After narrowly defeating the Frost Giants, the seemingly uninjured Rahne fainted due to unknown causes. At the end of the chase, Rahne fell unconscious and reverted to her naked human form at the feet of Dr. MacTaggert, who saved her from the mob. The Demon invited Wolfsbane to transfer all her sins to her child, and then the Sin-Eater would kill baby, which would restore the walls. Rahne initially developed a secret crush on Cannonball. [40], Later Cyclops introduced Wolfsbane to Wolverine's new X-Force with Warpath and X-23. [68], She rejoined the X-Men when Cyclops sent the call out. "I was thirteen, I thought it was a dream…. Zu der Zeit wusste sie jedoch nicht, dass Craig tatsächlich ihr Vater ist. Rahne Sinclair is a young mutant with the ability to shape shift into a wolf. Faintly she called out for Elixir. This made Rictor realized that the baby was not his. [42] Now reunited with his former lover, Hrimhari explained to Rahne the fall of Asgard, the murder of his pack, and his own rebirth on Midgard. However, Hela found the child first. That fits her character. The X-Men mourned her loss greatly. Although in this form she is capable of communicating telepathically with Danielle Moonstar, she does not often work with her former New Mutants teammate. [15], In the Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, the New Mutants were tutored, by Professor X, and trained in the use of their powers, in the Danger Room. Maisie Williams. Terry replied that they were both busy; but the truth was Layla didn't go because she gets car sick easily, and Monet didn't want to be around Rahne in the state that she was in. [7] Rahne was forcibly transformed into a Mutate by having her head shaved, a number tattooed onto her forehead and was also brainwashed. She was going to take him with her, but before they could leave she was attacked by gods and demons. [29] She chose to remain in Genosha to work with Havok in an attempt to restore civilization to the island nation. Ihr leibliche Vater, Reverend Craig, nahm sie bei sich auf. Rictor convinced her that it was not her fault that he was gay and she had more important things to worry about. ―Rahne Sinclair Als Mutantin kann sie sich in einen Wolf verwandeln. I just lost control." [21], After hearing of an animal creature that was being mistreated after capture, the New Mutants abducted Bird Brain. She was later found in a traumatized state surrounded by blood, with no sign of her father. In her wolf form she has claws, fur, and fangs. [19], Rahne decided to visit her foster mother on Muir Island and was attacked by the autistic, psychotic Legion. Rahne then told John that she was going to search for her son. The relationship between Rahne and Hrimhari was passionate, but short lived. She can also retain full memory of herself, and therefore has her human consciousness while in her wolf and transitional forms. She told him that she didn't intend to deceive him about his paternity. Tom Wagner (fiancée) Auf einmal verwandelte sie sich in einen Wolf und die Bürger der schottischen Kleinstadt gerieten in Panik. She isolated herself from her teammates right after a mission, and for long periods of time. They arrived in Vermont to meet up with Madrox's dupe Reverend John Maddox. "[52] To save Wolfsbane's life Elixir had to strengthen her body (to undefined limits) to endure the Asgardian embryo growing inside her. [70], Following the foundation of a mutant state in Krakoa by the hand of Charles Xavier and his allies, Wolfsbane resurfaced as a citizen of the nation, having been reborn by the hand of The Five, a group of mutants capable of combining their powers into a process of resurrection, brought together by Xavier as part of his plans for mutant ascension.[71]. [32], Rahne was permanently cured of her Genoshan brainwashing by Haven. Other effects of her worl and/or transitional forms include: In human form Wolfsbane possesses the normal human strength of a girl of her age, height, and build who engages in intensive regular exercise. In her wolf form she has claws, fur, and fangs. She is often seen in her wolf form and is only seen once in her hybrid form to scare away some poachers. Rahne Sinclair Version {{{Version}}} Spezies: Mutant Geburtsort: Ullapool, Ross and Cromarty, Schottland Geschlecht: Weiblich Größe: 1,57 Meter (Menschlich) 3,65 Meter (Wolfsbane Form) Comics Erster Auftritt: Marvel Graphic Novel #4 (1982, November) Gruppierungen: X-Men, X-Force, X-Factor, Excalibur, New Mutants: Erfinder: Chris Claremont, Bob McLeod The scared child attacked them. [39], When the first mutant since M-Day was born, Rahne was activated as part of Cyclops' tracking team, X-Force. Her dreams that she would murder Multiple Man and Layla Miller on their wedding day drove her mad to the point that she even considered committing suicide to prevent the visions from becoming a reality. Wolfsbane's lupine and transitional forms are of greater mass than her human form. While she may retain her human consciousness, she is more prone to wild behavior. While Russell was fighting with Cerberus, Rahne ran away. Lorna then got stern with her and let her know that she was disrupting the team, and was depressing her. The New Mutants struggled to accept the former arch-villain.