By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Here is where they develop the necessary skills, training and musculature to perform the advanced level movements of the higher levels. It does not endorse any particular rider, horse, breed or farm. Star Stable Dressage "SSD" is a dressage organization organized by April Purplenight to help every Star Stable player advance their dressage skills. Instead of lengthening, we should see a Medium (trot or canter), which extends the legs within the gait and maintains a higher level of collection and organization. The FEI revision schedule differs from USEF and USDF. Here’s an example of an Introductory test: You’re expected to perform medium walk, working trot, and working canter in both directions, with changes of direction happening through both the walk and the trot. Within each National level, there are three tests. 9 two-time Tempi Changes will be performed in addition to 15 One-Time Tempi Changes. On the Privacy tab, move the slider up to Block all cookies (source). Long-time horse lover, first-time horse owner. Call us on +2365 54 7788 Generally speaking, you want your horse to be able to perform all the required movements with an appropriate degree of accuracy before moving up a level. Transitions between collected, medium and extended gaits should be well defined and performed with engagement. A greater degree of straightness, bending, suppleness, throughness, balance, and self-carriage is required than at First Level.”. At the canter, half-pass and the single flying change are the big additions. Concepts Required: Rhythm, Relaxation, Connection, These tests are incredibly similar to the Grand Prix tests; however, they are structured differently for the purpose of scoring in particular arenas. Make sure to do your homework before attempting this level. The horse will travel bent around the outside leg and move in the direction of the bend, similar to travers and the half pass. themselves are slightly off (mistakes with timing, for example). Click Show advanced settings you’ll inevitably find that you lose a good 20-30% of your performance when you’re in the ring as compared to at home. As horses move through their training in dressage, they perform tests in competition that measure their progress. By now, a dressage horse performing at the Third Level Basically, this means that the horse should be relaxed and their skill sets and move up to new levels. called an art because it takes many years to learn, and many more to master. Please read our disclosure for more info. She runs Serendipity Dressage from her home in Brooksville, Florida. The Piaffe segment will consist of 8 to 10 steps, with a margin of one meter forward permitted. In the "Privacy" section, click the Content settings button Horses will be expected to trot out of the 4-step rein back. The remaining leg travels on the rail. I’ve been active in the horse world and a horse owner since 1994. Nailing It! The turn on the haunches becomes the walk pirouette, and the walk goes from medium to collected. greatness with another. All four legs are on different arena tracks. uses videos for visual reference and educational purposes only. Having said that, you may find that some horses have the right way of going for a higher level, but haven’t yet mastered the movements. For the Intermediate I test, there will be three total half passes beginning right and moving 5 meters from the centerline in either direction. Grand Prix Special is reserved for the top teams at the top level of competition and is performed in arenas such as the Olympics and World Equestrian Games. Tests are ridden in an arena that is either 20 meters X 40 meters or 20 meters X 60 meters and has letters that mark certain points of the arena. Concepts Required: Rhythm, Relaxation, Connection. This is why top-level dressage horses often Proceed working trot 2. Halts can be done through the walk, as can the depart from the halt. Whether you’re thinking about introducing your horse to dressage, or you just want more information on the sport, the United States Dressage Federation and the FEI (International Equestrian Federation) have tons of information on their websites where you can find out more about the intricacies of dressage levels. More information: Internet Explorer support, Open Internet Explorer by clicking the Start button. The below tests are effective from December 1, 2018 through November 30, 2022. I love practicing dressage, eventing, stadium jumping, reining, trail riding, and cow work with my AQHA gelding in beautiful Montana, USA. Both horse and rider should have a good mastery of the skills at their current level before moving to the next. See the highest level of Dressage when the FEI Dressage World Cup™ continues in Stuttgart later this month. no walk steps). This movement is performed in serpentine where the lead does not change, creating a point where one half-circle of the serpentine is technically completed on the correct lead. Fourth level dressage horses must be light and elevated on the forehand, and often appear as though they are “floating” during certain exercises. These strides are more difficult to sit. Most people use the test series as a framework within which to train their horses. 2013 Roemer Foundation/USDF Hall of Fame Induction of Charles de Kunffy, John “Jack” Kimball – 2010 Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Get to know SR Dressage Foundation, Inc. and learn about what’s behind her undying love for dressage and the world training and competition bring to life. All trot work may be ridden sitting or rising, unless stated. Are you sick of spending too much money on the things that matter most? P.S. The Training Level is just that – the earliest competitive stage of a dressage horse’s training. Just read any of our 4000+ customer reviews. This blog is run by me, April Lee. Ideally, horses should carry themselves as they move freely throughout Maintaining good transitions and the ability to bend the horse around the inside leg will remain important throughout all levels of dressage. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! extended trot, collected and extended canter, Transitions from collected to medium gaits, 6 and 20m canter circles, half-circles at The first thing you’ll want to consider is of course how you’re performing at your current level. Halts, while proceeding after trot segments of the test, may be performed through the walk. The leg yield is the most elementary of lateral movements. Dressage competition tests act as a check on the progress of the horse as it moves up the levels. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. A serpentine is made up of three twenty-meter half circles. Here’s an example of a Second Level test: This level continues to up the ante for collection, not only requiring medium extensions, but asking for extended trot and canter. Many riders skip Intro altogether and jump straight into Training Level when competing; however, riders will be expected to maintain use of the 20-meter circle and the halt. This results in more uphill movement, as specified above. If you can’t ride the test movements at home though, it’s unlikely to happen at the show. Unlike Intro Level, working canter is present in all three tests at training level. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. A series of intermediate tests mark increasingly advanced international levels. trot, half-pirouette in canter, many flying lead changes. counter-canter, Shoulder-in, travers and renvers, 20 degree First Level. If you’re regularly scoring into the 70-80% bracket, you could consider stepping up to a suitable show. The USDF says that the horse at fourth level must show “clear uphill balance and lightness as a result of improved engagement and collection. It involves bending the horse around your leg and moving sideways in the opposite direction of the bend. This means that both sides of his body are moving evenly together, and that his muscles are developed properly on both sides. They also contain movements that require the rider to lengthen their reins allowing to horse to stretch his neck downward. Riders will be asked to perform a free walk, where the reins are lengthened and the horse is expected to maintain straightness and clear rhythm. The levels of dressage start with the most basic skills ending with highest levels demanding years of training and perfection from both horse and rider. Under the 'Accept Cookies' section click on 'Never' How Do Judges Actually Score Dressage Tests? Concepts Required: Rhythm, Relaxation, Connection, Riders will be expected to switch their horse’s lead in the canter without breaking to a trot. This is when the horse is asked to extend not only the stride, but the whole body within the contact to achieve a more ground covering gait. You better know your stuff and be putting in the work to create suppleness, power, and … The Second Level horse should also begin to show collection. This post may contain affiliate links. again) in walk, trot, and canter, 30-degree half-pass, counter change of hand in For many competitors and horses this is the starting point of their dressage career. We also expect to see the horse have more ability for “sitting,” more power, and yet retain the ability to come back to collected work easily.