Search Products And Discover New Innovations In Your Industry!! Guopeng Liu . Also use it to monitor rooms that are off when they are scheduled to be on and vice versa. Determine the minimum amount of airflow that is satisfactory and reset the constant volume device accordingly. Which is the better building material? As the damper opens one deck it closes the other, and vice versa. The hot deck-cold deck. The table lines up significant AHU parameters (OAT, outside air damper, return air damper, fan speed, setpoints, etc.) Conversion is performed by blanking off the hot deck, removing or disconnecting mixing dampers, and adding low-pressure VAV terminals and pressure bypass. trailer Although some of these procedures may not be applicable in your facility, the majority of items listed will be helpful points of reference as you develop and implement your own SOP programs. Install recorder pressure gauges and thermometers to enable continual monitoring of the system. xref This application note is relevant when using an AHU to control a multi-zone air handler. The following logic can be written for each thermostat: If the temperature is above 75 degrees, the setpoint is below 75 degrees, and the cold deck damper is above 95% open, then calculate an adjustment factor for the AHU to maintain 75 degrees. 0000003611 00000 n This article presents guidelines for each of the following types of duct systems: SOP programs can be developed virtually overnight, but their implementation is continuous. To save reheat energy, the heating coil would be removed and RA used to reheat the mixed air stream. Priority #2: Manage the University of Nebraska . For the static pressure setpoint, I use about 0.3 for the unoccupied setting and 1.4 for the maximum setting. ICEBO2006, Shenzhen, China HVAC Technologies for Energy Efficiency, Vol. Our 20th year anniversary is May 21, 2020. The hot deck setpoint and the cold deck setpoint operate, respectively, the water valves to the hot deck coil and the cold deck coil. so I can quickly spot changes in any of the parameters. The chilled beam/radiant heat with dedicated outside air system (DOAS) and associated mechanical infrastructure also met the goal of physically integrating 21st century systems within a facility that was not intended to house them—and still retain as much of the original building architecture as possible. For more optimization suggestions, see my earlier article, “Drive Your HVAC System to High Performance” in BUILDINGS, August 2012. If your ductwork is tight and you need more cooling, it’s cheaper to increase fan speed than to decrease the supply temperature.