Note that you may need to hold the jar using oven mitts or a tightly wrapped kitchen towel to protect your hands from the heat. I can’t wait to explore the city – and Brooklyn too (I’m dying to go to the flea market!!!) Thanks! This one is 6 simple ingredients and you still get all the amazing health benefits of green tea! To create this article, volunteer authors worked to edit and improve it over time. I’d maybe try two bags and adjust from there. ABOUT. Affiliate links were used in this blog post. Pour boiling water over tea bag in a mug; let steep 4 to 6 minutes. Jasmine Green Tea Latte 1 c boiling water 1 tea bag of choice (I love Jasmine Green Tea—great as a loose tea—but even more convenient in a tea bag from Trader Joe’s or Stash) 1 c non dairy milk (I like soy, and am excited to have found Organic Valley carrageenan free soy milk) agave or maple syrup to taste, optional I know describing something as “earthy” kind of makes you think of worms, dirty, and all things nasty. Hi, Lisa! Thanks for sharing your recipe at 5-Ingredient Mondays. But don’t worry – it seriously couldn’t be any easier. I heated up the water first, stirred in the matcha to dissolve then, added the soy milk and sugar. Where can you buy the matcha that you recommended? And heated again to warm up the soy. This is going to replace my morning coffee and quite possibly get me off diet mountain dew (I know it is awful but I’m addicted to it’s all day long pick me up ability). To learn how to make an iced green tea latte, scroll down! Then, pour ¼ cup of the water into the mug and whisk it with the powder to form a paste. While my insane tea consumption is mostly due to the fact that I’m always cold, I also love it for its smooth, earthy taste! Add comma separated list of ingredients to exclude from recipe. Do it, Christina! Green Tea Latte. Consider garnishing the latte with an additional sprinkle of matcha or a drizzle of honey. Using a whisk will take longer than using a frother, though. Now I’m craving one with breakfast , I don’t like green tea much but I think this recipe can work for me and will love it too. Very good! Now I’ve got to try making my next matcha latte using the French press! Dip the frother just beneath the surface of the milk to concentrate the process at the surface and produce more foam. To make a hot green tea latte, start by sifting some green tea powder into a mug. It should begin bubbling, but should. This sounds wonderful soothing and a great way to fight the cold, -10 is cold!! You can technically skip this step altogether, but doing so will result in a latte that lacks an initial layer of froth. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. I hope you enjoy making this soothing latte – it's an awesome alternative if you don't have matcha on hand and still gives you that antioxidant and energizing boost! ★☆ I used all soymilk (vanilla flavor) sprinkled the matcha into the milk and blended it in a blender then added a squirt of honey and some ice cubes and blended it until it was all frothy. I created SQ as a way to provide solutions for women just like me, who were struggling to find helpful information about how to live a healthy and fulfilled life. Try more milk…maybe your french press is bigger! Yes! Happy St. Patrick’s Day! If you were unable to produce a satisfactory amount of foam while mixing the drink, consider garnishing your iced latte with a small amount of whipped cream.