extremist violence is our biggest threat,” Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the A.D.L., has written. Naomi Cahn is Harold H. Greene Professor of Law at George Washington University. Progressives can heed that lesson -- and build a … Were the marriage-income relationship simply a reflection of how income affects marriage, it would not follow that marriage market conditions influence income. Explaining that takes a book not a blog, but there is one word that does unite liberal and conservative solutions: jobs. Original content available for non-commercial use under a Creative Commons license, except where noted. And what else you need to know today. I have been warning for years against the "nature rights" movement -- only to be met mostly by eye-rolls and complacent chuckles of, "What will they think of next?" “The numbers don’t lie.”. In my book The Marriage Motive (published by Springer, 2015) I argue that marriage influences whether we work or stay home, how much we work, what we produce at home and what we buy, and how we deal with our finances. View (active tab) Voting results; Want to see how AllSides rates other sources? June Carbone is Robina Chair in Law, Science and Technology at the University of Minnesota Law School. In 2011, he … I’m merely saying this: Many Democratic voters care more about beating Trump than anything else. But Leonhardt’s argument is a terrible one for doing away with the Senate’s structure. Change ). He’s done so several times in the current campaign, most recently this week, when a voter in New Hampshire asked if he would consider naming a Republican as his vice president. As of October 2018, he also co-hosts a weekly Opinion podcast titled “The Argument”, with Ross Douthat and Michelle Goldberg. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Get our conservative analysis delivered right to you. He has worked at The Times since 1999, in a … But it’s folly to pretend that the problem is symmetrical. Education, employment, savings, consumption: all economic decisions that result in where people stand on the income inequality measures; all decisions influenced by marriage market conditions, such as sex ratios, and by laws aimed at regulating marriage and cohabitation. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has become an answer to that question in the final month before voting begins. States aren’t countries, of course, but they ain’t nothing either. Op-Ed Columnist, The New York Times . On the second, there is overwhelming consensus that growing economic inequality and the change in family structure are interrelated, and no doubt that the changing family makes inequality worse. He suggested that this is one area where conservatives, who emphasize the causal impact of family structure on economic factors, have a greater claim to the evidence than liberals. One subject where the some on the left ignore the evidence is the science on marriage, child well-being, and the commonweal. Klobuchar, to be sure, is not a finished product as a presidential candidate. Maybe Hispanics in Texas have different political interests than Hispanics in California?