. I see horses like that in the "tiovivo ecologico", a human powered ecological carrousel, a lot of times, and the kids enjoy them a lot, my son is a great fan of these horses. Use chalk to draw outline of pattern onto tire. Saved by Dave's Garden. on Introduction. Step #6: Attach rope, chain, or cable to eye bolts. Feel free to move this grid to the main set of drawings. Tire Swing. I'm sorry, my son pushed the flag buttons while I wasn't paying attention! 5 years ago No legs are drawn. However, it would be more helpful if you posted step-by-step pictures to clarify your instructions. Unless you are already experienced with complicated DIY projects, this horse tire … Lawn And Garden. Reply This is also very important for a DIY horse tire swing. This is a great idea for your old tires . Remove tire and draw horse pattern between the two lines (pattern should be in 5 sections: head, neck, body, haunches, and tail. on Introduction, 6 years ago Step #3: Wrap cut-out pattern around tire and tape in place. Saved from davesgarden.com. Step #5: Bolt together all sections of the horse tire swing using nuts and washers. Outdoor Furniture. Use pencil to draw a circle of the inside and outside circumference of the tire. Big help ? Check rope occasionally for wear. Use industrial shears to separate tire between nose and tail of horse pattern. Hang on mounting surface, keeping two rope lengths separated to avoid entanglement with child. Share it with us! It will also require a strong support for the weight of the child and the swing. Remove tire and draw horse pattern between the two lines (pattern should be in 5 sections: head, neck, body, haunches, and tail. Attach eye bolts using nuts and washers (bolt end will be on underside of tire). Made a pattern transfer grid for the drawing for my own purposes: thought others might appreciate it as well. Did you make this project? Reply Although most tend to have the tire hanging vertically, there is a lot to be said … You can see it here: http://www.eltiovivoecologic.com/, Electrification & Restoration of a 1970's Raleigh Shopper. Nose of the horse should meet the end of the tail). http://davesgarden.com/files/Pony_Tire_Swing/ Check out this site. Use pencil to draw a circle of the inside and outside circumference of the tire. May 15, 2014 - Horse Tire Swing- actual step by step instructions! How to make a horse tire swing: Step #1: Lay tire on poster board. Explore. No legs are drawn. Pinpoint where support holes will be (preferably where neck and tail meet the body) as well as joining holes where sides of tire will be bolted together (preferably 2 for head, 2 for neck, 2 or 3 for body, 2 for haunches, 2 for tail).Step #2: Use scissors to cut out pattern for the DIY horse tire swing to you make your own horse tire swing. takes some time and strong hands as always have fun and re use what u can These are instructions for making a horse tire swing.