Having buried a child and seen his marriage break down, He is afraid of making commitments to women. Panahandeh says that being in Japan gave her the chance to reach out to a totally different culture while discovering similarities with her own. After university she was invited to direct films for Iranian television, with which she won awards at numerous national festivals. 2000: « The Bazaar », Fiction, 16mm, 10 min He is a father, a son, a boss, a lover and the only one who can continue his family line. Choose an adventure below and discover your next favorite movie or TV show. She can’t speak Japanese but she can grasp the ambience of the dialogue and she would often ask us to change one word for something else because she said that it didn’t sound right or didn’t match our facial expressions.”. Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site. Ibrahim’s missing papers turn out to be a MacGuffin that force him, Titi and Amir-Sassan to make tough moral choices and show their true colors. If you're not sure how to activate it, please refer to this site: 'The Nikaidos' Fall': What's in a name? 15k Followers, 304 Following, 148 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from آیدا پناهنده (@idapanahandeh) She obtained a degree in Film Photography in 2002 and a Master's in Film Direction in 2005, both from the Arts University of Tehran, where she began her film career with several short films. A filmmaker should always be ready for everything. She adds that, even more than the language, the cultural differences presented a challenge. EMAIL ME. Ida Panahandeh, who won the first film award in Cannes’ Un Certain Regard section for her 2015 Nahid, directs Titi, another rule-breaking portrait of an out-of-the-box Iranian woman. The Hollywood Reporter is part of MRC Media and Info, a division of MRC. Nahid. This she did with her first feature, ‘Nahid’, which won her worldwide acclaim. “The Nikaidos’ Fall” comes out in select cinemas on Jan. 25. by Railway companies in Japan struggling with dropped earphones, The ins and outs of Japan’s eased re-entry steps for foreign residents, Miyabi Matsuoka takes an enlightened approach to teaching the harp. 2012: « The Lost Honor of Mr. Sadeghi », TV Movie, 90 min His relationships with his mother and daughter are overshadowed by these paradoxical roles he has. “I completely understand Tatsuya,” Panahandeh, says. Shakerdoost uses the innocence in her big eyes to construct a magical character (she has telekinetic powers to move a glass across the table, among other tricks) and holds the audience in thrall while she keeps surprising us with her sensitivity to others. The money is incidental; it will help buy cinder blocks to complete the house she is building for her dashing musician-fiancé Amir-Sassan (Houtan Shakiba). “I was in their country, I wanted to make a film about them and I had to be flexible to understand the whys and hows. Alum: Berlin 2009: Country: Iran: Send a Message to Ida Panahandeh. 'He doesn’t like losing': What's next for President Trump? 2005: « Those Hands », Fiction, DVCAM, 13 min back. Ida Panahandeh was born in Tehran, Iran. Feature Films: Venue: Tokyo International Film Festival REOPENING: 22-23-24/29-30-31 May and from 2 June on the usual opening days and hours May 11, 2015 May 12, 2015 Michael Festivals Cannes 2015, Ida Panahandeh, Nahid The question of relationship in the Islamic Republic, especially as it pertains to marriage, is complicated. The mother, Haru, played by Kazuko Shirakawa, blends manipulative bossiness and endearing vulnerability — she’s not a monster, but she’s apt to put the family name above all other concerns. Ida Panahandeh, Director: Nahid. All her life, she’s been thinking about what it meant to be a woman in a Muslim country. “She wants more out of life than just obeying her father and grandmother but she also yearns for Tatsuya’s love and approval. When the good-looking prof explains black holes to wide-eyed, uneducated Titi, her takeaway is that the end of the world is coming and his work could save humankind. Laughing it up: Masaya Kato and Shizuka Ishibashi play a dysfunctional father and daughter in ‘The Nikaidos’ Fall.’ | YOSHIAKI MIURA. Gio Ponti. The Japanese are very good at teamwork and so responsible about their duties. They’re always struggling against fate and trying to understand the people around them.”. Eine geschiedene Frau will wieder heiraten. “The Nikaidos’ Fall” charts the not-so-gentle tug of war between an aging matriarch determined to see the family name and seed business continue through a male heir, and her middle-aged son who is being pressured into a loveless marriage to achieve that end. 103 minutes. I can feel sympathy toward him, respect him and like him. Ida Panahandeh. “I was sitting at the computer, waiting for Ida to come on and when she did, it was like I was struck by lightning,” she recalls. Later on, when I was a film student, I watched Akira Kurosawa, Kenji Mizoguchi, Yasujiro Ozu and Masaki Kobayashi’s films again and I was absorbed by their power and uniqueness in telling stories. | Panahandeh’s observations of the Japanese family are at once spot-on and a little out of touch. “He wants to be nice to all of his loved ones but it’s not possible. My image of the Japanese family was made from his films.”. Production company: Evar Film Studio 2017: « ISRAFIL », Fiction, Colour, 100 min, Iran After university, she was invited to direct films for Iranian television, with which she won awards at numerous national festivals. Ida Panahandeh was born in Tehran, Iran. Privacy | The film was debut in Nara International Film Festival in September 2018 and released in Japan in January 2019 by LDH Company. “Honestly, I should say not deeply,” Panahandeh tells The Japan Times. Ida Panahandeh was born in Tehran, Iran. He loves them truly but also can’t manage his feelings. She obtained a degree in Film Photography in 2002 and a Master's in Film Direction in 2005, both from the Arts University of Tehran, where she began her film career with several short films. Terms of Use | 2001: « Romulus », Fiction, 16mm, 15 min I could feel her struggle and the sheer strength of her will. 2013: « From The South East », TV Movie, 90 min Sitemap | Screenwriters, producers: Arsalan Amiri, Ida Panahandeh - IMDb Mini Biography By: Nahid – Ida Panahandeh Nahid is the first sensitive and rigorous feature film of the 36 years old Iranian director: Ida Panahandeh. Having as a central theme a woman’s place in modern society she has, throughout her work, focused on women’s rights. Tatsuya has to carry a heavy burden on his shoulders.