I hate dancing, so don't ask me to. How can we make this a negative sentence? (I don't like dancing.) ensure you keep all copyright information and references to It becomes…. Negative sentence examples include statements of things that are false. (To a stray cat.). He doesn't have to commute to work. I don't like him, she added in a tone admitting of no rejoinder and raising her eyebrows. Positive and negative sentences in English grammar are complete opposites. That is, they relay information believed to be true. You can say: Contractions are more common in spoken English. The problem with language learning "levels". How to use don-t in a sentence. Likes and dislikes language presentationWithout looking above, brainstorm words which can go before and after the words below. Wth the key verbs and several actions verbs, you can make affirmative and negative sentences. I don't mind if it's hot. 3 I don´t do karate. )”“Which do you like better … or …?”“I guess that you…”“Me too”/ I do too”/ “So do I”“Me neither”/ “I don’t either”/ “Neither do I”“Really? I have never visited Moscow, nor have I been to St Petersburg. For he, she, it we add DOES at the beginning to make it a question. 4. from students and teaching forum topics. I like eating fruit means that I enjoy eating fruit, when I taste an apple or an orange etc I feel good.. I am not flying to England. 1 You don´t like football. You don’t like injections. Do you like to read books? John loves Mary; however, Mary doesn't love John. The game continues until all of the pictures are crossed out. what do we say? what do you like to do on your computer. We prefer __________________________ing to/ than ________________________ing. teaching and reference resources. UsingEnglish.com is partnering with Gymglish to give you a free one-month trial of this I don't want to go alone. We can respond with short answers. Infographic: How many words do you 'need'? The verbs like and hate express (dis)liking if they are followed by a gerund:. At the end of the game you can ask everyone to tell you the strangest thing they made a sentence about (e.g. you study, learn and teach English including text analysis, language There is no S at the end of the verb in negative sentences. English language resources for English learners and teachers to help The and conjunction is the most common conjunction. You can say: Contractions are very common in spoken English. Example sentences with the word don-t. don-t example sentences. However, in the instances where you can positively say what is rather than what isn't, you're setting yourself up for some nice, clean prose. You put DON’T before the verb. I like to eat fruit means that I think that it is good to eat fruit. She looks like a teacher. 5 She doesn´t go skiing. I'll have a week in Rome, or I'll go to Paris for three days. We saw in sentence structure that a compound sentence is two (or more) independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction or semicolon. I don't mind Slith so much, he's only a little anachronistic reptile, a descendent of happier days in dinosaurial dawndom. We can also join independent clause with words and phrases like moreover, however, at least (conjunctive adverbs). These compound sentence examples come from everyday sayings and proverbs in the English language. The yet conjunction is similar to but. If you're writing a formal document or an academic essay, it's best not to use contractions. Check some of these lessons before you go: Check some of these pronunciation resources before you go: And finally bookmark these posts as they can help you later, Mi nombre es José Manuel Campos Noguera y soy un profesor de Inglés de Costa Rica, Tengo más de 8 años de experiencia impartiendo lecciones y este blog ha sido una de mis principales herramientas en la enseñanza, © 2020 EnglishPost.org • Made with Love in Costa Rica, Vocabulary: Likes and Dislikes in English, #1 Key verbs to Talk about Likes and Dislikes, Examples of Affirmative and Negative Sentences, Yes or No Questions with Likes and Dislikes, Wh-Questions with Likes and Dislikes in English, Likes and Dislikes Questions with answers, Conversation Questions about Likes and Dislikes, How to Describe Physical Appearance in English, How to Greet and Introduce Yourself in English, The Best Apps to Study English Pronunciation, Key verbs to talk about likes and dislikes in English, Actions verbs to talk about things we like or dislike to do. 1 Likes and Dislikes in English. We like __________________________________ing ________________________. (This is not possible with subordinating conjunctions.). He claimed he was working last night; however, nobody saw him at the office. teachers and language experts ready to answer your questions 24 hours a But if you want to talk about things that you don't like for someone else, you say it this way: I don't like him looking at you like that. The cinema was sold out, so we watched a movie on TV. I like getting up early in summer. grammar, spelling and punctuation, through to language teaching, That isn't the way to Nashville. UsingEnglish.com in place. Copyright © 2002 - 2020 UsingEnglish.com Ltd. We were not sad when he moved away. They will not be joining us for dinner tonight. have it installed. Remember that in English we can make affirmative and negative sentences and also questions. It adds impact to your writing because, in these construct, the subject is carrying out the action of the verb. Again, there is no S at the end of the verb in questions. He's crazy! day. Now this is more like it. He's crazy! 5. Activate your free month of lessons (special offer for new These ESL lesson plans and worksheets are in PDF format, which you will need to download Adobe Reader if you don't already These are some examples of Yes or No questions about Likes and Dislikes in English, These are some examples of wh-questions about likes and dislikes in English, These are some likes and dislikes questions with answers, These are 20 conversation questions about likes and dislikes in English. I like/I don't like Complete the sentences knowing you are a child and you like only confectionary, cakes and ice-creams. Negative sentences can also make use of the words "do" or "will" (including "do," "did," and "does") before "not." But for this person, SHE…. It's gone 10pm, and he still hasn't arrived. We like __________________________________________________________ing. Yes, I work at a zoo, and I like snakes. The most popular helping verbs are a form of "to be," including "am," "is," "are," "was" and "were.". Don't look at me that way. Ram cut the grass; Ati trimmed the hedge; Tara watched. For more on that, enjoy Change Passive Voice to Active Voice. I only write non-fiction; I've never tried fiction. John went to the party. More examples of negative sentences with doesn’t like: Remember: NO S at the end of like in negative sentences. Test your knowledge of the English language. How to make affirmative and negative sentences to talk about likes and dislikes. 1.1.1 #1 Key verbs to Talk about Likes and Dislikes; 1.1.2 #2 Action Verbs to Talk about Likes and Dislikes; 1.2 Grammar to Talk about Likes and Dislikes. In any of these constructs, it's possible to substitute "does not" with the contraction "doesn't." Lesson plans & worksheets can be used by teachers without any fee in the classroom; however, please (I enjoy getting up early in summer.) We used to hate _________________________________________ (but now we like it). They are not from Ecuador. I don't want to eat here. We use the but conjunction to introduce a clause that contrasts with the preceding clause, for example: Mary ran fast, but she couldn't catch John. All Rights Reserved. These are the main six verbs to talk about likes and dislikes in English. I don't mind the cowman, but the maiden lady is a large order. They don't have to be accurate or true; they're simply statements from a speaker or writer that are believed to be untrue. We prefer ____________ing _____________ to/ than ____________ing ___________. Twitter Share English exercise "I like/I don't like" created by anonyme with The test builder. →. I don’t like snakes. 1.1 Vocabulary: Likes and Dislikes in English. Of course, it's not only "I don't like" which can be followed by this structure. Resources and materials for ESL teachers including free ESL handouts (This is an affirmative sentence), He likes chocolate. For questions, we simply add DO or DOES at the beginning. I don't like you anymore. But if these verbs are followed by a to-infinitive, they express habitual preference, something that we do not necessarily like or enjoy but consider as useful, right or wise: We didn’t use to like _________________________________________ (but we do now). Usually, we join independent clauses with one of the seven coordinating conjunctions. 4. Never tell yourself that you "know" an English word or phrase. I really need a holiday, but I don't have the money, and I don't have the time. I don't like this jacket. I … it”/ “Really? 6. Occasionally, we join independent clauses with a semicolon (;).