The Conservative government under David Cameron, and now Theresa May, seem to be taking this ethos several stages further with their Dickensian ‘back to the future’ policy not experienced since the Poor Law of the 19th century and before. Katie dreams of returning to college and getting a degree, but in the meantime she goes door-to-door seeking house cleaning work and forgoing dinner so her kids can eat. She's also on Twitter @christylemire and on Facebook at But Loach’s film also features some stirring performances and a strong sense of place in its depiction of working-class Newcastle. The only objective difference between then and the present is there is currently no workhouse in existence. Despite criticisms of the individualistic, consumerist assumptions underpinning these policies, little is known about the relational contexts of individuals’ lives and the role of professional support in choice-making. • Distributed by eOne Films (UK) and Le Pacte (France) • Released: 13th May 2016 3. It’s a pretty black-and-white situation without a whole lot of room for shading. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. © Copyright Get Revising 2020 all rights reserved. Wilde argues that there is a need to explore different ways to synthesise Critical/Disability Studies with Film Studies approaches, and that a better understanding of genre conventions is necessary if we are to understand the conditions of possibility for new representational forms and challenges to ableism. The Poor Law was first established in Elizabethan times as the means of providing relief from local funds for those unable to provide for themselves. Her welfare claim rejected, Katie goes with great shame to a food bank to feed her kids in the film’s most quietly powerful scene. as Dylan refusing to communicate when he rst meets Daniel. Loach said that what he tried to do in the film “was to say what things are like, because it not only breaks your heart, but it should make you angry… He continued, “In the places where…[the governments ‘work capability’ assessments] take place, some people who work there have been given instructions on how to deal with potential suicides, so they know this is going on… It is deeply shocking that this is happening at the heart of our world… the heart of it is a shocking, shocking policy.”, “The people who are disabled, have suffered six times more from the cuts than anyone else, and there was a remarkable phrase by one of the civil servants we heard who talked about the cuts, who said “low-lying fruit”, in other words the easy targets. 1. Who hasn’t felt the same frustration, whether it’s with the bank, a utility company or our own health insurance provider? Loach’s denunciation of the Tory governments approach to welfare, is predicated on its unnecessary commitment to a supply-side economic strategy centered on ideology rather than pragmatism. social behaviour also feature in this lm, the backlash to the lm lends weight to its po, If the principles put forward in Richard Sennett’, indignities at the jobcentre in the face of futility, themes such as respect and the challenging of discourses of neoliberal ideologies of, of choice is embodied by the more vicious jobcentre w, creating short-term public furore and an increase in charitable giving before further, come-home-50-years-homelessness-mental-health-problems, brexit-hate-crimes-racism-eu-referendum-vote-attacks-incr, britains-benets-system-t-for-work-safety-net, article-3869182/Why-Lefties-misty-eyed-mo, In the 50 years since Cathy Come Home things have got much worse, The Guardian, Allen, C, 2016, In the 50 years since Cathy Come Home things have got much worse, an era where popular media seems to wage a daily battle to demonise those in need. With his thick, musical accent, Daniel can’t help but respond with humor and incredulity in the face of such cluelessness. and A Most Beautiful Thing Among Nominees at Critics' Choice Documentary Awards. 27 August,, Of course Toby Young understands what life is like on benefits-he knows what 'rings true', The Independent, Sennett, R, 2003, Respect: The formation of character in an age of inequality, London Penguin While he’s there, however, Daniel meets a young woman who’s in an even direr financial situation than he is: Katie (Hayley Squires), a single mother who recently moved to town with her daughter and son because they couldn’t afford to live in London anymore. Analysis is focused upon the place of disabled and non-disabled people in particular films, considering visual, audio, and narrative dimensions of representation and the ways they might shape the expectations of film audiences. What is certain, is that a universal social security system that has at its basis the proposals set out in the Beveridge Report (1942), has been in steady retreat from the mid 1970s with a greater emphasis on means-testing and exclusion. Meanwhile, their mother is gradually going under. This is the first book which explores the specific role of comedic film genres in representations of disability and impairment. Thank you.1 1 I, Daniel Blake (2016), dir. ‘Exceptional’: Dave Johns in I, Daniel Blake. The Independent, 13 October, My Review of Neil Young’s latest album, ‘Colorado’. ‘I, Daniel Blake’: A tale of Dickensian cruelty in Tory Britain. “I, Daniel Blake” is an extremely Ken Loach-y Ken Loach film, for better and for worse. I, Daniel Blake 2. It stars Dave Johns as Daniel Blake, who is denied employment and support allowance despite his doctor finding him unfit to work. And shows how even what he is going through still helps aa struggling single mother, Social Realism films normally have quiet a niche audience, its a unique film so did interest different audiences that werent aware of the social issues, there was no star appeal as the aim was to keep a low budget , this wouldt attract. A succession of laws restricted the hours which children could work, and banned the employment of women in industries that might damage their chances of successful pregnancy. Except for one unusually kindhearted woman, they depict all the employees there as monsters, from security guards to case analysts to managers. in which people experience the UK welfare system. By the 1850s, however, the more far-sighted capitalists began to fear that future reserves of labour power were being exhausted. romanticises Benefits Britain, 28 October, During the press conference at Cannes, Loach related the themes in I, Daniel Blake to a quotation by Bertolt Brecht – ”and I always thought the simplest of words must suffice. • vol 25 • no 2 • 189–92 • © Policy Press 2017 • #JPSJ, is a unique and impassioned lm but has been. The ramblings of a former DWP Civil Servant ... - the films and journalism of John Pilger, « What the Jackie Walker debacle is really all about, Enemies of the people, friends of democracy ». Placing ‘key professionals’ at the centre of the analysis, the distinct experiences of people with fluctuating and sudden-onset health conditions are examined. In this video, I briefly explore how I, Daniel Blake illustrates the structural causes of poverty in the UK. Christy reviewed films for The Associated Press for over 14 years. During the press conference at Cannes, Loach related the themes in I, Daniel Blake to a quotation by Bertolt Brecht – ”and I always thought the simplest of words must suffice. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It is a left wing angled message that explores the inhumane austerity of the current system and the struggles, pain and loss of dignity that causes. Public interest issues, policy, equality, human rights, social science, analysis, the view from the dark side: politics, media, cities & culture, Blogging about music from early 80s indie to Britpop and beyond, FATHER + SAILOR + TECHNOLOGIST + MUSICIAN. But by the late 19th century they understood how diseases could spread from poor to rich neighbourhoods and so pushed for the building of sewage systems, the clearing of overcrowded city centres, the supply of clean water and the provision of gas to light streets and heat homes. Christy Lemire is a co-host of the YouTube film review show "What the Flick?!" The middle classes of the mid-19th century, for example, had been willing to tolerate the poor living in overcrowded squalor and dying of disease or hunger. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Loach’s questioning of the narrative which suggests that the poor are to blame for an economic predicament beyond their control rather than the vagaries of the capitalist system, is a notion that is widely accepted within the hierarchy of government. Yet still Daniel supports – and is supported by – those around him; from Kema Sikazwe’s street-smart China, a neighbour who is forging entrepreneurial links online (the internet may alienate Daniel, but it also unites young workers of the world), to Katie’s kids, Daisy and Dylan – the latter coaxed from habitual isolation (“no one listens to him so why should he listen to them?”) by the hands-on magic of woodwork. Hayley Squires co-stars as Katie, a struggling single mother whom Daniel befriends.. I’m not suggesting a direct comparison between Nazi Germany and the contemporary British state under the Tories currently exists. I am, however, arguing that there are disturbing parallels and similar types of trends that blinded Germans to the potential of Adolf Hitler which can be found within our society today. All rights reserved. ‘I, Daniel Blake’ was made to address current British social issues such as poverty, the welfare system and ‘Work Capacity Assessment’. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Too often we focus on those who are "cheating the system" and not those who are cheated by the system. In the 19th century it became a national system of state support under which those who could prove they were destitute would receive public assistance on the condition that this assistance included a direct incentive to seek alternative self-support. It was provided on a more punitive (‘less eligible’) basis than the conditions of those in the worst paid employment. article-3869182/Why-Lefties-misty-eyed-movie-romanticises-Benefits-Britainsays-TOBY-YOUNG.html, Cathy Come Home (1966) Directed by Ken Loach [Television Play/Film] BBC put thousands in similar positions (White. The commercial and critical success of I, Daniel Blake is a testament to the growing awareness of the repugnant way in which the political establishment in Britain treat many of their citizens. For the most part, Loach depicts her plight in matter-of-fact fashion but with obvious appreciation for this character’s sacrifices. Whether the film will be as influential in affecting positive social change as one of Loach’s earliest films, Cathy Come Home, remains to be seen. ( Log Out /  I, Daniel Blake is a 2016 drama film directed by Ken Loach and written by longtime collaborator Paul Laverty.