17 people chose this as the best definition of homophone: Any of two or more letter See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. They represent the set of minimal units required to uniquely specify a word, with the exception of, 11. 12.the mental mechanism of developmental dyslexia was investigated using character decision task and Homophone decision task. Copyright © 2020, Turtlediary.com. Aside from the terms above, it is also common practice when using lingo to substitute single numbers or letters for homophonic words - for example, "How R U?" Learn homophone definition with examples. 22.the intelligent recognition methods of chinese Homophone words in fpy. 17.it is a Homophone for the word 'forever' in chinese - making it popular for weddings - and has associations with the emperor. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. The concept of a homonym is often confused or used interchangably with that of a homophone or homograph. It would be possible, though extremely limiting, to exclude all, 12. © 2020 UseEnglishWords.com. the reason for this stems from a chinese saying, nian nian you yu ( meaning every year there is leftover), which is a Homophone for being blessed every year. What are homonyms, homophones, and homographs? 10.inhibitory processes in the recognition of Homophone meanings in chinese. In which sentence is a homophone used correctly? 9.the fifth chapter describes the Homophone. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Download Now! Homophone meaning generation: A new test of verbal switching for the detection of frontal lobe dysfunction. or "Nice 2 C U 2day." This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. 23.the second kind of word is a "Homophone"-it's created by combining letters and symbols, or numbers, to sound like other words. It costs a great deal of money to do that. , The word “buy” has more than one homophone since there are many words that sound like “buy” but are spelled differently. Using this generator you can get homophones of any word you type in. Examples of homophone in a sentence The English teacher that the word “tea” is a homophone of “tee” and although you might drink the first, you wouldn’t sip on the other. The words 'so' and 'sew' are. heir. The word “buy” has more than one homophone since there are many words that sound like “buy” but are spelled differently. Score .9008 25.it is an introductory to the rhyme, the pronunciation and Homophone in ziyang town. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. 37. ), The English teacher that the word “tea” is a homophone of “tee” and although you might drink the first, you wouldn’t sip on the other. 6. homophone dictionary into one simple Check Button. 7.results showed that Homophone effects were significant when priming from english to chinese, but not from chinese to english. How to use homophone in a sentence. ( the phrase 'wearing a watch' in chinese sounds similar to the word 'representative,' a Homophone rich with meaning considering the penchant among china's leaders for doing the work of representing the masses while sporting expensive time pieces.). 19.this should be on three groups of multi-category words but to Homophone words for the analysis and correction. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], If such effects were included the number of, The rhetorical device-pun intentionally uses, They represent the set of minimal units required to uniquely specify a word with the exception of, It would be possible though extremely limiting to exclude all, Cognate in common use is considered phonetic loan characters which include substitute of, Phonology played an role early in Chinese reading and, There are close relations among Chinese language taboosentencedictcom admiration and, In the process of studying English it is likely to confuse homograph homonym and, A great number of culture - loaded words concerning color symbol appellation religion and, Simplified Chinese to Pin-Yin Conversion Library – This class library enables developers to retrieve the polyphone homophone Pinyin and stroke count properties of Simplified Chinese characters, Use sample sentences with blank spaces to help students learn how identify the correct, Use in psychological research Pseudo-homophones . 11.awen in chinese, we do have "pun". To play this worksheet, click on the link below: https://www.turtlediary.com/worksheet/sentences-with-homophones.html, To know more about different worksheets, please visit www.turtlediary.com. More Homonyms and Homophones Games . The heir to the throne went flying in a hot air balloon. 28.the so-called Homophone problem actually stems from the fact that the english language has very irregular spelling, perhaps more so than any other language. Examples of homophone in a sentence The English teacher that the word “tea” is a homophone of “tee” and although you might drink the first, you wouldn’t sip on the other. Homophone examples: Rode — Road; Sauce — Source 18 sentence examples: 1. all of these are called idiom renovation. 32.simplified chinese to pin-yin conversion library â this class library enables developers to retrieve the polyphone, Homophone, pinyin and stroke count properties of simplified chinese characters. For example, groan/grone and crane/crain are pseudo-, On this page you will find the solution to, Interesting note: This can be yet another, Homonyms are two or more words that have the same sound or spelling but differ in meaning.Homophones—which means "same sounds" in Latin—are two or more words, such as knew and new or meat and meet, that are pronounced the same but differ in meaning, origin, and often spelling. 30.with this cognitive characteristic, some chinese advertisements intend to depart the fixed forms of idioms, such as using Homophone replacements, adding other words and so on. Homophone Generator. , The homophone chart lists words are pronounced the same but spelled differently like “two” and “to”. The numb Choose the correct homophone to fill in the gap in each sentence. 13.on Homophone and ancient pronunciation interchangeable uses and borrowed uses, 14.some chinese separable verbs and their application in the recognition of Homophone words for chinese keyboard input. 5.in repeated condition, a word in the first sentence was homophonic to a word in the third sentence such that a Homophone was presented twice. All Rights Reserved, Materials for Teaching the Mechanics of Writing to ESL Learners, YourDictionary Presents: Easy, Fun, Free Grammar Tools for All Ages. The homophone pair stayed and staid fits the sentence, "She stayed away from the wild party because she's a staid person." By context, I mean the situation, setting, and type of outlet (, job application, magazine, etc.). If such effects were included, the number of, 7. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. How to use homophone … See All . A great number of culture - loaded words concerning color, symbol, appellation, religion and. Login as parent/teacher to add in assignment. 1 17 Downloads Grade 2 Using the Correct Homophone to Complete a Sentence Part 2. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 20.no matter it is a Homophone (phonogram) or a polysemous word, the point of the speaker is not the "similarity" but the equivocality . Examples of Homophone in a sentence The English teacher that the word “tea” is a homophone of “tee” and although you might drink the first, you wouldn’t sip on the other. We walked by the school. "dao" , inversion and arrival, is Homophone in mandarin chinese. 3.Homophone effects in the recognition of chinese character: the evidence of phonology influencing the graphic processing of chinese character, 4.the fuzzy query technology of chinese Homophone in mis. For example, it would be very odd to use the word "plain" in the following example: a) I have to catch my plain. The words 'so' and 'sew' are homophones. 35.the Homophone effect in the recognition of chinese character was investigated in 2 lexical-decision experiments. The homophone for suede is swayed.Here is an example sentence:The tree branches swayed in the wind. 15.fish is the last course of the meal, but it is intentionally not finished. • Unlimited access to over thousands of worksheets and activities for all grade levels. Here you have some examples of sentences with homophone words: Brake/break Use the brake to stop the car. Please help us keep the website Free and continue the work. That is to say, it includes homophones and homophonic phrases. “sea” and “see”. we use "Homophone" with different characters to show two meanings in one sentence and achieve the rhetoric effect. , Given for homework, the homophone worksheet asks students to list words that sound a like but have different meanings or spellings. 29.the approach to the culture of Homophone and taboo. • Award-winning educational games and videos. 1. It is an introductory to the rhyme , the pronunciation and. Wikipedia: 1. 38.in mandarin, the word cai or vegetable is a Homophone for fortune, and the dance is believed to bring businesses good fortune. 18.the shining points of this system are the development of the searching function of chinese characters and the fast way to search in both Homophone and the character with the same initial which promotes the searching efficiency. , The writer made a mistake when he used the word “break” instead of its homophone “brake”.