Designed for both Tablets and Phones Key Features: * 3 Game modes: Fischer Cadence (Blitz games are possible ! Cookies help us deliver our services. Click the "I Agree" button below to accept our terms and cookie use. It looks like you're using an older version of our app. One moment, we're setting up your game... You are now disconnected, other players won't see you online and can't challenge you. If a player has lost all his pieces he loses. Enjoy the most powerful INTERNATIONAL DRAUGHTS game (10x10) ever made for mobile phones. Checkersland Online is a free program for playing more than 30 kinds of checkers. You are using a very old browser, that is no longer supported by this site. You can always reconnect by pressing the "Multiplayer" button. 🙁, Sorry, you were disconnected from the game for too long, we had jump over it diagonally, thereby capturing it. On this website we use cookies and other related technologies to make the games work (keeping scores, statistics etc), to save your preferences, and Click here to turn the theme off. Or send the link below to them, if they click it they'll join automatically: We are required to notify you about this and get your consent to store cookies in your browser. 🙁, Sorry, we couldn't find your game table on our servers! Don't like the Halloween theme? Happy Star Wars Day! Each player starts with 12 pieces, placed on the dark Traditional Spanish Checkers with official rules. Enjoy! All the games from the website, in fullscreen mode, with more characters! Players can never jump over their own piece. The game of draughts is played on a 64 square checkerboard with eight rows of alternating dark and light colored squares. you can (and must!) Virus Free However, if an opponent piece is on the square diagonally in front of you and the square behind it is empty then Click a table to join a multiplayer game. Jumping over opponents is required. ), Seconds By move and Trainings * 10 Difficulty levels * Opening … It is very simple, but a lot of fun! This is also to remind ALL PLAYERS of the Standard Rules of the Game, so that we ALL will be guided by the same RULES AND REGULATIONS. left just moving around never being able to capture each other. Would you like to get the app? The game is By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies, By purchasing this item, you are transacting with Google Payments and agreeing to the Google Payments. and there are multiple variations of it all around the world. If you land on a square where you can capture another opponent piece you must jump If both the players can't move anywhere, the game will end in a tie, or draw. You cannot move onto a square that is It is required to jump over pieces whenever you can. The game will come to an end once a player can no longer make a move. Well, I finally learnt it, made it and here it is. This is to avoid situation with two pieces Pieces can only move diagonally on the dark squares, the light squares of the board are never used. Don't like Star Wars? When a player makes their way all the way across the board to the other player™s side, their piece will be turned into a King. Draughts is the game that develops logical thinking and has clear rules. Online Checkers game basics. 🤓 Giving up in . Try playing. Checkers is one of those games, much like Backgammon, that I've always wanted to make, but needed to learn it properly first. The exact same board state has come up three times without any men captured in between. But you can change your name if you want! Enjoy the most powerful INTERNATIONAL DRAUGHTS game (10x10) ever made for mobile phones. However, if you have two possible moves, where one jumps over one opponent and the other jumps over two or more Checkers is known as Draughts in England and there are multiple variations of it all around the world. If a piece reaches the end row of the board, on the opponent's side, it becomes a King. Many of us have very positive associations with childhood when playing draughts or checkers we spent time with our family and friends - parents, grandparents or siblings. You can, Hi! INTRODUCING NIGERIAN DRAUGHTS GAME - RULES MANUALS (FREE E-BOOKS) We have put together the International Draughts Rules NIGERIAN VERSION (10 X 10 Board) for the benefit of NEW PLAYERS. our advertising partners (Google and others) use cookies to personalize the ads you are shown while playing, based on data they have about you from other sites you've visited. This website uses cookies to store your preferences, and for advertising purposes. The rules of draughts are quite straightforward. Draughts, which is international draughts on a 10x10 board, defeat your opponent by capturing his piece and try to promote your piece to a King. please read our full privacy and cookie policy. Give that code to whoever you want to play with, they can use it to join. without cookies enabled 🙁. To help you play with friends and family during the Covid pandemic we've made a few more games multiplayer! Hi. Play draughts in a clean interface. The most challenging and beautiful International Draughts Game ever made. This online version of Checkers was made by me. If an opponent™s piece is in the next square, the player can jump over it and capture it, removing the piece from the board. The game ends in a draw. Download Checkers Draughts Game. opponents you are not required to take the jump with the most opponents captured, you are just required to take any jump move. Kings can move diagonally forwards and They can only do this if the next square is empty. However, kings cannot jump over pieces which are the same color as them. Hi. The objective of the game is to capture all the opponent's pieces by jumping over them. How to play Checkers and Draughts To start a game: Press the play icon on the startup screen. You have challenged to a game. The object of the game is to make it so the opponent can't move when it comes to their turn. Any comments, questions, ideas for other games or anything else can be sent to One turn can capture many pieces. This game is currently not ready for playing, it's in beta testing right now, we'll announce when it's ready. The Multiplayer mode doesn't work You can opt out of seeing personalized ads below, if you do so you will still see ads but they may be less relevant for you. It is very simple, but a lot of fun! You can always go back online by The game is played by two opponents who faces each other on opposite sides of the checkers gameboard. Checkers is a classic board game, dating back to around 3000 BC. and tell us all about it. Waiting for their response... accepted your challenge! There are two players and each begins the game with 12 draughts, each player having their own colour. Play draughts in tournaments, with friends, or with random opponents. Download Google Chrome, Click a table to join a multiplayer game.Leave table. Gorgeous graphics in High Definition, tons of features, a fierce opponent, along with an unique and smooth interface. Your connection to the game server is having some problem, but we are trying Draughts is a classic board game that has been around for centuries and continues to enjoy wide popularity. We recommend that you upgrade to one of the following browsers: Download Mozilla Firefox Checkers is known as Draughts in England Happy Halloween! played on an 8x8 chequered board, essentially a chess board. Sorry, we couldn't connect you back to your game. The game of draughts is played on a 64 square checkerboard with eight rows of alternating dark and light colored squares. May the 4th be with you! A king can jump as many times as it is able to with regards to the necessary squares being unoccupied. Once a piece is made into a king, it will be able to move forward and backward, giving it more chances to capture the opponents pieces. occupied by another piece. We are required to notify you about this and get your consent to store cookies in your browser. clicking on the Multiplayer button. One moment, we're setting up your game... You accepted 's challenge! automatically: What do you want to say to your opponent? The game ends in a draw. Want to create a table for just you and your friends? I hope you enjoy it! diagonally forward one square. to reconnect you to the game. Free online draughts server. 🙁. No registration, no ads, no plugins required. There have been 100 moves (50 for each player) with no piece captured. Please update to the latest version to continue playing our multiplayer games 😎. Draughts. However, if you jump over a piece to become a King you can not jump backwards Classic strategy board game on your PC. Please enter a name to display to other players, You've been disconnected due to inactivity. If you've been given a beta-testing code by please enter it below and click the Enter button. Sorry to interrupt you. Played on a checkered board of alternating light and dark squares, draughts is a tactical game between two players that sees each try to conquer the other's pieces to win the game. Read more in our Privacy Policy or manage your privacy settings. squares of the board closest to them. Checkers is a classic board game, dating back to around 3000 BC. The players then begin playing, making one move at a time. We've created a new app for your tabletphone!