Burned all those bridges… I’ve tried since we moved here to get a job, but no luck. The only person that can help you… is you and you have to want to be helped, to start down that road. Since I started back at work in an office I have been kind of mean to my kids, frustrated with them for expecting me to do and give everything to them – I really get mad at them even for asking for things that when I wasn’t working I was able to give them a lot more. No, I’m not crazy about a long life. I had to really get myself out there and somehow convince people I could do the job. Which is that putting yourself in hassle ” trouble ex. No wonder our muscles ache so much. Didn’t think this was too much to ask for… most days I feel scared of what lays ahead for me. Cuz that’s what it feels like most everyday to the depths of my soul…an infinite loop of blatant insanity…maybe by design. Write a list of things you hate and target one thing at a time until you have changed it into what you want it to be. Now I’m stuck in this relationship with a guy that I do love but I can’t stand at the same time. There is no tenderness in his soul except for animals (weirdly). Let us change. Maybe you can come too Pakistan and study here! I kid you not. I am medically unfit too.I have ashama .I can’t swim. Then I could finally get real, mourn, and FINALLY move on from my depression. If you stay for the kids, don’t make the mistake of thinking it does them any favors. Now I live on someone’s couch with no job, no house, and a degree I can’t stand to finish. It is important for me to stay in that mind set so that I can feel self-nurtured. I feel great resentment that I am responsible for so much, and even provide a good deal for them financially, with all the stress they continually put me through. Most days I just sit in front of the television until it’s bedtime, sleep, get up, go to work at a job I don’t particularly like (it isn’t terrible, I just don’t find joy in it), go home, and do it all over again. theres someone for everyone out there. Maybe you feel like life isn’t worth living. i could be living the life the devil wants me to live. That health crisis took about six years out of the prime of my life, the time when people are supposed to be building their careers and their lives. DFS offered me the business clothes for interviews and also events to help women and I went to all of them that I could go to. So yeah, nothing in life for me. Time will heal every thing. and. I’m a 16 year-old guy who has a serious mountain of problems to climb over. You need to leave your abusers. Hate definition is - intense hostility and aversion usually deriving from fear, anger, or sense of injury. If she thinks the problem lands just on you, then it is time to vacate and let her see how things are without you. It sucks. I’m so lost right now. Also, “Going to therapy is an action that would benefit everyone.” is a lie. We have no kids , tried invetro and got uterine cancer from doing it and had to have a full hysterectomy . “Christ died for our sins. I don’t know what t do. It seems God can’t work in my situation. The Bible says, “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, [Jesus Christ], that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:16). My mum is more understanding. Sorry to hear that ?. Really? I’ve got thick raised body scars and and an extremely pitted face. I hope that you can do something about it. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a couple males interested, but they liked drugs and didn’t like working and I have goals, aspirations, and like a more normal and less drama filled life. I’m having a very similar experience now- I do hope things are getting better for you. I honestly would have rather been raped, murdered, etc as long as it was quick. Easy way out you say? Don’t forget to brush your teeth and use mouthwash before going to bed at night. I hate my life because I have no life. I’m always thinking he is cheating and he is always thinking I’m cheating. NONE OF THIS MODERN HORRORSHOW LIFE is accidental. My folks are good people and we never had problems between us but we are a little disconnected. But we’ve always had an emotionally erratic relationship, and I’ve had enough of trying to avoid a fight, feeling unappreciated and worthless, lied to, manipulated, defending my children, completely alone and unhappy. [Read: 15 signs of a verbally abusive relationship]. I am currently trying to find work, as usual, and it is hard.