In a recent report for the New Statesman, though, journalist Harry Lambert claimed that with that narrative, Mr Sunak risks inflicting the same economic pain that followed the austerity imposed by former Chancellor George Osborne. You can watch it here, on Global Player, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter or send in your questions for Iain and the pannel here. This website uses cookies to help us give you the best experience when you visit our website. You are using an outdated browser. Cross Question with Iain Dale is live from LBC's new Westminster studio at 8pm and you can watch it here. The former Labour leader, standing in for Keir Starmer, attacked Boris Johnson's cavalier approach to law, order and the EU. Harry will write long reads for the magazine, following his recent cover pieces on ‘The great university con’ and ‘Dominic Cummings: the Machiavel in Downing Street’. Words: Charlotte McEleny Image: Harry Lambert This is a blog about things and stuff that I like and care about. Harry has also written for The Independent, Wired and New Republic, and can be found tweeting @harrytlambert. [5] In 2015, Lambert was the first journalist to interview Yanis Varoufakis after he resigned as Greek finance minister. Harry Lambert is a British journalist. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Harry Lambert. I am a twentysomething journalist writing about the online media industry at new media age magazine. 275.5k Followers, 1,761 Following, 1,970 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Harry Lambert (@harry_lambert) Harry Lambert is a British journalist. The agenda-setting debate programme with Iain Dale returns and he is joined by panellists: Cross Question with Iain Dale will be broadcast from 8pm-9pm every Wednesday. [1], In August 2019, he argued in a New Statesman cover story that the value of British university degrees was "collapsing" and "creating a lost generation" of students. Harry will write long reads for the magazine, following his recent cover pieces on ‘The great university con’ and ‘Dominic Cummings: the Machiavel in Downing Street’. PERSONAL GIFT. How white men still dominate British political life, Why the UK’s surging national debt does not mean austerity must follow. In addition to this blog, you can also… By continuing to use this website, you consent to our use of these cookies. [7], In March 2020, he wrote a cover story for the New Statesman on the relative power of advisers in Boris Johnson's government. 7am - 10am, 4 November 2020, 16:22 | Updated: 4 November 2020, 21:03. Despite reaching a record level of £2trn, Britain’s debt has rarely placed so light a burden on the state. Dominic Cummings dresses down (even more) in Downing Street on the day of the Saturday sitting of the Commons (today). [9], Lambert has also written for The Independent, for whom he covered the Charlie Hebdo terror attacks in 2015. Harry Lambert. Use the LBC app to listen to Live radio for LBC & LBC News, Former Republican strategist explains why voters should, LBC's US correspondent explains why election was called, 'The people at the top did this': Sir Cliff Richard opens, Sir Cliff Richard: 'It takes more faith to be atheist, 'You've just told a lie' - Iain Dale challenges a, Labour MP says party 'failed' on anti-Semitism and needs, David Miliband: Neither Trump nor Biden will do a, Theresa May Refuses To Say If She'd Vote For Brexit In, Iain Forgets Camera Is On During Frustrating Labour, How Iain Dale Convinced Jeremy Corbyn To Run For Labour, Boris Johnson to provide free school meals over winter, Remembrance Sunday: Nation to fall silent in scaled-back, US Election 2020: What happens if Donald Trump refuses to, The Queen wears face mask as she visits grave of The, Donald Trump's chief of staff Mark Meadows diagnosed with, Britain bans visitors from Denmark due to mutant covid, Manchester Uni starts halls fences inquiry amid 'pressure, Joe Biden has ability to unify the USA, insists father of. 275.5k Followers, 1,761 Following, 1,970 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Harry Lambert (@harry_lambert) He is special correspondent at the New Statesman. But in my spare time I am a lot less serious. This summer, a department at the University of Sheffield sent an email to students. He is special correspondent at the New Statesman. Data columnist @harrytlambert. Harry Styles on His Most Treasured Possessions, The Big Question: 'How will gaming change in the next ten years? ", "Who Is The Real Dominic Cummings? This byline is mine, but I want my name removed. He previously ran the website for the New Statesman. [6], In September 2019 he was described as "a new star in political journalism" by Iain Dale, the broadcaster. You can watch it here, on Global Player, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter or send in your questions for Iain and the pannel here. This photograph originates from a press photo archive. Democrats might hold off a Trump nominee for Ginsburg's Supreme Court seat until the election – but will struggle thereafter. A group of them had compl…, On a crisp morning in February 2013, Michael Gove and Dominic Cummings walked into David Cameron's private of…, On Sunday 26 June 2016, at 11.18am, Dominic Cummings sent an email to Michael Gove and Boris Johnson. - Journalist Harry Lambert. He previously ran the website for the New Statesman. This byline is for a different person with the same name. By Harry Lambert — The controller can change from directional pad to light gun, or even a light saber ANTVR Brendan IribeCEO, Oculus Rift "Virtual reality and 'presence' will continue to transform gaming and entertainment. Create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile and upload a portfolio of your best work. By harry lambert — Political power and influence is still largely the preserve of white men according to two new analyses by the New Statesman, one examining institutional power in government and the other assessing political influence online. [11] He has written for Wired, the New Republic and GQ. [8] In response, David Allen Green, the lawyer and writer, described Lambert as "combining fine political reporting with a grasp of the policy and structural issues that inform the ongoing struggles for power". This Journalist Tells James O'Brien",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 25 October 2020, at 09:07. Please, Chris Stone joins New Statesman Media Group, New Statesman Media Group hires Katharine Swindells as data reporter, The New Statesman launches data-driven sites. The Big Question: What is the future of online journalism? While Boris Johnson and Dominic Cummings lost control of coronavirus in March, a handful of officials saved Britain from a far worse economic fate. Why you should be confident that Joe Biden is going to win the US election. This byline is for a different person with the same name. Harry Lambert. White men continue to hold disproportionate political power both institutionally and online, according to a New Statesman analysis. Harry Lambert is a data columnist for the Independent and previously edited Find the best way to get in touch with Harry by joining Muck Rack. [12], "The great university con: how the British degree lost its value", "The Russell Prize 2019: A celebration of the year's greatest prose", "Welcome to our new elections site,", "Exclusive: Yanis Varoufakis opens up about his five month battle to save Greece", "Who's in charge inside No 10: the maverick advisers running Britain", "Charlie Hebdo: How did it affect ordinary Parisians whose city was under siege? Who … Introducing Trends: visualize news in real-time and discover top authors or outlets. The nationwide restriction sums up all that is wrong about the government's current approach. [3], Lambert graduated from the University of York with a first-class degree in economics and politics. Now his hypocrisy is exposed. Harry Lambert of Adsense. Create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile and upload a portfolio of your best work. Why you should be confident that Joe Biden is going to win the US election, How white men still dominate British political life, Why the UK’s surging national debt does not mean austerity must follow, The government's 10pm curfew is unhelpful, unscientific – and misses the point, The end of the affair: how Tory MPs are falling out of love with Boris Johnson, How Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death could imperil American liberalism for a generation, Ed Miliband returns as Labour leader – for a night, To transform the US, the Democrats need to win the Senate, How liberalism paves the way for populism, Even if Joe Biden wins, the Democrats’ weaknesses have been mercilessly exposed, Donald Trump has already lost Rupert Murdoch's support, JBS Haldane: the man who knew almost everything, As China rises, the age of US global economic dominance is ending. The New Statesman has appointed Harry Lambert as a special correspondent. Product ID: 3004511 / SCAN-IND-03004511. This byline is mine, but I want my name removed. Taking control of the upper chamber from the Republicans would give Joe Biden crucial legislative and patronage powers. '. Posts about Harry Lambert written by Ian Millard. He is now a visiting lecturer at University College London, where he teaches feature writing. Andrew Castle Update, 19 October 2019. Boris Johnson’s chief strategist reached No 10 by pitting the people against the political elite and scorning the media. Harry Lambert is special correspondent of the New Statesman and writes long-reads for the magazine. Cross Question with Iain Dale will be broadcast from 8pm-9pm every Wednesday. Find the best way to get in touch with harry by joining Muck Rack. Many different types of poll agree: Donald Trump is no more popular than he was in 2016, while Biden is far more popular than Hillary Clinton. [10] In 2020 he wrote for BBC Sport on the death of Kobe Bryant. Faced with a government that appears both authoritarian and weak, many Conservative backbenchers are wondering what they ever saw in Johnson. Introducing Trends: visualize news in real-time and discover top authors or outlets.