Creating a superhero can be a fun way to build a story and a character to write about. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Copyright 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Education, How to Do Plot Development in a Quest Story, Explanation of the "Riverbank Blues" Poem, Don't be afraid to stray from this outline - be creative and make it original. d. Explain the superhero’s super powers by STEM science. Learn how to make the perfect character and how to make the story beleivable. When planning your plot, try to follow the stages of the Hero’s Journey. Give him the same amount of detail as you give your hero, because everyone loves a good villain. Rosella is the girl least likely to soar, and yet when she learns to sing something incredible takes flight. A superhero usually has something tragic happen in his life to make him want to fight crime or help the innocent, or even simply declare war on a villain. Or, you can take the easy way out and explain it scientifically - an experiment gone wrong, a developmental drug, or a side effect of a cure. If they were writing science fiction, then the solution was to come up with some technobabble that somehow allowed the heroes of the story to wave their hands and make the problem go away. I forgot to answer the question…. How do the villain and the hero interact? We are rural based and all resources are gratefully received. f. Create FUN names for your characters. CREATING A HERO If you have read many comic books, particularly Marvel, you know that the majority of superheroes gain their powers in a way that also defines the power itself. What are the rules of the superhero sub-genre? Prelude to Axanar Reviewed – You’re Doing It Right! To create an original superhero with new superhero powers, appealing to children. This technique of "power manipulation" makes for very exciting battle sequences that never become monotonous. make him slowly come to realize that he needs to change, or that he's not doing what he wants. Super heroes and super villains co-exist in a supernatural world, a familiar world, but much darker than ours. If you wan to write your own epic story, the Hero’s Journey is a great place to start. Content provided on Alphabet Soup is for the purposes of information. B: Song Bird is inspired by my real childhood events. Make sure your hero saves someone/ something in the very first scene to create empathy from the reader. Get in touch with a big community of readers. Conclusion. Nicky from NSW, Thanks Nicky, Not just a copy, Nicky–a signed “Limited Edition” copy of Song Bird Superhero! Love the concept of Song Bird Superhero. b. But not so complex that we can’t quickly grasp what your character can do. Make them as powerful as the superhero, adding to the conflict and tension. A: Readers of my Super Space Kid series (Jo-Kin Battles the It AND Jo-Kin vs Lord Terra) requested I write a superhero action adventure for girls. Good luck! To submit your questions or ideas, or to simply learn more, see our about us page: link below. Also, if you decide to make this villain your hero's arch nemesis, make him have powers that somehow cancel out that of the hero. Good luck .. Karen . ie Rosella Ava Bird AKA Song Bird, Ms Bamboozle the school principal, Frank Furter the villain and Perry Poopa, his evil side-kick. Rosella Ava Bird is a bullied girl who dreams of flying. Create an appealing superhero. In Song Bird Superhero it was from the accidental bite of a crimson Rosella. Connect to the growing family of people using educational stories. REAL LIFE If your hero has a dual identity, make sure that he has all the difficulties of normal day-to-day life. Her side-kick, Amy Hillcrest, a super smart girl with cerebral palsy revels as a positive role model for diversity and disability, crushing stereotypes. ANTAGONISTS The Villain in the story is just as important as the hero, and should have all the same characteristics: a cause for his power (if he has one), the motivation to do whatever he is doing be it greed power, or simply because he enjoys it. Make his decisions the way a person makes decisions - remember you want it to be as real as possible. A big shout out to the artsy photographers whose work helped me create my banner. Comment below to win a signed “Limited Edition” copy of Song Bird Superhero. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It would still be a good job because a superhero needs to stay in a respectable home and have gadgets. Includes STEM science, creative writing, flying history, art, craft, maths, literacy, drama, social skills and bully prevention. I’d love to see you win this resource for your library. Make sure your hero has some motivation to do whatever he is doing. Just because they're a team doesn't mean they're friends - they don't even have to like each other very much. This will ensure that your plot progresses towards the resolution of a conflict and that the protagonist experiences a change. Go see how it’s done. ( Log Out / That means giving them a full range of emotions and an interior life, people they care about, obstacles and goals. What are challenges did you face writing Song Bird superhero? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Thanks Karen!