Aliens dringen ons sterrenstelsel binnen, dus je moet zo snel mogelijk volledig worden getraind. Helldivers sur PlayStation 4 : retrouvez toutes les informations, les tests, les vidéos et actualités du jeu sur tous ses supports. This is game that knows exactly what it is, and executes that vision to flawless perfection. Richtlijn radio- en telecommunicatie-eindapparatuur - nalevingsovereenkomst. It also supports cross save and cross play between the PS4, PS3, and PS Vita versions. Sluit je aan bij de HELLDIVERS-elite, de laatste verdedigingslinie van de mensheid tegen een genadeloos buitenaards ras, in deze shooter met vogelperspectief met een scherp gevoel voor humor.Ga het slagveld op met geavanceerde wapens. Ai libertatea sa platesti in rate, beneficiezi de promotiile zilei, deschiderea coletului la livrare, easybox, retur gratuit in 30 de zile si Instant Money Back. Bestudeer je vijanden en leer te overleven op het slagveld met dit handboek voor iedere rekruut. So I was playing KILLING FLOOR 2 [sorry, wrong name] (my other co-op favorite on Steam last night). The rest of game is fine, but not my cup of tea. PlayStation Plus vereist voor online gamen, NIEUW | HELLDIVERS: DE SPANNING OPVOEREN-UITBREIDING. Question is do they consider it a worthwhile investment or not? Vier extra Herstel-packs voor HELLDIVERS voor wie nog MEER DEMOCRATIE WIL, Bekijk de fantastische kosteloze contentupdate voor HELLDIVERS. Any ideas for it ( if it ever releases)? Rationally speaking, I don't see Helldivers 2 happening in part because Arrowhead would probably not want two separate pools of players spread across two co-op games. I think Sony owns the IP for Helldivers so if there is going to be another one it is going to have to be greenlit by them. HELLDIVERS is a topdown shooter set in a satirical dystopian future where mankind is ruled by a managed democracy. I think there is a lot of space for a sequel, and would welcome it as a consumer after whatever project they release next, so I do hope. HELLDIVERS HERSTEL-PACK 2. Bestrijd de grootste vijand van de mens op zijn eigen gebied. I'd purchase Helldivers 2 in a heartbeat. Helldivers supports four player co-op. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Since the Sony owns IP not the Arrowhead. We know it will be co-op focused, and I am glad it isn't Helldivers with 2 attached at the end of it. I welcome whatever Arrowhead new game will be. For one price, get HELLDIVERS SUPER-EARTH ULTIMATE EDITION on PS4™, PS3™ and PS Vita systems. All rights reserved. Even if they connected both games to the same global campaign, they'd be watering down the number of available players in each Helldivers game.