American gratitude for the Canadians' actions was displayed widely and by numerous American television figures and ordinary citizens alike, who particularly recognized Taylor for gratitude. “Something about the glory of Islam would be nice, too.”. Written by Chris Terrio, Argo is based on a Wired article by Joshuah Bearman and Antonio Mendez’s memoir, The Master of Disguise. 7. But his exposure of the operation resulted in the US having to end their plans to house the six Americans secretly while the hostage drama continued. In the real incident, Lee Schatz had gone ahead of the group. In the movie, Mendez is inspired to create the sci-fi movie cover story by seeing Planet of the Apes on the television. Washington's immediate reaction is guarded. It becomes a race against time to board the plane, which takes off as guards chase them down the runway. [7] The team also prepared fake business cards, held a film party at a nightclub in Los Angeles, and took out early advertisements for the film in Variety and The Hollywood Reporter industry magazines. President Carter says the terms "appear to offer a positive basis" for negotiations. But they give it up hours later. The hostages aren't released. Meanwhile, at the embassy, the hostage takers finally identify the missing diplomats, and make a dash for the airport. “It's that struggle between... the bookkeeper's reality and... the poet's reality, and you make judgments as a director, ” he said. The Canadians closed their embassy the same day. It’s an insult to freelancers across the arts, Lockdown II: 10 films to get you through the sequel nobody wanted. [16] A children's illustrated book about the event was written by 2013 Eric Hoffer Award-winner Laura Scandiffio and Stephen MacEachern, entitled Escapes! Day 83, Jan. 25 - Presidential election day in Iran. But it's framed to suggest that the Canadian's sponged the credit from the CIA's heroics. Former President Jimmy Carter acknowledged this in an interview in 2013, while also praising the film. Day 435, Jan. 11 - Iran drops its demand that the United States deposit $24 billion in Algerian banks. U.S. officials express hope the election will change the tone of the hostage crisis. Pelletier had uncovered some of the facts concerning the escaped diplomats before January 28, 1980, but he did not publish the story. The American diplomats spent one night in a British diplomatic compound before it became obvious that the militants were searching for the diplomats and had confronted the British embassy. In the film, it’s just a matter of time before the missing six diplomats are identified because – rather ridiculously – the embassy keeps A4 photos of personnel, like readymade wanted posters. “But the Agency had done its homework and knew the Iranian border authorities habitually made no attempt to reconcile documents.”. One of the Canadian embassy officers spotted the mistake while checking the documents. But this supposedly true story about a fake movie does what all fake movies about supposedly true stories do: it fakes it. And I thought, 'Whoa. Turn on desktop notifications for breaking stories about interest? Day 225, June 15 - Khomeini orders a purge of non-Muslims from Iran's state-run radio and television. Mendez flew to Tehran with an associate known as "Julio" to assist with the rescue. Day 2, Nov. 5 - Other followers of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the Iranian leader, seize the British Embassy in Tehran, claiming Britain is America's "evil" ally. Day 203, May 24 - The International Court of Justice calls for release of the hostages and says Iran should compensate the United States for the seizure. He knew the safety of those involved had to be preserved, although there was great news value to the paper and writer. He did believe the crisis would be over quickly, but the framing of the quote suggested the Iranian government supported the occupation and he was the lone voice against it.