Kristen Haddox, Penn State University4. And keep practicing your twerk. Guilty Pleasure (n): something, such as a movie, television program, or piece of music, that one enjoys despite feeling that it is not generally held in high regard. One survey found that the state you're from (or the one you live in now) may play a part in determining how much of a coffee snob you actually are. Nailing Proper Form Could Be the Key to Beating Your PR, Experts Reveal 8 Ways to Unwind and Relax When Life Gets Too Stressful, From Fun to Fierce, These Are the Virtual Races to Conquer This Fall, Why Your Ego May Be Getting In The Way Of Your Dating Success, This West Indo-Guyanese Gay Man Is Canadian Drag Royalty at Its Finest, It’s Possible to Drink Pumpkin Spice While Buying Kettlebells, Says Tom Segura, A Black Man's Experience of the American Justice System, Best Sex Positions to Improve Your Sex Life. Yikes. Men like to think they are simple creatures, and the truth is they actually are! Guilty pleasures are those things that we love to do, but would never—ever—tell anyone about. They iron their shirts, dry clean their suits, wear the right cologne and take their time to pick the right shoes. Deep down, despite constant complaints to your girlfriend, when she forces you to watch that sappy chick-flick, you know you liked it. Whether it's a pair of Versace loafers or a slick set of Jordans, men love to accessorize with shoes. "Walking Dead," "Breaking Bad," "Game of Thrones"—yeah I know all you guys love those. Your state may determine how picky you are about your coffee. They are things we do but don't talk about to anyone. University of Delaware. Clare Regelbrugge, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. But, you know if your guy is putting his hands on his controller more than he is on you, this is definitely a problem. Have you noticed their eyes light up during every single car commercial?! They go to these games because it provides them a means of mental escape. A man who loves getting pampered with a massage may seem high-maintenance, but don't be too quick to judge! We can all agree that Kate Upton is mankind's number one guiltiest pleasure. I think every woman that has had a boyfriend knows that men loves their video games. May 12, 2012 . Nov 24, 2015. If you're a first-time voter or voting by mail for the first time, we want to hear your story. And we don't really discuss it as that either. I Did It Again," once in a while, doesn't mean you have to hang your head in shame. Get your day started right — and keep that budget tight. Well, because *spoiler alert* Clare decided to break up with the other men early in order to pursue, not just an exclusive relationship but, an engagement with Dale. Like how to spy on someone else's Snapchat account, for example. You can never come between a guy and their gadgets. Democratic challenger Joe Biden has defeated President Donald Trump and will serve as the country's 46th president. Sometimes the thing about jewelry for men is that it needs to be manly for them. I have my fun with food, cleansing my palate with late-night taco binges followed up by early morning steak and eggs. Dancing is always fun to do whether you are good at it or not. The casual side-step and clap on the dance floor is cool and all, but deep down you're just waiting until your date looks away so you can twerk a little. Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society2. Maybe that's why they also love women! It also needs to be limited for them, like not showing that they went on a jewelry spending spree unless it's for you. If you've noticed, guys have taken over a lot of Food Network shows. Yeah, some guys think of shopping like the bane of their existence, so they avoid malls at all costs. Right, ladies? That is your confession. They can be guys best friend too. But if you look beneath the surface, however, you'll f. Men like to think they are simple creatures, and the truth is they actually are! Now, because the timing of this proposal is a first in the history of "The Bachelor" — even causing Chris Harrison to tell her she "blew up 'The Bachelorette'" — this also means they have not met each other's friends or families. For this reason, talking politics on first dates isn't so taboo anymore — at least for many. 5 - I'm a bit of a coffee snob and I wouldn't have it any other way. Why am I saying this after just four episodes of "The Bachelorette," though? When it comes to coffee, everyone has different criteria for what goes into their "perfect cup." Everyone could use some nostalgia during these tough times. Just be yourself and do you. A boy's hair is full of secrets... Wine has gotten swept away by girls and "wine nights" and weird hanging ornaments with writing on them. Addison Rae has officially stolen our TikTok hearts, and she's making strides in the entertainment world, as well. We can't complain that we don't like it either. Shoes are one thing a guy doesn't have a problem investing in. AskMen Editors. Ah the roaring 20s, am I right? That is why when online shopping came into existence, it was like their prayers were answered. A guy's first set of Nikes made them feel faster than the speed of light and their first set of designer dress shoes convinced them they could take over the world. 11 Getting Their Dance On. Whether it's games on their X-box, Playstation 4, or online games like Angry Birds or World of Warcraft. Shoes, cars and gadgets. For many, talking politics on first dates is becoming less taboo. A nice foot massage can do wonders for the soul. 26 Awful, Gross, Hilarious Guilty Pleasures by Derek We all have guilty pleasures and do things we’re not proud of, but at least we aren’t as weird as some of these people. Some guys just have to have the latest Apple watch, even if they don't actually need it. You would think that the hottest girls in the world prancing around on stage in their underwear would be applauded by every boy in America, however, many keep their love for this show on the DL. They love anything fast, shiny, sleek and beautiful. So guys, just because you enjoy a little "Drunk In Love" or "Oops! They do like the simple things in life. Pregnancy and parenting news, given to you in a way nobody else has. Personally, I've never done this myself, but I have heard rave reviews from many other boys brave enough to share this guilty pleasure of theirs with me. It's okay—no judging here. Talking about cars, looking at cars, driving cars, doing anything to do with cars. There are men out there who love to look good, and when guys are done shuddering at the prospect of looking for parking at the mall, they remember their best friend, the Internet. Because, if we're being honest, is there anything that beats a quality cup of coffee on those mornings when all we wanted to do is roll over and go back to sleep? Top 20 guilty pleasures for men -- Our list of the greatest macho movies out there This guilty pleasure shows someone who takes pride in himself and the luxuries life can offer. Jennifer Kustanovich, SUNY Stony Brook5. And if you're headed to a coffee shop to pick up your caffeinated beverage, you don't want to sleep on the best coffee drinks in America. You could say this really is the most DRAMATIC season yet. Grab some popcorn and read through the top ten guilty pleasures of men and women in the list below. So go grab your dancing shoes because your soulmate might be waiting for you on the dance floor! And honestly, the only thing more entertaining than watching a new episode of "The Bachelor" is following the live tweets fans post while it airs. Cars are like gold for guys. Keep ‘em on the D.L. 2 - I have my preferences, but I won't turn down a cup of coffee. 10 Best Limited Edition Starbucks Spring/Summer Drinks, The 5 Best Celeb Perfumes (And 5 To Avoid), Big Bang Theory: 10 Ridiculously Expensive Things The Cast Has Bought, 10 Most Famous Acting Families You Didn’t Know Were Related. 3 - I'm not too difficult to please, but I do have standards. That's why they love it. I think this is the obvious guilty pleasure a man has. Look at all those guys wearing bling on their necks and in their teeth. Men are sometimes shy to share that they actually love taking their time to look good. Often, these guilty pleasures are embarrassing and utterly weird, so we keep them to ourselves, or pretend we don’t do them. LiveShopper Sassie, the company behind this Coffee Project survey, received input from 1,000 coffee drinkers via their mobile app, PrestoShopper, to ask various questions about their coffee drinking habits and preferences.