Hundreds of delicious recipes, paired with simple sides, that can be on your table in 45 minutes or less. Here are our favorites. It’s the perfect choice if you need a little kick in your day while still satisfying your sweet tooth. PINK DRINK /STRAWBERRY ACAI FRAPPE,WITH COCONUT MILK INSTEAD OF WATER 3. Topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle, this popular drink certainly makes a statement on your taste buds that is nothing short of heavenly. Raspberry mixed with the flavors of your favorite dessert. Ultra caramel Frappuccino (I think this is seasonal?) What Does It Mean When You Dream About Someone Who Is Already Dead? It’s the perfect drink day or night and gives you that warm, cozy feeling on the inside. 430 calories, 65g sugar, For all you straight up coffee fans, Starbucks rotates their dark roast flavors depending on the time of year. The deep, rich flavor will make your taste buds dance with delight. Best. It was the best thing ever! For the ultimate refreshing drink, grab a Starbucks iced tea. That is a very delicious drink! 7. Thank you! You can get it unsweetened for no calories or sugar, or sweetened for 60 calories and 15 grams of sugar. The sweet blend of cinnamon, brown sugar, and butter comes together to create this magnificent drink that’s wonderful cold and hot. Horror! Ristretto shots of espresso and steamed nonfat milk create a creamy, luxe cup. Take it up a notch with secret menu Berry Hibiscus Passion Tea, which is a regular passion tea with water substituted for very berry hibiscus! Best part? Get regular nitro cold brew for no additional calories or sugar, or add Cold Foam Cascara for just 60 calories and 12 grams of sugar more. Thank you! (We even have a few extra special secret menu items that will take these top 10 drinks to a whole new level you never even thought possible!! Starbucks is renowned for their sweet and amazing Frappucinos, but if you are in the mood for a thick cold matcha green tea drink without too much sweetness, you definitely should try out the green tea Frappucino. It's got the same great taste, making it heaven in a plastic cup. 430 calories, 53g sugar, Matcha is having a moment and you can certainly jump right on the tasty bandwagon with this frothy delight. Feel free to share your experiences and insights with us in the future, Lola. At least we hope not, right? Even the milk drinkers love this one! Thanks for commenting! Some day though! Light and refreshing, it's a great choice for a warm day, but you'll probably find yourself craving one when it's cold outside too. Starbucks has mastered the good old mug of hot cocoa. You can also add a splash of whole milk to unsweetened iced coffee for just 30 calories and 2 grams of sugar. Starbucks certainly knows how much yummy foam to put on top. E.g. 15 calories, 0g sugar, If you fancy a warm glass of milk with a delicious coffee flavor, this is the Starbucks drink for you. If you need a pick-me-up first thing in the morning, a shot of espresso or an Americano should be your go-to drink. Thanks for commenting, Lia! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Somewhere around 200 calories for grande Thank you very much for your time, love this article . All Rights Reserved. 70 calories, 16g sugar, Here's a drink that satisfies a craving for a hot beverage and a piece of candy at the same time. This Starbucks Matcha drink is blended with … Thank you for sharing your thoughts. The baristas do it really well pretty much every time. Kick it up a notch with secret menu Raspberry Cheesecake Latte, including flan syrup, cinnamon dolce syrup, raspberry syrup, and caramel whipped cream! I don’t even know if they make it any more, but it was my favorite before I cut sugar out of my diet. That is a delicious drink–thanks for commenting! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Sweet and … . 130 calories, 32g sugar, Ordered as is, this drink is one of the vegan drinks that will satisfy a drink craving without wrecking your diet. Drink. 190 calories, 28g sugar, It's a mouthful, but it's worth ordering this tasty drink. Green tea Frappuccino 4. That is an excellent drink–this article was written a while ago, so we haven’t had a chance to update it with their newest drinks yet. Can’t take the straight-up espresso taste? 220 calories, 17g sugar, Never heard of this one? The coffee and cream pair well with the white chocolate for a drink you will crave all the time. This one is my favourite and you should add it. Please share more of your experiences and insights in the future. Iced Teavana tea mixed with mango syrup and lemonade makes for the perfect combination. These 22 healthy drink picks at Starbucks taste great, too. Bottoms up! Medium length hairstyles are the ideal lengths for busy ladies... Blogs are a great way to share your memories. 120 calories, 16g sugar, No list would be complete without one of Starbuck's soy drinks. Starbucks serves everything from plain, hot coffee, to blended mocha drinks to lemonade and beyond. 400 calories, 43g sugar, If you love chai and don't want anything fancy, this is the one for you. We often talk about what we shouldn't order at Starbucks (lookin’ at you, Unicorn Frappucino), but what about the healthier options on the menu? The Mango Black Tea Lemonade is one of the most popular drinks on the menu. Thanks for commenting, Anonymous101! Strawberry Lemonade Tea This delightful drink is one of the best Starbucks drinks because it's beautiful to look at and is absolutely refreshing at the same time. Have a great day, Maddie! Pink drink. If you go for the straight stuff, this is one to try next time you're at Starbucks. Have a great day, Jasmine! I just wish that it did not have so many calories. I loved the limited Frappula Frappuccino. Ask for a Grande Chai Brewed Tea, a splash of 2% milk, and a few shakes of vanilla powder. COTTON CANDY CREME FRAPPE/VB WITH 4 PUMPS OF RASPBERRY SYRUP 5. You can totally customize the flavor and the number of espresso shots, so you're in the driver's seat with this one. Yes, you can have a latte for 100 calories—simply swap out whole milk for nonfat and keep it to a tall. Have a great day, Ally! Please share more of your positive comments in the future. Iced passion tango tea 3. Oh, and did we mention there’s a shot of espresso in this beauty? I like vanilla lattes–although peppermint lattes are my personal favorite. This classic, delicious drink is rich and tasty with the perfect blend of vanilla syrup, milk, and espresso. Have a great day, Caitlyn! Thanks for commenting! If you're looking for the best Starbucks drinks, you have a multitude of choices. But if you’re new to the game or just want to switch up the routine a bit, why not try one of these delicious top 10 Starbucks drinks? 190 calories, 18g sugar, Nothing fancy here. It has the kick you need, and the taste you crave. Both are super low in cals and have no sugar. This drink tastes decadent, but a tall has just 60 calories and 13 grams of sugar. There is NO official secret Starbucks menu. Teavana Shaken Iced Passion Tango Tea Lemonade. Please share more of your thoughts and feelings in the future. Please let us know about your insights and experiences. Undoubtedly the most popular frappucino drink from Starbucks. The tropical flavors are enhanced with the refreshing splash of lemonade, making this tea a number one option. The tall has just 100 calories and 13 grams of sugar. What do yoy recommend for first timers in starbucks ? Dolce is my absolute favorite! Required fields are marked *. The best part? I love the Chile mocha it is the best and i think that you should add it it tastes so good. Girl SAME I really want to try the Unicorn drink I heard from a close friend it’s really good. It’s as sweet as can be! 1. Awesome–I am happy to hear that you enjoyed the article. 240 calories, 43g sugar, And now for a word about The Secret Starbucks Menu. Delicious! Presenting to you the White Chocolate Mocha, the absolute perfect drink if you’re seeking something comforting and utterly delicious. While definitely more popular during the colder months of the year, this is definitely one of the top drinks from Starbucks that any cinnamon lover would enjoy. Thank you for sharing your insights and experiences. (We even have a few extra special secret menu items that will take these top 10 drinks to a whole new level you never even thought possible!!) How to Release and Prevent Resentment in Your Relationships, 14 Signs Your Guy Means It When He Says “I Love You”, How to Make Starbucks Matcha Green Tea Latte. Everyone seems to order this delightful item, and for good reason too. It is too bad that they are so terribly delicious! This delightful little treat takes us back to summer days, schools were closed and we spent all day running around the park and drinking up delicious strawberry milkshakes. Then you’ve probably seen your fair share of Starbucks coffee shops. What is your absolute favorite Starbucks drink that you can’t live without? 2. On a hot summer day, this drink will cool you down and put a smile on your face. Determine what you want and take appropriate action. A tall has just 40 calories and 5 grams of sugar. If you can't get enough Matcha, Starbucks has just introduced 3 new flavors. Love lattes? If you're looking for something new to try or (gasp) have never tried anything from Starbucks before, this list of best Starbucks drinks should give you plenty of options. A Chai Latte from Starbucks overloads on sugar, but this quick (and cost effective!) Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Sign up for our new weekly newsletter, ThePrep, for inspiration and support for all your meal plan struggles. Of course we’re talking about the absolutely decadent flavors of the Iced Hazelnut Macchiato. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. If you're a budget savvy girl, consider making your own copycat Starbucks recipes at home. It’s insanely creamy and smooth, making it the perfect afternoon treat on hot summer days. 410 calories, 61g sugar, Want something that's more like dessert than a drink? Straight cold brew is the same, nutritionally, as black coffee, and has no calories or sugar. Oh how can I forget Chai frappe not on the menu but the great folks of Starbucks will mix up anything you ask❤️ Thanks for the article, enjoyed! Disclaimer on 26th-31st of October there will be a Zombie frap for Halloween!So exciting! Dinner Tonight: Quick and Healthy Menus in 45 Minutes (or Less), Teavana Shaken Peach Citrus White Tea Infusion, Teavana Shaken Pineapple Black Tea Infusion. Coffee by itself is actually pretty healthy, and there are plenty of easy nutrition hacks you can make to cut out calories, fat, and sugar from your drink.