Hiraeth (Welsh pronunciation: [hɪraɨ̯θ, hiːrai̯θ]) is a Welsh word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret.The feeling of longing for a home that never was. Shram - chill (as in "shrammed as a winnard"), Slawterpooch - a slovenly, ungainly person, Slock - to coax, entice or tempt, as in "slock 'un 'round", Small coal / slack - coal dust; "slack" only in the far south west. swede, potato and meat). The Cornish and Breton equivalents are "hireth"[2] and "hiraezh". Romaji transcription of... hirakegoma (Japanese) If Wiktionary has a definition already, change this tag to {{TWCleanup2}} or else consider a soft redirect to Wiktionary by replacing the text on this page with {{Wi}}. Romaji transcription... hiraku (Japanese) hiraganas Shippen - farm building for livestock. North Cornwall; e.g St Illickswell Gug, Gunnis - an underground excavation left where a lode has been worked out, Gwidgee-gwee - a blister, often caused by a misdirected hammer blow, Henting - raining hard ("ee's henting out there"), Jacker - Cornish man, mainly used by non-Cornish to refer to Cornish, especially used around the dockyards. word for homesickness or nostalgia, an earnest longing or desire, or a sense of regret. October 22, 2020 Us two / We two - As in 'there are just we two'; "Us two" is used only in north east Cornwall and "we two" in the rest of Cornwall. Towser - a piece of material worn by agricultural workers and tied around the waist to protect the front of trousers, often made from a hessian potato sack, Trade - stuff of doubtful value: "that shop, 'e's full of old trade", Tuppence-ha'penny - a bit of a simpleton / not the full shilling, i.e. Old Cornish was used from about 80… Pronunciation of Cornish with 2 audio pronunciations, 8 synonyms, 2 meanings, 5 translations, 5 sentences and more for Cornish. It occurred at 9.13am, 21st October 1966 – the stopped clock image encapsulates that moment in time. "mind and not scat abroad the cloam"); Scrink, skrink - to wrinkle, screw up (e.g. The word is from a Proto-Celtic *sīraxto-, cognate with Old Irish sírecht. Some - very, extremely (as in "'e d' look some wisht", "'tis some hot today"), Spence - larder in house; "crowded = House full, spence full", Stinking - a very bad cold/flu, i.e. hiraethu; Usage Hiraeth is a difficult word to translate precisely. Go to Welsh Blankets Go to Welsh Tapestry Blankets Go to Hand Dyed Yarn, November 03, 2020 This is a select list of Cornish dialect words in English—while some of these terms are obsolete others remain in use.