Here’s what’s you can do *safely* in the area. Fox N Hare will donate 10% of "I Love the Delaware River" sales to Audubon's Brewers for the Delaware River Program. Before it was called Delaware, the river was Lenape Wihittuck, which means “river of the Lenape.” The Delaware also figures prominently in American history. Get 15% off your onsite or to go bill if you say, “I Love the Delaware River” when ordering on Thursday, October 29th. Brewers depend on clean, reliable water to survive and thrive, just like birds. Get recaps, exclusive offers, stories and discounts. Thank you for supporting brewers who support clean water! The mainstem of the river is the longest free-flowing river in the northeastern United States, and it is protected by the National Wild and Scenic River protection. It’s the least you can do. Be entered to win a $50 gift card if you say, “I Love the Delaware River” when ordering in-person or to go on Wednesday, October 28th. Spread the word. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. State-wide participation in managing sufficient water resources. National Audubon Society Delaware River named 2020 'River of the Year' The Delaware River has been recognized as the "River of the Year" for 2020. */. Staff “The Delaware River is a national success story,” said Bob Irvin, president and CEO of American Rivers. Good news is a little hard to find these days, but here’s a success story that’s worth celebrating: The Delaware River is the River of the Year for 2020. Fish and Wildlife Service, the conservation of the river has been an ongoing process for numerous groups. The river’s abundant shad runs helped feed Washington’s Continental Army. American Rivers releases an annual report describing how America’s major rivers are doing. Making up 90% of beer, water is an essential ingredient that makes each craft brew unique to the home and community where it’s made. Fox N Hare will donate 10% of "I Love the Delaware River" sales to Audubon's Brewers for the Delaware River Program. “The Delaware shows how a healthy river can be an engine for thriving communities,” Irvin said. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; width:100%;} The Delaware River stretches between Pennsylvania and New Jersey, spanning a 400-mile trek from New York’s Catskills to Delaware Bay. It drains more than 14,000 square miles of land that includes portions of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland. /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. Your email address will not be published. American Rivers gave the Delaware this honor to recognize its momentous progress for water quality, river … Creative local water managing, emphasizing the importance of natural infrastructure. Bob Irvin, American Rivers’ CEO, stated that the Delaware River is a model showing how a river could be a catalyst for growing communities and local economies. These problems could cause intense storms due to climate change, and saltwater interference in drinking water. We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. Enter Your Email Address to Download Your Copy. On Christmas night in 1776, during the American Revolution, George Washington and more than 2,000 soldiers crossed the river from Pennsylvania to New Jersey, surprising British troops at Trenton. Get a 10% discount on take out cases if you say, “I Love the Delaware River” when ordering on Wednesday, October 28th. Legal Notices Privacy Policy Contact National Audubon, Making up 90% of beer, water is an essential ingredient that makes each. Find your next career in sustainability with local employers! From cool springs, forests and wetlands in its headwaters, the Delaware River flows through farmland and towns, including Port Jervis and New Hope. Maintaining the Watershed as a clean, reliable water source is necessary for continued economic success and growth of the craft beer industry in this region. Good news is a little hard to find these days, but here’s a success story that’s worth celebrating: The Delaware River is the River of the Year for 2020. The Lenape people have called the river home for thousands of years.