The en dash is sort of a long hyphen, joining one word to another word or phrase to imply a range that includes everything between them: Sometimes, an en dash is used to connect a prefix to an open compound term (non-hyphenated) in lieu of a hyphen. Should I capitalize "Internet" and hyphenate "e-mail"? A minus symbol or a horizontal line is a symbol used as an indication for a decrease, remove, move up, or zoom out on software programs and hardware devices. OPTION 1: Em dash shortcut. And while your editor might recommend removing some of them (especially if you happen to use one in every paragraph — no judging here), ultimately, whether you keep those em dashes or replace them with commas or parentheses is your choice to make. List of The Best Self-Publishing Companies. Below is a computer keyboard with the hyphen keys highlighted in blue. It is not the apostro… Do you know the difference between an em dash, an en dash, and a hyphen? With Google Docs, you can either copy and paste either one from the Windows Character Map, press the em dash on the iOS keyboard (if you’re using a Mac), or use Google Doc’s Special Characters Window: Scrivener has autocorrect options, too – like Word and Google Docs – and can be set up to replace double dashes with em dashes. What is the other symbol on the hyphen key? As you have already replaced the keyboard than for sure it is a software issue. Almost all versions of Windows in … The hyphen is easy enough to fin, since it’s right there near the top of your keyboard after the number zero. To create a hyphen using a U.S. keyboard, press the hyphen key. Hyphenate two or more words that act as a new word or has a new meaning when connected. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Tip. If the issue persists I suggest create a new user account and check the functionality. For example, to get the á character, you’d press Ctrl+’ (apostrophe), release those keys, and then quickly press the A key. It can also be used to show an interruption in dialogue. It's on the same key as the underscore ( _ ), to the right of the zero key. Then select the desired letter to accent. Use these shortcuts, instead: You’ll need to use the hyphen/minus sign on a numerical keypad, because the hyphen key on the alphanumeric keyboard won’t work for this shortcut. On U.S. keyboards, the hyphen key is shared with the underscore key, which may be shown next to or above the hyphen symbol. Keyboard Shortcut for Soft Hyphen in Windows Shortcut Key : Alt+0173 Simple keyboard shortcut to make soft hyphen in windows is "0173" Press the "alt" key and hold it down while typing "0173" on the Windows keyboard. When you need more of a separation between words and phrases, though, you’ll need either an en dash or an em dash, depending on the context. Hyphenate words that act together to modify the following word. So, my first option will show you how to insert this sign in Word using a keyboard shortcut. In Windows, search for and open Control Panel. It’s hard to go back to commas. keyboard adds hyphens in front of some letters (i.e., -e-i-r-o-p) 08-10-2017 06:44 PM. I have always owned HPs and I was already looking into changing to Dell. And when you’re in the middle of writing your latest masterpiece, do you know how to type an em dash when it’s just the thing to make a phrase stand out more? Hyphens are used in some compound words to make the word easier to read and help clarify words used together. Below are some of the most common rules of hyphenation. This is one reason why a good editor is such a tremendous asset. It can even be used in lieu of bullets for a non-numbered list or to substitute for an author name that’s already on a previous listing in a bibliography. I must say that technical solutions can only be provided. When you need more of a separation between words and phrases, though, you’ll need either an en dash or an em dash, depending on the context. If you’re using a PC with a numerical keypad, you can type in either an em dash or an en dash using the following Alt-codes: Unfortunately, most PC laptops won’t allow you to use numerical Alt-codes, even with an external (USB) keyboard equipped with a numerical keypad. Thanks a lot! By using this site, you accept the. The em dash is a long dash that sets off related words or phrases that aren’t as intimately related to the rest of the sentence but that the writer wants to emphasize — like I’m doing here. For example, "know-how" has a different meaning than "know" and "how.". Next to your primary language, click Options. Learn How to Improve Writing Skills And It Will Change Your Life, 15 Tips to Help You Write Better And Attract More Readers, 10 Simples Steps To Writing A Book (We’ve Sold One Million Copies Using These Steps). I followed your instructions step by step WORKED!!!! For example, "eighty-two" and "twenty-two" are both compound numbers that need a hyphen. I just replacd the keyboard but the problem still exists so -t wasn't the keyboard. Another option for an em dash shortcut is to type in a double hyphen, followed by a space. If the usual keystroke shortcuts don’t work on your laptop, though, it can’t hurt to try attaching an external full keyboard or numeric keypad. Click to Grab the FREE Checklist: "46 Simple Steps To Write & Publish Your Book”, May–September (including all the months between them), The en dash or em dash keyboard shortcuts. So, read on to become a master of the three dashes and how they’re made. They’re practically invisible. If the wrong characters appear when you are typing, or you are trying to use a different keyboard, use the following steps to synchronize Windows to the type of keyboard you are using: Click here to troubleshoot other keyboards related issues. It happens to the best of us. Switch keyboard layouts by searching for and opening Settings. Em dash shortcut 1 (Windows): Ctrl+Alt+Minus (on the numeric keypad) With computers, the hyphen is commonly used in programming and mathematics to subtract one number from another. Now that you know how to type a dash, maybe you’re slightly worried that you’ll become an em dash fiend. Em Dash vs. En Dash See our en dash and em dash pages for further information on creating these longer hyphens. That said, sometimes we mix and match and hope for the best. And when your book is ready to share with your readers, check out other posts on Authority.Pub for the next steps in marketing, setting up ads, getting reviews, etc. Glad to know that the suggested steps worked. Then click the box with the em dash symbol to add it to your document wherever your cursor is resting. Under Language, click Change input methods. This is the simple page to learn how to type / make soft hyphen on your windows keyboard. Word’s Autocorrect will then replace the double hyphen with an em dash, unless you go into the Autocorrect settings and disable this particular option. Always use a hyphenation when splitting a word at the end of a line. You made me stay with HP. To create a hyphen using a U.S. keyboard, press the hyphen key. See the when should I hyphenate words section for further information. Release the keys. For example, if you used the below search, the search engine would return results containing "free," "computer," and "help" but would not return any results containing "expensive.". [2] X Research source Hold the Control key down, then tap the accent key near the top left corner of your keypad. Em dash (—): Shift-+ Alt/Option +-hyphen or Command + M, Book Cover Ideas: The Ultimate Guide To Bestselling Book Covers, Metaphor, Simile, And Analogy: Everything You Need to Know, How To Outline A Nonfiction Book: A Step-By-Step Guide, How To Become A Publisher (The Ultimate Guide), First Line Generator: 101 Sentences To Get You Started Writing. The hyphen is easier to use on the numeric keypad with math formulas. A dash that is longer than a hyphen is referred to as an en dash or em dash. The new keyboard layout is added to the Input method list in Language options. Your character map also has the Unicode character codes, which you can use in the following way: You actually do need to type out the number first — using either the alphanumeric keyboard or a numerical keypad — and then, holding down the Alt key, type an “x.” It’s weird, but it works. It doesn’t help that, while hyphens get a prime spot on the PC keyboard, the en dash and em dash are nowhere in sight. keyboard adds hyphens in front of some letters (i.e., -e-i-r... keyboard adds hyphens in front of some letters (i.e., -e-i-r-o-p), Simply ask a new question if you would like to start the discussion again. I just replacd the keyboard but the problem still exists so -t wasn't the keyboard. How to Type Spanish Letters and Accents (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡) 67.5K There are several ways to configure your keyboard to type in the Spanish accented letters and upside-down punctuation (á, é, í, ó, ú, ü, ñ, ¿, ¡) and which one you use depends on the frequency with which you need these letters. Can You Start A Sentence with And or Other Conjunctions? I love shortcuts for the time it saves. In many word processors, an optional hyphen or hyphenation is automatically inserted when a word is cut off by the end of a line. But if you know the difference between the hyphen, the en dash, and the em dash, you’re doing your all-star editor a big favor. Computer keyboard keys, symbols, and explanations. A hyphen can also be used to create an en dash and em dash in many word processors by doing two or three hyphens next to each other. Click here to know how to manage user account. In Microsoft Word, as long as you have a numerical keypad, you don’t need anything this complicated, as you’ll see below. Alternatively known as a dash, subtract, negative, or minus sign, the hyphen ( - ) is a punctuation mark on the underscore key next to the "0" key on US keyboards. For example, "full-scale" modifies "test" in "full-scale test." Unfortunately, these codes don’t work in Google Docs or Scrivener. In Microsoft Word, you don’t need the numerical codes. It's on the same key as the underscore ( _ ), to the right of the zero key. So, unless you’re working in Microsoft Word, the best way to get special characters like em dashes and en dashes is to use one of the following options: With the first (and slowest) option, you’ll look for the symbols on your computer’s character map, then select and copy it to your clipboard and paste it into your document. And parentheses are not the same as dashes. In the Control Panel search box, type keyboard layout. What are all the symbols used by computers? To create either one of these, you have the following options. The hyphen is easy enough to fin, since it’s right there near the top of your keyboard after the number zero. But it was you who implemented the steps to perfection. Keep in mind many rules only apply in certain circumstances and that this list of rules is far from complete. When formatting marks are enabled, these hyphens are represented with the conditional hyphen mark. The hyphen is easier to use on the numeric keypad with math formulas. Em dashes make it even easier to write the way we speak — whether you’re writing a blog post, some dialogue for your story, or a nonfiction book. The following sections contain examples of how a hyphen is used. Press Control + `, then the letter to add a grave accent. Below are two easy ways you can type the em dash in word using a keyboard shortcut. The accent key is usually on the same key as the ~. As I understand that the keyboard is not functioning properly. But until someone does something life-changing and puts one there, we do have ways of getting the dash we need.