Eager to work with the children and be a good role model, Joey does his best to make a good impression, but when class begins, all the kids want is a free comedy session. Although Michelle survives her accident, the head injury leaves her with amnesia. This is the case when Michelle whose third grade class is in need of a substitue begs Joey to fill the. Stephanie is heartbroken when she's stood up. On The Real Housewives of New York City Season 8 Episode 21, a look back at a Berkshires trip have accusations flying between Luann and Bethenny. Frankie Valli has a cameo. Kimmy: Andrea Barber. Danny: Bob Saget. This is a list of episodes for the ABC television sitcom Full House.In total, there were 192 episodes filmed for the show over the course of its eight seasons from 1987 to 1995. Stephanie: Jodie Sweetin. Season 8, Episode 22 All Stood Up. wants to be with her new beau---the guitarist, Viper (David Lipper). : Candace Cameron. Full House - S 8 E 7 - On the Road Again - video dailymotion Joey: Dave Coulier. © 2020 TV GUIDE, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. | © 2020 TV Fanatic Jesse: John Stamos. Episode 4. is planning to forego prom night, which sends Kimmy on a chase to find her best friend a date. Season 8 Episode 30 Boys Don't Want Sister. Download the TV Guide app for iPhone, iPad and Android! Loading... Full House $69.99. After Jesse is dumped by the Rippers, he asks Michelle to walk Comet, who runs away in the process. Remember: Abuse of the TV.com image system may result in you being banned from uploading images or from the entire site – so, play nice and respect the rules! Alienated by his daughter, Danny just might have a shot at redeeming himself when Joey gives him a little heads-up about a potential peace offering at a local toy store. Determined to turn up the heat a little bit, Michelle's efforts to push the romance only end up alienating Teddy. Jesse: John Stamos. Episode 23. Meanwhile, shortly after DJ breaks up with Nelson, she is taken aback when a certain friend tries wiggling her way into his heart. Later that night, the guys show up at the Tanner house to take Stephanie on another ride, and because Danny is not aware of the situation, it's up to DJ to somehow protect her sister. Danny: Bob Saget. Meanwhile, as Michelle gets increasingly frustrated over DJ's ability to beat her in everything, the 8-year-old is forced to get downright devious in order to come out on top. used to stay at years ago, when he was a younger band player, but now that he is a grown man with a wife and kids of his own, will the youthful memories have the same effect?